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Gundam History

HISTORY of Gundam through 0087:

Jion Daikun was born in space in U.C. 0009. He had two children, Cassoval Rem Daikun, and Artasia Som Daikun.
Daikun favored the philosophy of Eleism, and proposed combining that with a pro-Side agenda.

He soon became leader of the Side-3 colonies, and in 0058, proclaimed Side-3's independence, establishing it as the
Jion Republic. The Earth imposes economic sanctions, and in 0060, begins a military build-up, commissioning a
space armada. Daikun continues to push for the colonies to have "freedom from the whims of Earth," for not only
Side-3, but for all the colonies.

In 0068, Jion Daikun is assassinated, most likely by his advisor, Degin Zabi, who succeeds him. Zabi proclaims Side-3
the Archduchy of Jion, and himself the Archduke. Supporters of Daikun respond by assassinating Zabi's second son
Cicero, and he purges Side-3 of Daikun's supporters.

Cassoval and Artasia are taken away under the care of Jinba Ral. They are taken to Earth, and adopted by the wealthy
Mas family. Artasia Som Daikun is raised as Saila Mas. Here, there are conflicting reports about what happens to
Cassoval Daikun. One report has it that he, too, was adopted by the Mas family, and given the name Edward. Another
says that he stayed with Jinba Ral, who taught him about his father's ideas, his father's enemies, and how to wage
war against them. Regardless, in the year 0074, Cassoval Daikun has infiltrated the Duchy of Jion, and entered the
Jion academy under the alias Char Aznable.

In January of 0079, the Duchy of Jion declares war for independence against the Earth Union. The Jion's British
Operation forces a colony out of orbit, intended to strike at Jaburo, the Earth's military headquarters. The colony lands
at Sydney, Australia, creating a crater 560 kilometers across, the largest man made mark on Earth. The One Year
War begins.

In the week that follows, from 01.03 to 01.10, 0079, is the One Week War. Indiscriminate use of nuclear and
biochemical weapons results in the elimination of one forth of the total human population. A cease-fire is declared, and
leaders from both sides meet in Antarctica and within days hammer out a treaty banning nuclear, biological or
chemical weapons. This is known as the ABC Treaty. There is no talk of a peace settlement.

The One Year War marked the advent of the mobilesuit as the conventional weapon of war. Based on the human
form, it had a multitude of uses, and high maneuverability. But it was the Minovsky particle that made it a necessary

The Minovsky Physics Institute was founded on Side-3 in U.C. 0045. In 0065, Dr. Yuri Tereshkovich Minovsky
predicted the existence of subatomic particles that absorb electromagnetic radiation in the longer wavelengths. These
particles were discovered four years later. Minovsky particles interfere with any type of radio or radar waves, creating a
near total jamming effect. They do not, however, interfere with visible light or lasers.

The effects of the Minovsky particle were widespread. A device was created for larger ships to scatter a "cloud" of
Minovsky particles around them. Long range electronic warfare became obsolete. Everything had to be line-of-sight,
and the mobilesuit was the ideal weapon for this new environment.

In addition, the Minovsky particle also made possible the compact fusion generators necessary to power the
mobilesuit, and further developments led to the development of the particle beam weapon. New thruster systems for
large craft were developed that allowed them to "levitate", the Minovsky particles affecting the gravity affecting them.

The mobilesuit, with its high maneuverability and potent firepower, made them the ideal weapon in this new world. One
mobilesuit with the right pilot could be a deadly combination. A good example of this is young Jion cadet Char Aznable,
who earned his nickname "The Red Comet" by single handedly destroying five Union cruisers with his customized
Red Zaku.

The mobilesuit gave Jion an early advantage in the One Year War. The Union responded with its newest mobilesuit,
the RX-78 Gundam. The Gundam was built with the newest armor, Gundarium, and was armed with a particle beam
rifle. The shells of the Zaku's autocannons barely scratched the Gundam's armor, and their armor was easily pierced
by the Gundam's beam rifle.

Aumro Rey, pilot of the Gundam, and White Base, the cruiser on which it was stationed, became heroes of the One
Year War, and turned the course of events in many occasions.

Resulting from Char's treachery, Galma Zabi is killed while assaulting the White Base on Earth. His father Degin
withdraws inward, mourning the loss of his favorite son. His eldest son and chief advisor Giren Zabi steps up the war
effort and takes over for his Father. Gifted with an I.Q. of 240, Giren is in favor of an all out war on Earth, and his
political philosophy pays homage to the likes of Machiavelli.

At his brother's funeral, Giren makes an impassioned speech calling for an increased effort in the war to avenge his
brother's death. This speech marks the first use of the rallying cry that would bolster Jion for years to come: "Jiku

Solomon is a heavily fortified asteroid that Jion has positioned as a line of defense for Side-3, and a major strategic
target for the Union. The battle of Solomon is the largest space battle in history. Almost nine thousand mobilesuits
engage in combat. Jion loses 35% of their forces, and the Union fleet captures the Jion stronghold, penetrating their
first line of defense.

