Once agian welcome to the information center on anime like Gundam Wing, Card Captors and Rayearth. Behind the Voices of Gundam Wing Who are the actors who do the voices for Gundam Wing? Check these exclusive interviews! Interviews by Kit Fox, Patrick Macias, and Toshifumi Yoshida Heero Yuy (Mark Hildreth) The actor behind Heero Yuy's voice is also lead character Terry Bogard in Fatal Fury, and the sensitive Issei in Please Save My Earth, as well as the lead character in Bots Master, and Vega in Street Fighter: The Animated series. Plus, he's played Van Hammer in the WCW Saturday Night and Major Stash in WCW Monday Nitro! Duo Maxwell (Scott McNeil) The voice of Duo Maxwell has been incredibly prolific on the voice-acting scene for several years, in both anime and Western animation. His signature voices would probably be his Beast Wars and Beast Machines roles of Dinobot, Rattrap, and Waspinator, plus Dr. Wily and Protoman in Mega Man, and Roth Amon in Conan the Adventurer. Anime-wise, McNeil was the first-season voice of Piccolo in Dragon Ball Z, Principal Kuno in Ranma 1/2, and Captain Harlock in Galaxy Express 999. He's been a frequent face on live TV as well, appearing in the Highlander TV series, Outer Limits, and The Commish. Trowa Barton (Kirby Morrow) The elusive Trowa is hardly Kirby Morrow's only voice-role - he plays Van Fanel in the upcoming Vision of Escaflowne, Piccolet Chardin in Ranma 1/2, and Akira in the upcoming Z-Mind, but his best known voice-over roles would proabably be Goku in Dragon Ball Z; Cyclops in X-Men Evolution; Michaelangelo in Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation; and Redline in the current NASCAR Racers TV series. Look for him live in First Wave (Quentin Billup in the "Ohio Players" episode); a Beta-class android in Total Recall 2070 (in the "Baby Lottery" episode); The Outer Limits (Kirby in the "Origin of Species and Double Helix episodes); Highlander: The Raven; Breaker High; and Viper. Check out his web site at www.kirbymorrow.com! Quatre Raberba Winner (Brad Swaile) The voice of Quatre has been familiar to anime fans for years as the voice of Mousse in Ranma 1/2, as well as Yota in Video Girl Ai. Also Ace in My Little Pony Tales, the Liberator General and Commander Scud in The Odyssey (occasionally seen on the Sci-Fi Channel); he's played the role of Louis Boussard in The Outer Limits episode: "Glyphic." Chang Wufei (Ted Cole) Cole is also the voice of Tatewaki Kuno in Ranma 1/2; he's appeared in Please Save My Earth as Daisuke, and Yamcha in Dragon Ball Z. Additionally, he's done voice-over in The New Adventures of He-Man, and has popped up in live-action shows such as The X-Files, The Sentinel, Sliders, and MacGuyver. Zechs Merquise (Brian Drummond) The voice of Zechs Merquise is best known for his role as Vegeta in Dragon Ball Z (that is, before the voices changed in the second season). He's also done Western animation such as Beast Machines (Jetstorm) and G.I. Joe Extreme (Ballistic, Eagle Eye), and Spider-Man Unlimited (Venom). Additionally, he can be spotted in Monster Rancher as the voice of Tiger, Key the Metal Idol as the unbalanced prodigy Hikaru Tsurugi, and recently recorded Allen Schezar for the upcoming Vision of Escaflowne. Treize Khushrenada (David Kaye) Another well-known anime voice, Kaye is the voice of Soun Tendo in Ranma 1/2, Kim Kaphwan in Fatal Fury, Wakagi in Key the Metal Idol, Daisuke in The Hakkenden, and The Ancient in Ronin Warriors. In Western animation, he's Megatron in Beast Wars and Beast Machines, Draconis in Exo-Squad, Jack Hollister in Sky Surfers, Talos in Mummies, General Hawk in the original G.I. Joe, Sly in G.I. Joe Extreme, and Akuma in the Street Fighter TV series. Lucrezia Noin (Saffron Henderson) Best known for the voice of Goku in the original Dragon Ball series, and Gohan in the first season of Dragon Ball Z, Henderson also voices Monster Rancher's Genki, and Galaxy Express 999's Tetsuro, and more voices in Robocop: Alpha Commando, Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation, Key the Metal Idol. Look for her live in Wiseguy (as an exotic dancer); in The Fly II (as Ronnie); and in Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (as J.J.,) in which she's killed by Jason with a guitar. Relena Peacecraft (Lisa Ann Beley) The voice of Relena also plays bouncy ninja girl Mai Shiranui in Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture and Nara Burns in Exo-Squad.