The Jions develop the first psychommu controlled unit, the mobile armor Elmeth. Piloted by Lalah Sun, and using the
remote pods known as 'funnels', the Elmeth destroys four Union cruisers in its first trial run. The Earth cruisers are
completely unaware of what has hit them, the Elmeth operating well out of the range of their sensor array.

Amuro Rey in the Gundam destroys the Elmeth, killing Lalah Sun.

Degin Zabi, growing genuinely tired of the war, calls for an armistice to discuss a peace treaty. He meets with General
Reville of the Union 1st fleet. Both parties bring sizable fleets to the conference, but Zabi is truly willing to negotiate.

Giren Zabi sees an opportunity for the debut of his pet project, the "Solar Ray System". The Solar Ray is a hollowed
out colony that has been converted into a laser cannon. Giren fires the weapon at the conference, eliminating 60% of
the Union fleet, the Jion forces that were there, General Reville, and his father.

Kishiria Zabi, even though she is shocked at their father's death, takes advantage of her brother's maneuver, mobilizes
the Jion Luna assault fleet and turns the tide of battle further in favor of Jion. The battle of Abawaku begins, everything
seeming to go wrong for the Union fleet.

During the battle, Kishiria executes her brother Giren for the crime of patricide. This marks the beginning of the end for
the Jion forces. Aguille Delaz, a Jion admiral, enraged upon hearing of the news of Kishiria's treachery, and knowing
that the battle was lost, withdraws his forces from the battle.

The Union forces penetrate Abawaku. Amuro in the Gundam faces off against the massive mobile armor Big Zam,
piloted by Dozul Zabi, and defeats it. Dozul's daughter, Mineba Rao Zabi, is spirited away from the battle. She would be
taken to Axis, a Jion asteroid base is a long cometary orbit around Jupiter, and put under the charge of Haman Kahn.

Amuro and Char face off for the last time in the interior of the massive asteroid base. Char in the psychommu
controlled Jiong, and Amuro in the Gundam. Both units were destroyed in the combat, and the two continued their
battle with rapiers. The battle was interrupted by Char's sister Artasia (Saila Mas), leaving Char with a scar on his
forehead, and Amuro with a wound in his shoulder.

Char withdraws, and searches out Kishiria, trying to escape in a Jion cruiser. He fires a rocket into the bridge, killing
her, and fulfilling his vow of revenge against the Zabi line for the murder of his father.

The Union forces take control of Abawaku, renaming it the Gate of Zedan. On the first day of 0080, the treaty ending
the One Year War is signed at Granada on the Moon. The Archduchy of Jion once again becomes the Jion Republic.

After the war, the separation between Earthnoid and Spacenoid grew even more pronounced. The Earthnoids felt a
sense of superiority to their counterparts in space. The Earth began to dismantle space colonies to get the raw
materials it needed to rebuild the wounded planet. Now, more than ever, the Spacenoids heard the echo of Jion
Daikun's words: "...freedom from the whims of Earth..."

In 0083, the specter of Jion would rise again. Anaheim Electronics new Gundam units, the GP01 and GP02, were
brought to Earth. Despite the treaty, the GP02 is armed with a nuclear warhead. Revenants of Jion forces manage to
steal the Gundam unit, and take it into space. This is the beginning of Operation Stardust.

The Delaz Fleet announces its intention to resurrect the ideals of Jion. It cites the arming of the GP02 with nuclear
weapons as a violation of the ABC Treaty, and a reflection of the general disregard that the Union has for Spacenoids.
Delaz' message is heard throughout the colonies.

The Delaz Fleet makes a devastating strike at a Union naval review, destroying over two-thirds of the Union fleet.
Operation Stardust continues with the capture of two empty colonies being transported for the colony recycling
program. The colonies are collided with one another, and the one colony heads for a collision course with Von Braun
on the Moon. Union forces speed to intercept it, burning all of their fuel in order to be there as quickly as they can. The
Delaz Fleet bargains with the leaders of Von Braun to fire their lasers at the colony, activating the colony's propellant,
and sending it slingshotting away from the moon's gravity and putting it on a collision course with Earth. The Union
forces, left stranded in space without any fuel, are helpless to stop it.

Jamitov Hyman sees this opportunity to advance his career, and takes advantage of it. Union forces led by colonel
Bosque Om create a "Solar System" weapon that uses the reflected and focused light of the sun. Jion forces prevent
the ray from being used effectively, and the colony crashes through it, past the point of defense. The colony is headed
for Earth, its just a matter of where. The logical target would be Jaburo, but the Jion forces steer it toward the grain
fields of North America.

But forces within the Delaz Fleet had been working as a double agent, and led to the elimination of the Jion threat. Axis
forces that had been supporting the Delaz Fleet were forced to withdraw back into deep space.

The impact of the colony brought up a new wave of anti-spacenoid sentiment among the Earth. Jamitov Hyman
formed the Titans. The Titans were a special force formed to stamp out remaining elements of Jion. Led by Jamitov
Hyman, and strong-armed by the ruthless Bosque Om, they pledged to protect the Earth that is "constantly exposed to
various dangers." Bosque Om's words were broadcast all over the Earth, and his fierceness was simply manifest of
the attitudes and fear all Earthnoids felt. "Earth, symbol of the Universe, we are born to protect her! Earth! In order to
return her true those who truly deserve it, the Titans will stand!"

Blex Forra, a Senator for the Earth Union Government, disapproved of the retributive attitudes within the government,
and of the actions of the Titans.

On the Side-1 colony of 30 Bunch, there was staged a peaceful rally protesting the actions of the Titans and the EUG.
Bosque Om responded by gassing the colony with G3 gas, a lethal nerve toxin. Over thirty million people were killed.
Blex Forra fled to Sweetwater (Side-2), and formed the Anti-Earth Union Government (AEUG) in response. The
enigmatic Quattro Bajina, who had saved Forra from an assassination attempt in 0085, serves as his lieutenant.

The year is U.C. 0087.
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30 Bunch Incident

30 Bunch was a colony on Side-1 where protesters gathered for a peaceful anti-EUG rally. Bosque Om responded by
injecting the colony with lethal G3 nerve gas, killing the colony's entire population of over 30 million people.

This incident galvanized the reputation of the Titans, and pushed many people into action. Blex Forra, then a Union
Senator, fled to Side-2, and began forming what would become the AEUG.

The colony of 30 Bunch was never cleared, and remains a brutal reminder of the cruelty of the Titans. (In Zeta
Gundam, the crew of the Ahgama took Emma Sheen there to prove to her what the Titans were really like. She soon
defected to the AEUG)

ABC Treaty

At the beginning of the One Year War, from 01.03 to 01.10, there was a period of brutal fighting that has been labeled
the One Week War. Due to the indiscriminate use of atomic, biological, and chemical weapons (and the devastation
caused by the colony impacting in Sydney, Australia), three billion people, 25% of the total human population, have
been eradicated.

Leaders from both sides meet in Antarctica to sign this treaty, banning the use of these agents. They agree upon
those terms, but there is no talk of a peace treaty.

Even though the war with Jion is over, the ABC Treaty is still, it seems, understood to be "in effect". The use of nuclear
and chemical weapons is "shunned" by the people in the Gundam world (From a sociological view point, its very
interesting to see how that reflects the attitude that many Japanese feel towards nuclear weapons in our contemporary

The Anti-Earth Union Government (AEUG)

Blex Forra was a Senator from Earth who disapproved of the attitudes of the Earth Union Government toward the
colonies, and of the aggressive stance of the Titans. He formed the AEUG in response to the gassing of the 30 Bunch
colony at Side-1, with Quattro Bajina as his lieutenant. The AEUG has several allies on Earth and in the colonies.
Wong Li of Anaheim Electronics and Melanie Hugh Carbine are two high ranking officials.

Anaheim Electronics

Anaheim Electronics is a major developer of mobilesuit technology. Its primary headquarters is in the lunar city of Von
Braun, but it also has facilities on Side-7, and La Vienne Rose. Anaheim became notorious for supplying both sides
during the war, propagating the attitude that Lunarians are simply in it for profit. The Gundam units are their signature
production line.

Earth Union Government (EUG)

Formed on July 29, 1999, the Earth Union Government unites the nations of Earth under one body. They are controlled
by a Senate from all nations that is headquartered in Dakar, Senegal. In 0058, the colony of Side 3, under the
leadership of Jion Daikun, declared itself independent. This new threat by the Jions was the beginning of a military
build-up for the EUG that would culminate over twenty years later in the One Year War.

Jion was vanquished, but the scars left by the war were still being felt by both earthnoids and Spacenoids. Space was
in a period of change: derisive whispers in the past were becoming louder, and being shared by more of the colonists.
Earth feared another uprising-almost half of the human population had been killed during the war with Jion.

In the year 0083, a Jion splinter group led by Aguille Delaz waged a small, but almost successful war against the EUG.
The Titans were created-or allowed to create themselves-in a panicked response as a "peacekeeping" force to police
the colonies and prevent another Jion insurgence. The attitudes of the Titans reflected the retributive attitudes of the
Earth at that time toward the colonies.


These are people born on Earth. In 0050, when the total human population exceeded 11 billion people, only two billion
lived on Earth (compared with four billion today). Living on Earth is a sign of wealth or status, and Earthnoids tend to
look down at Spacenoids.