Gundam ZZ A Brief summary of Gundam ZZ... The Titans have been defeated, and in the aftermath of the great civil war Haman Khan makes her move. As UC 0088 begins, her army of renegade Zeons, who have returned to Earth inside the asteroid Axis, declare themselves the Neo Zeon. Aiming to win the space colonies over to their cause, Haman disperses the Neo Zeon fleet, sending each ship to woo the inhabitants of a different colony. One such ship is the cruiser Endra, under the command of young officer Mashma Serro, which has been dispatched to Side 1's Shangrila colony. By coincidence, this is where the AEUG flagship Argama, battered and exhausted, limps into harbor. Shangrila The first colony constructed at Side 1, Shangrila is now a patchwork of scrapyards and slums. One of its inhabitants is 14-year-old Judau Ashta, who spends his weekends salvaging scrap metal. Judau watches the Argama's arrival, then snares a drifting mobile suit ejection pod. Dragging the pod into the colony, he and his friends discover that its occupant is Titans pilot Yazan Gable, who has been drifting in space since the defeat of the Titans. Yazan regains consciousness and promptly forces Judau and his friends to help him against the Argama and its crew. Yazan leads the kids to Shangrila's dock, where he plans to capture the Zeta Gundam and the Argama. Judau encounters the Zeta's former pilot, the now-comatose Camille Bidan, and shares a strange newtype bonding experience with him. He then swipes the Zeta himself, and begins a running battle with Yazan's worker mobile suit. Despite his inexperience, Judau is able to wreck Yazan's mobile suit, after which the AEUG recapture the Zeta. The Neo Zeon cruiser Endra arrives and its captain, Mashma Serro, bribes the colony administration into letting the Endra dock at Shangrila. As the Endra docks, the Argama moves into the colony interior and buries itself in junk. For the next few days, as Mashma and his underlings search the colony interior for the hidden Argama, Judau keeps coming to the rescue, piloting the Zeta with increasing skill. Argama captain Bright Noa asks Judau, his friends and his sister Leina to join the crew, and after some hesitation on Judau's part they accept. The Argama leaves Shangrila to rendezvous with the supply ship La Vie En Rose, with the Endra in hot pursuit. The vegetative Camille stays behind, and his loyal girlfriend Fa soon turns back to join him. La Vie En Rose Fending off continual attacks from Mashma and replacement captain Cyara Sun, Argama reaches La Vie En Rose and takes delivery of Anaheim's latest mobile suit, the ZZ Gundam. Thanks to the ZZ's awesome firepower Judau is able to consistently repulse the enemy, but his sister Leina is soon lost in space and falls into the hands of the Neo Zeon. Young officer Gremmi Toto takes the captive Leina under his wing, inexplicably deciding to educate and culture her. Gremmi already has another ten-year-old girl in his charge - eccentric newtype Elpe Puru, the littlest Neo Zeon pilot. Axis After being refitted with a powerful new cannon by the La Vie En Rose crew, the Argama sets off to attack the asteroid Axis. Suspecting that his sister is held captive within the asteroid, Judau takes off to try and rescue Leina before the Argama's attack. Sneaking inside the Axis, he runs into Haman herself - not to mention Puru, who latches onto Judau as a surrogate brother. Though Judau fails to spring his sister, the Argama's attack is fortunately ineffectual. Dakar Meanwhile, Haman has gathered her forces for a new operation. Since none of her followers have fared any better at winning over colonies than did Mashma, she now sets her sights on the Federation itself. The massed Neo Zeon fleet is to occupy Dakar and force the hostage Federation government to hand over control of Side 3. Though the Argama attempts to block the Neo Zeon invasion, it turns out that the enemy's advance force has already captured the Federation capital. Undaunted, the Argama descends to Earth and dispatches its "Gundam Team" on a trek through North Africa. The young mobile suit pilots, whose ranks now include Puru, make their way through the desert to Dakar. The Gundam Team, the Argama and the Kalaba join forces for a brief raid on the occupied capital, during which Judau finally springs Leina - who is promptly blown up in battle. Dublin Hotfooting it out of Africa, the Argama proceeds to the Federation's shadow headquarters in Dublin, Ireland. Here Bright meets with the top officials of the Federation, who blithely inform him that they've made peace with Haman and are in the process of signing over Side 3 to the Neo Zeons. Hoping to expedite the process