Funnels are small pods, basically consisting of a propulsion system and a weapon, that are controlled by a Newtype
through a mobilesuit's psychommu system. The Elmeth, a Jion mobilearmor piloted by Lalah Sun, first debuted the
funnels in rather dramatic fashion, destroying four Union cruisers while staying out of the range of their sensors.

Because of their small size and high maneuverability, funnels are devastating weapons, especially to Oldtypes. Most
victims of a funnel attack are killed before they are even aware of a threat.

Linear Seat

Developed in 0083, the linear seat is a 360 degree wraparound view cockpit that is the standard for today's
mobilesuits. It replaces the older 'mono-eye' system's 270 degree arc.


These are the people who live in the three main settlements on the moon: Von Braun, Granada, and Anman. Lunarians
have a reputation from both Earthnoids and Spacenoids alike as being greedy and self-serving. This was probably
started by how they played both sides against each other during the One Year War.

Mass Driver

Located between the cities of Von Braun and Granada on the surface of the Moon, the Mass Driver is a rail gun used
to accelerate objects to orbital or escape velocity.

Minovsky Particles

The Minovsky Physics Institute was founded on Side-3 in 0045. Twenty years later, Dr. Yuri Tereshkovich Minovsky
predicted the existance of the Minovsky particle, and in 0069, he confirmed its existance. Minovsky particles have
several dramatic effects on the Gundam world.

Minovsky particles absorb waves in the longer spectrum, thus absorbing radio and radar waves, but not lasers or
visible light. A device was made allowing ships to create a cloud of these particles around them, thus making them
invisible to radar. Long range warfare became obsolete almost overnight.

Minovsky particles were also used to power the compact fusion generators that would drive the gigantic mobilesuits.
With their power and maneuverability, they soon became the standard weapon in this new warfare environment.

Further research led to the development of the particle beam weapon. The RX-78 Gundam was the first mobilesuit
equipped with a particle beam rifle.

Minovsky particles also seem to affect gravity, and space cruisers equipped with these thruster systems are able to
levitate above the surface of the Earth. This makes it possible for even large craft to enter the atmosphere.


Mobilearmors is a term used to classify very large mobilesuits (usually around 100 tons and up, but that's not a hard
and fast rule). Typically, mobilearmors aren't shaped like the standard humanoid form of the mobilesuits. They are
heavily armed and armored, but lack the mobility of their smaller counterparts. Against an expert pilot, this weakness is
often exploited, but a single mobilearmor can wipe out an entire squadron of 'standard issue' mobilesuits-and the ships
they rode in on.

Old Types

Oldtypes are humans, usually born on Earth, who have no psychic ability whatsoever. Oldtypes tend to fear and resent
Newtypes, and it is that revelation that prompts Lyla Mira Lyla (in Zeta Gundam, ep. 7) to see that the feeling of
resentment is what makes people Old types.

Many spacenoids have some Newtype ability, even to a small degree, and that lends credence to Jion Daikum's theory
that it is man's living in space, unfrettered by Earth, that creates the Newtype phenomenon.

Psychommu systems

In 0079, Kishiria Zabi picked psychologist Dr. Anton Flanagan to form what would later be known as the Newtype
Research Institute (NTRI) on the neutral colony of Side 6.

Within six months, the Flanagan group, in conjunction with Jion researchers, developed the first psychommu (short for
psychic communication) system. The psychommu system allows a Newtype pilot to control their mobilesuit with the
speed and power of thought.

The first unit equipped with a psychommu system was the Mobilearmor Elmeth. Piloted by Lalah Sun, a very powerful
Newtype, she was able to dispatch four Union cruisers using remote units, also controlled through the psychommu,
called funnels. The Earth cruisers were destroyed while still trying to discover who was attacking them.

A more powerful Newtype will use a psychommu system more effectively. In the case of a mobilearmor like the
Elmeth or the Messala (piloted by Paptimus Scirocco), the effect of the psychommu is devastating. Delivering
commands at the speed of thought, the psychommu balances out the slugishness of the mobilearmors, giving them
maneuverability on par with the smaller mobilesuits.

The Biosensor is another type of psychommu system, so far only seen in two units: the Zeta Gundam, and The O.
Instead of reading a mental command from the pilot, the Biosensor gets its instructions directly from the pilot's
impulses. This direct connection makes the Biosensor even deadlier, and the Newtype factor comes into play even
more. The Zeta Gundam, piloted by Camille Bidan (rated as the most powerful Newtype in the second Gundam ZZ
Animedia special), is still considered one of the most powerful mobilesuits in the Gundam world.

So what happenned to the Biosensor? It seems to have been abandoned after those two models without much
speculation as to why. Did it have some sort of design flaw? Was it the Biosensor that caused Camille's vegetative
state (at the end of Zeta Gundam)? What caused Paptimus Scirocco's unit to stop responding to his commands?

It would seem the Biosensor does indeed need some 'tweaking', but in a world with such works in progress as Four
Murasame and Rosamia Badam, it seems odd that they would abandon a more powerful instrument for a few 'bugs'.