a bit, Haman executes a colony drop on Dublin as a show of force; the Federation brass flee, but can't be bothered to evacuate the civilian population. Springing into action, the AEUG and Kalaba manage to rescue most of Dublin's inhabitants before the colony impact. The Neo Zeons deliver a nasty follow-up surprise, as the now-sinister Gremmi dispatches a doppelganger Puru against the Argama. It is revealed that he has a small army of Puru clones in cold storage, and the rogue Puru who's joined the Argama crew is completely expendable. The newly awakened Puru Two ruthlessly eliminates her twin sister. Side 3 Taking the hint, the Federation wraps up the negotations, dissolving the Republic of Zeon and placing Side 3 in the hands of the Neo Zeons. Satisfied, Haman and her forces leave Earth and head for Side 3 to begin rearming. Returning to space, the Argama and its cadre of teen pilots are informed that the war is over. But when coincidence places Judau and his friends at the controls of the brand-new AEUG battleship Near Argama, they set off into Side 3 to take on Haman, with Bright's blessing. Meanwhile, Haman has another challenge on her plate. The ambitious Gremmi, claiming that he is a genetically-engineered scion of Gihren Zabi and thus just as legitimate an heir to the Zabi line as the puppet Mineva, launches a rebellion against Haman and splits the Neo Zeon forces in two. Judging Haman to be the lesser of two evils, the Near Argama and its crew enter the fray and join the battle against Gremmi and his followers. The Neo Zeon civil war is brief but ferocious. Though his fleet is no match for Haman's, Gremmi takes control of Axis and hurls its detachable section, Mowsa, at Haman's stronghold, the colony Core 3 - then follows up with the main body of Axis itself. Judau and his teammates take on Gremmi and the now-repentant Puru Two, killing the one and accidentally inflicting mortal wounds on the other. Gremmi's forces are routed, and Haman's fleet is reduced to a tiny handful. Now that the Neo Zeons are a miniscule threat, the AEUG and Federal Forces finally decide to intervene, dispatching a fleet to round up Haman's remaining forces. Meanwhile, Judau and Haman square off for a last duel inside the drifting Mowsa; defeated, Haman kills herself rather than live in disgrace. With the battle over, the AEUG and Federal Forces arrive to take credit for the victory. They discover that Mineva has disappeared, leaving behind a lookalike decoy. Conclusion Disgusted by the cowardice and corruption of the adults, Judau and his former-teammate, now-girlfriend Roux Louka join the crew of an energy transport ship and set off on the long voyage to Jupiter. Just before the ship sets off Judau is reunited with his sister Leina, who isn't actually dead after all. And on Earth, Fa and a recovering Camille frolic on the beach.
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The Voices from Visions of Escaflowne...
And Other information of the voices! Alex Doduk -Chid Alvin Sanders -?? Andrew Francais -Dilandau -Young Van -Dragonslayers Bryan Drummond -Allen -Amano -Dragonslayers -Zechs/Miliardo -Vegeta -Boone -Doroda -Hikaru Tsurugi -Gundam Wing -Dragonball Z -Mobile Suit Gundam -Mobile Suit Gundam -Key the Metal Idol Dillon Moen -?? Don Brown -Balgus -Antares -Narrator -C6248 -Weridge -Gwinter -Paolo -Challia Bull -Galaxy Express 999 -Galaxy Express 999/Adieu Galaxy Express 999 -Adieu Galaxy Express 999 -Gundam Wing -Gundam Wing -Mobile Suit Gundam -Mobile Suit Gundam Ellen Kennedy -Millerna -Encia -Dragonslayers -Kyoko -Maison Ikkoku Jocelyn Loewen -Merle Kelly Sheridan -Hitomi -Miharu -Mobile Suit Gundam Kirby Morrow -Van -Trowa Barton -Gene -Woody Malden -Goku -Gundam Wing -Mobile Suit Gundam -Mobile Suit Gundam -Dragonball Z (in England) Lisa Ann Beley -Marlene -Vari -Relena -Amuro's Mother -Mai -Gundam Wing -Mobile Suit Gundam -Fatal Fury Michael Dobson -Dryden -Duke Freid -Adelfos -Bronze General -Plactu -Gaou -Duke -Dermail -General Revil -Gundam Wing -Mobile Suit Gundam Paul Dobson -Folken -Nichol -Noventa -Count Mecha -Wolfgang Krauser -Anuris -Gundam Wing -Galaxy Express 999 -Fatal Fury -Ronin Warriors Richard Newman -Dornkirk -Paile -Platinum General Tsuberov -Ginyu -Narrator Gundam Wing -Dragonball Z Saffron -Yukari -Tetsuro -Galaxy Express 999 Henderson -Naria -Eriya -Dragonslayers -Gohan -Noin -Kentaro -Miho -Dragonball Z -Gundam Wing -Maison Ikkoku -Key the Metal Idol Scott McNeil -Aston -Jajuka -Reeden Harlock -Duo -Reed -Mari Galaxy Express 999/Adieu Galaxy Express 999 -Gundam Wing -Mobile Suit Gundam -Project AKO Ted Cole -Construction Site Leader -Wufei Chang -Wakkein -Yamucha -Gundam Wing -Mobile