The Titans were created out of the chaos that followed the war with the Delaz Fleet, and the colony dropping on North
America in 0083. Jamitov Hyman and Bosque Om were both high ranking officers in the Earth Union Government
military. When the dust settled, Hyman created the Titans in order to prevent another Jion uprising. He established
Bosque Om as his right hand man, effectively making him Jamitov's enforcer.

Bosque Om was more than up to the task. The Titans soon gained a reputation for cruelty, cowering the colonists into
submission. Even with the EUG, it soon became unclear as to how much power the Titans had. Titans officers soon
gained the fear associated with the Gestapo in Nazi Germany. It didn't matter what rank someone held, if he was a
Titan, you let him go about his business.

One of the greatest crimes committed by the Titans was the infamous "30 Bunch" incident. 30 Bunch was a Side-1
colony where there was to be staged a peaceful anti-EUG rally. Bosque Om gassed the colony with G-3 gas, a deadly
nerve gas. Over 30 million people were killed.

The Titans have their headquarters at GRIPS, at Side 7, and are characterized by their black uniforms trimmed in red.

Titans Conflict

The name given to the war waged by the Anti-Earth Union Government against the militant backbone of the EUG
known as the Titans. The Titans Conflict left many scars, such as the destruction of Jaburo (a maneuver attempted by
the Titans to wipe out the AEUG), and the extermination of millions of space colonists by G3 gas and the Titans own
colony laser.

Universal Century

The Universal Century is the designation of the acronym in U.C. 0079. There is some division on this, but 2045 marked
the last year of the old calendar (I've also read 1969 or 1999). In 2045, the construction of the first space colonies,
Side-1 were begun at L-5. This event marked the beginning of the Universal Century.

Space Colony

Emigration into space marked the beginning of a new era for humanity, and the beginning of the Universal Century.
Now, billions of colonists live in "Sides", clusters of colonies located at lagrange points in the lunar orbit.

Lagrange points were theorized by Joseph Louis Lagrange in 1772. He was a mathematician interested in ballistics
who wondered about the gravitation between Earth and the Moon. "At what point or points do the gravitational
attractions of Terra and Luna balance with the centrifugal forces that an observer would feel?" He theorized that there
were five such points in our Moon's orbit. L1 is the point between the earth and the Moon where their gravity cancel
each other. L2 is on the other side of the moon where the combined gravity of the Earth and Moon keep it in orbit. L3 is
the point in the Moon's orbit directly opposite the Moon. L4 and L5 are points in the lunar orbit equidistant from both
Earth and the Moon, and they form an equilateral triangle with L3.

Lagrange's theory was confirmed in 1873 with the discovery of the Trojan asteroids in Jupiter's orbit exactly where L4
and L5 would be if the sun were the Earth and Jupiter was the moon.

Construction of the first space colonies, Side 1, began in 2045 at L5. The first colonists are forced into space to
alleviate the pressure upon the Earth, which now had a population of nine billion people. This is the beginning of the
Universal Century, U.C. 0001.

The colonies follow two different models, the open type, and the closed type.

The open type are cylinders based on the model developed by Dr. Gerard K. O'Neill, a professor at Princeton, and the
technical director for NASA in the year 1978 of the old calendar. Classified by him as the Island Three design, also
known as the "sunflower" design, it is a cylinder with three large, moveable mirrors connected to the colony at one
end. The cylinders are 36 kilometers long, and 6.3 kilometers in width. The mirrors reflect the sunlight into the colony
during the "day", which are then turned away from the colony for "night".

The closed type is based on the "Vivarium" created and even patented by Henry Gray in 1973. This too is a cylinder, 36
kilometers long, and 6.3 kilometers wide, only completely sealed. Sunlight is reflected inside with mirrors, and the
interior is landscaped like the O'Neill cylinder.

In both cases, the colonies spin on their axis to create Earth-like gravity.

Each colony can hold 30 to 36,000,000 people. By 0050, nine billion people were living in space, making the total
number of colonies around 250. The open type is now the model for the modern space colony, replacing the older
closed type.

Because the north end of the colony always faces the sun, the air at the one end of the colony is warmer than the
other, resulting in a stream of warm air running north to south along the colonies axis, and a spiral of air corkscrewing
along the wall of the colony from south to north. During the twelve ours of the "day" warm air from the walls of the
colony caused by the mirrors creates additional currents of air. The end result for the colonists is Earth-like wind
patterns, but also heavy rain showers at 10.00, 13.00, and 16.00. Each shower lasts no more than five minutes.

Outside of the colony, ships can dock at either end, through facilities along the axis of the cylinder where there is no
gravity. Also, there is a ring attached to the south side of the colonies, in both the open and closed type, with several
smaller cylinders attached. These are climate controlled greenhouses in which the colonists grow their own


This is the philosophy that man should leave the Earth to allow it to rejuvenate itself from the effects of man's
existence there, and migrate into space. This philosophy was extolled by Jion Daikun, which he eventually combined
with a pro-Side agenda, using it to persuade the other colonies of Side 3 to join him.

The Mobilesuit

The mobilesuit sprang forth from the Hydro-skeleton used for construction. In 0070, researchers at Side 3 took the
space construction unit one step further, and developed an early prototype of the mobilesuit. Only half as large as
contemporary mobilesuits (10 meters), they contained many design flaws. In 0073, the Jion military develops the first
mobilesuit, the MS-01.

It was the Minovsky particle that made the mobilesuit both possible, and necessary. The Minovsky particle interferes
with all forms of waves, eliminating radio and radar. Long range weapons between small vehicles became obsolete.
Minovsky particles also made possible the compact nuclear reactors that power the mobilesuit, and eventually the
development of the particle beam weapon.

The first mobilesuit used in combat was the MS-06 Zaku. It was a Jion mobilesuit that used the "mono-eye", a viewing
system that allows for a 270 degree viewing range.

As a group of Zaks infiltrated Side 7, the RX-78 Gundam made its debut. Equipped with the new Gundarium armor,
and the beam rifle, the Zaks were no match for it. The Gundam, piloted by Amuro Rey, would prove to be a turning
point in the war against Jion.

There have been several developments to the mobilesuit in the years since. The mono-eye has been replaced by the
"linear seat"-the 360 degree wraparound cockpit. Also, Gundarium Gamma has become the standard mobilesuit
armor (it would stay the standard until U.C. 0093, when the RX-93 Nu Gundam would have Gundarium Tau).

It was during the Battle of Solomon in the One Year War that psychommu technology made its debut in combat.
Psychommu systems are a psychic communicator that allow people with special powers, known as Newtypes, to
have mental control over their mobilesuit. It also allows them to control remote pods without interference from the
Minovsky particles. These remote pods are often small, highly maneuverable weapon pods.

The Biosensor was developed as the next generation psychommu system. Instead of the pilot telling the mobilesuit
what to do mentally, the Biosensor actually read the pilot's impulses and implemented them. This made them even
faster than the other psychommu controlled systems. Interestingly enough, there were only two mobilesuits to ever
have the Biosensor: the Zeta Gundam, and The O.


The newtype phenomenon first appeared in the 50's, and it has been referred to as the next step in human evolution.
Jion Daikun theorized that it was man's living in space, unfettered by the Earth, that allowed newtypes to appear.

Newtypes have highly evolved mental abilities. They are able to sense each other, and have some sort of prescient
power that allows them to have flashes of awareness. They possess superior mind and body coordination, and seem
to have an affinity for machines. They also seem to possess a sixth sense that forewarns them of danger. People
gifted with these newtype abilities are feared at times, and somewhat shunned by others around them. This has
created the distinction of "Old type" for the rest of humanity.

Even among allies, Newtypes are still met with misunderstanding. In episode 7 of Zeta Gundam, at the moment of her
death, Lyla Mira Lyla has a revelation about the nature of newtypes: "Now I know...a moment ago I realized that the boy
[Camille Bidan] was special...this understanding involuntarily leads to this feeling of resentment is the
way of the Old type." She realizes that the failure to accept the fact that Newtypes will be the predominant species is
what makes people Old types.

The Jion military began research into newtypes in 0079. Kishiria Zabi picked psychologist Dr. Flanagan to head the
research at Side 6. Within six months, the Flanagan organization, in conjunction with the Jion researchers, had
developed the psychommu system for newtype controlled mobilesuits. Flanagan would turn his organization into the
NewType Research Institute (NTRI). Through the use of drugs and other methods, a Newtype can undergo a process
called enhancement. Through this process, a Newtype is able to increase the level of his or her power. The effects of
this process have not been adequately documented, but it is rumored to have some minor side effects.

It is also rumored that Newtypes are being created from Old types using this same process. This is an Enhanced
Human, sometimes referred to as a Biosoldier. There is no substantial evidence to back up this claim however, merely
hearsay. Needless to say, the effects on the human psyche on undergoing this process would be traumatic, to say the

The Normalsuit

The normalsuit is the name for the mobilesuit pilot's space suit. The Jions developed a small jet pack that folded out
and fit onto the back of the normalsuit that the EUG finally opted.

Aguille Delaz

A Jion admiral, Aguille Delaz fled from the Battle of Abawaku with his forces upon hearing of Giren Zabi's execution by
his sister. Delaz bided his time, and set up a production facility within an old asteroid base called Thorn Garden.

In 0083, with the help of his lieutenant Anavel Gato, the Delaz Fleet launched "Operation Stardust" against the Union.
The plan was in three main stages: the theft of the Gundam RX-78 GP02 from Union forces in Australia; the
ahnihilation of almost two-thirds of the Union fleet during a naval review at Compei Island (formerly the Jion base
Solomon); and the crashing of a colony into the grain fields of North America.

Delaz was killed by one of his own people, Shima Grahau, who was a double agent for the Union forces.

It was the Stardust incident, and the threat of further Jion uprisings, that prompted the Union government to create the

Amuro Rey

Known as the hero of the One Year War, Amuro Rey was just 16 when he stole the manual for the RX-78 Gundam,
and piloted against two Jion mobilesuits invading the Side 7 colony. His father, Dr. Tem Rey, was the Gundam's
designer, and Amuro grew up very knowledgeable about mobilesuits.

Amuro grew up feeling generally unloved by his parents, and as a result, he was often very aloof to others.

Amuro grew up very fast in that one year. Like any adolescent boy, he had several crushes on most of the girls on
White Base. Matilda Ajane was one woman in particular with whom Amuro was smitten. Her death affects him greatly.

Losing someone upon whom he had a crush compared little to the losses that would follow. Amuro first met Lalah Sun
while on the neutral ground of Side 6. Amuro's jeep had gotten stuck in the mud. Another car stops to help him, and
one of the occupants was an beautifully exotic woman that immediately captured Amuro's eye. Her companion,
however, was a Jion officer of Amuro's aquaintence: his nemisis, Char Aznable!

Char and Lalah were intimate, but it was Amuro and Lalah who forged a Newtype bond, a deep meshing of their
psyches on a level above conscious thought.

Char and Amuro were locked in combat when Saila Mas flew by in the Core fighter. Char, in the Gelgoog, brought his
weapon down to destroy it. "Stop!" Lalah warned him, "Its your sister!" Char veered to avoid destroying the Core
fighter, severing the wing. But changing his maneuver to save his sister's life left him vulnerable. Amuro moved in for
the kill. Lalah, realizing that Char was defenseless, moved her Elmeth to shield him.

Amuro's beam sabre penetrated the hull of her mobilesuit, and Lalah, whom he loved, was killed by his own hand.

After the One Year War, Amuro went to Earth to live, where he remained for some time. He lived quietly, under the
constant surveillence of the government. He was afraid to fight again, and was plagued by thoughts of Lalah Sun.

In 0092(?), Amuro would reunite with his long time compatriot Bright Noah as part of the Lond Bell. Based out of the
Side 1 colony of Londonium, they would act as the main fighting force against Char's resurrected Neo-Jion army.

Anavel Gato

Known as the "Nightmare of Solomon", Gato joined with the Delaz Fleet when they fled the Battle of Abawaku.

Gato was instrumental in performing the stages of Operation Stardust. He was killed in combat during the final stand
by the Union to stop the colony.
Anton Flanagan

A psychologist with an interest in Newtypes, he was picked by Kishiria Zabi to form a research facility for Newtypes on
the neutral territory of Side 6. Flanagan founded the NewType Research Institute in 0079.

The NTRI, in conjunction with Jion researchers, would develop the first psychommu systems- allowing a pilot to
control his mobilesuit, as well as remote units, through the power of thought.

Through the use of psychoactive drugs, and other methods, a Newtype can undergo a process called Enhancement.
This increases a Newtype's natural abilities, but often creates dangerous instabilities.

Astonage Medosso

He is the chief mobilesuit technician aboard the Arghama. A skilled technician, he is capable of modifying and even
designing, many mobilesuits.

Working with Camille Bidan, he designed a new mobilesuit based on combining the best aspects of the Rick Dias, and
the Gundam Mk-II.

In 0093, Astonage again served with Bright Noah aboard the Lar Kailum. He fell in love with the Lond Bell ace
mobilesuit pilot Kayra Su.

(For a while, it seemed as if Astonage would be the 'Wedge Antilles' of Gundam-a bit player who survived. Alas,
Tomino finally noticed this, and Astonage meets his very understated end in Gyaku Shu no Char.) Blex Forra

A former Union Senator from Earth, he disapproved of the Union's retributive attitude toward the colonies at the end of
the One Year War, and of the aggressive stance of the Titans.

He fled to the Sweetwater (Side-2), and, in response to the gassing of the 30-Bunch colony of Side-1, formed the
Anti-Earth Union Government (AEUG).

Forra still strives for a political solution to this conflict, and lobbies the Union government at Dakar to try and awaken
them about the actions of the Titans.

Bosque Om

A former colonel in the Union military, Om is now the right hand man to Jamitov Hyman. He accompanied
Hyman's-and the Titan's-rise to power in 0083, a result of Operation Stardust.

Bosque Om is responsible for the gassing of a peaceful anti-Union rally on the 30 Bunch colony of Side-1, the incident
responsible for the formation of the AEUG.

Bright Noah

Bright Noah began his career as quartermaster aboard the Pegasus-class assault cruiser White Base. He was forced
to assume operational command when the Captain was mortally wounded. It is a position for which he is completely
unprepared, but the stress brings out the best in him, even though, at times, it taxes his rather austere reserve.

The White Base and its crew turns the tide of battle for the Union on several occasions, and soon becomes a main
target for the Jion forces. The crew of the White Base, including Amuro Rey and the Gundam, are the heroes of the
one year war.

Seven years after the war, in 0087, the famous captain of the White Base has fallen on hard times. He is the captain of
the luxury liner Temptation. When an attack by the Titans threatens the passengers of the liner, they are saved by
AEUG forces. Bright joins the AEUG, and is given command of the cruiser Ahgama.

Bright married Mirai Yashima of White Base after the One Year War, and they have two children, Hathaway, and
Chemin (Unfortunately, they would divorce some time before 0093).

Camille Bidan

Camille is one of the best of the AEUG pilots. He serves aboard the Arghama under the command of Bright Noah, a
hero of the One Year War.

Camille first joined the AEUG when he was arrested and treated poorly by Titan agents on Side 7. He stole the Titans'
experimental new mobilesuit, the Gundam Mk-II, and turned it over to the AEUG. The Titans killed his mother in

Camille's father was a mobilesuit designer for the Titans, and Camille grew up around them. When he was a
teenager, he won a competition for designing and building a 'junior mobilesuit'. Camille, along with Astonage Medosso,
the Arghama's chief mobilesuit technician, designed the Zeta Gundam. Built to incorporate the best aspects of both
the Gundam Mk-II and the Rick Dias, the Zeta Gundam was also equipped with the experimental Biosensor, and
advanced psychommu system.

Camille's considerable Newtype abilities (possibly the strongest ever registered) combined with the Zeta's Biosensor
made a lethal combination. Unfortunately, an overload to the Biosensor left Camille in a semi-vegitative state at the end
of the Titan's Conflict.

On the Side-1 colony of Shangri-la, a young man named Jude Ashita encountered the comatose Camille Bidan.
Camille formed a bond with him, 'jump starting' Jude's Newtype abilities. Jude would fight Haman Kahn's Neo-Jion
army in the Humanity War.

Camille regained at least some of his function after that conflict, but how much of his 'self' recovered remains

Char Aznable

Char was a pilot for the Jion forces during the One Year War. His skill in combat earned him the nickname "The Red
Comet" after he single-handedly destroyed five Union cruisers.

Born on Side 3, Char's real name was Cassovel Rem Daikun, and he, along with his sister Artasia, were taken spirited
away by Jinba Ral after their father's assassination in 0068. Cassoval entered the Jion military academy at the age of
15 under his assumed name. At the academy, he befriended his fellow classmate Galma Zabi, youngest son of the
Jion Archduke.

Char had vowed to take revenge on the Zabi's for the murder of his father. As a result of Char's treachery, Galma is
killed over Europe while attacking the White Base.

Char was personally involved with Lalah Sun, a fellow pilot for the Jion forces, and a powerful Newtype. Lalah would
find her perfect Newtype match with Amuro Rey, the pilot of the Gundam, and Char's nemisis. In a combat between
the two of them, Lalah was killed by Amuro when she threw herself in front of Char's mobilesuit to save him. Amuro
and Char were both traumatized by the event. Their personal battle reached it's climax in the Jion asteroid base
Abawaku. After destroying each other's mobilesuits-Amuro's Gundam and Char's Jiong, they fought with rapiers. The
battle was interrupted by Char's sister Saila, but now before Char had been left with a scar on his forehead.

Before escaping from Abawaku, Char would eliminate his apparent ally, Kishiria Zabi, as she tried to escape the
fortress. This would bring him closer to the completion of his vow: the death of the Zabi clan.

From Abawaku, Char would escape to the Jion asteroid Axis, in orbit outside of cislunar space.

Years later, Quattro Bagina would surface, serving the AUEG in close capacity to Blex Forra whom he saved from an
assassination attempt in 0085. Quattro Bajina was a pilot on board the Ahgama (which would be commanded by
former White Base captain Bright Noah). His personal mobilesuit was the gold colored Hyaku Shiki (100 type), and his
piloting skills would bring to mind the abilities of the legendary Red Comet.

With the addition to the crew of Hayato Kobayashi and Kai Shiden, Char's identity didn't stay hidden very long. When
Amuro reuinited with his former crew mates, it was certain (One of my favorite scenes from Zeta Gundam is when
Amuro and Char finally first face each other again after all those years).

Char was believed to have been killed battling Haman Kahn during the final battle against the Titans, but he would
resurface in 0090 as the leader of the second Neo-Jion. Char had changed in the ensuing years, and had decided to
force his father's philosophy of Eleism-that man should leave Earth in order for it to restore itself-by impacting the
surface with asteroids-blocking out the sun and making earth unliveable for humanity. It was the intervention of his old
nemises-Amuro Rey and Bright Noah, as leaders of the Lond Bell-that stopped his plan.

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