Suit Gundam -Dragonball Z Terry Klassen -Mole Man -Ruhm -Leon Krillin -Conductor -Dragonball Z -Galaxy Express 999/Adieu Galaxy Express 999 Venus Terzo -Eries -Serena -Hitomi's Grandma -Hitomi's Mother -A-KO -Project AKO Ward Perry -Gaddess -Steel General -Ryu -Bartender -Geese Howard -Lawrence Blood -Mobile Suit Gundam -Galaxy Express 999 -Fatal Fury A Brief Summary of Gundam X... It is the year AW (After War) 0015. Fifteen years ago, the Earth Federation and the Space Revolutionary Army waged the cataclysmic Seventh Space War, in which the greater part of the human race was slain and Earth reduced to a ravaged wasteland. As a final, desperate gambit, the Space Revolutionary Army attached rocket engines to hundreds of space colonies and set them in motion towards the planet. The Federation's ultimate weapon, the Gundam X, tried and failed to stop the mass colony drop, and the war ended in chaos and catastrophe. In the aftermath of the war, both the warring governments collapsed and anarchy prevailed. In this chaotic world, warlords and feudal rulers fill the leadership void, and scavengers like the aptly-named "Vulture" group pick at the carcasses of the fallen. But unknown to the survivors of the great war, the leaders of both sides have merely gone into hiding to rebuild their forces and try again for world domination. The plans of both the resurgent forces hinge heavily on the paranormally-talented humans called "newtypes," but there is a third party attempting to gather these rarest of natural wonders. Jamil Neate - former pilot of the Gundam X and reknowned newtype warrior, now captain of the Vulture landship Freeden - has dedicated himself to finding and protecting those of his kind, and with the help of kid protege Garrod Ran and newtype waif Tiffa Adil, he's ready to take on the whole world in the process...
Turn A Gundam... Here's A Very Breif Story Line... It is the far future, in the year 2345 of a new calendar - two thousand years, that is, after the dawn of the space age. After centuries of peace, the people of Earth have lost the technology they once possessed and forgotten that they once traveled in space. But a lost tribe of lunar settlers, the Moonrace, have retained the scientific arts... and now they regard their mother planet with envious eyes. Hoping to return to their ancestral home, the Moonrace contact Earth's feudal lords and attempt to negotiate the transfer of a chunk of the planet's territory. But soon, unable to make a deal with Earth's rulers, the Moonrace decide to seize the land they desire by force. Anticipating an extraterrestrial invasion, Earth's feudal lords organize militias armed with cars and biplanes to do battle with the Moonrace's army of giant two-legged war machines. Caught in the middle of this war of the worlds is a youth named Loran Cehack, who finds a mysterious artifact - a relic of Earth's forgotten space age - entombed in stone. Will this ancient mobile suit enable Loran to avert the conflict and make peace between Earth and moon?
Gundam Sentinel Small Summary... It is UC 0088, in the last weeks of the struggle between the AEUG and the Titans, when a small group of elite Federal Forces officers stationed at the asteroid fortress Pezun revolt against the pro-AEUG Federation leadership. Declaring themselves the "New Desides" (a hybrid of "decision" and "dissident"), they swear to fight on for the Titans' ideology of Earthnoid supremacy. Although the Axis is the major threat on the horizon, the Federation decides that this rebellion must be nipped in the bud. Taskforce Alpha, a small force of Federal Forces, AEUG and Kalaba veterans, is dispatched to Pezun to teach the New Desides a lesson. In order to intimidate the rebels, Taskforce Alpha is equipped with the very latest advanced mobile suit hardware, including a handful of Gundams - the most powerful of which is the Superior Gundam, piloted by young hotshot Ryuu Roots. The Superior Gundam is equipped with an artificial intelligence system called ALICE, which will intervene many times to save Ryuu's bacon and, over time, develop true self-awareness... Pezun Taskforce Alpha arrives at Pezun and, after a few skirmishes, begins a full-scale assault on the asteroid. The New Desides, however, abandon Pezun and leave a nuclear booby-trap for the invaders. Taskforce Alpha pilot Tex West realizes they've been tricked, and the attacking force withdraws just in time. Meanwhile, the New Desides flee to the friendly lunar metropolis of Ayers City. Unexpectedly, a new enemy surfaces. Federation admiral Brian Eno, commanding a fleet that has been dispatched to support Taskforce Alpha, instead throws his lot in with the New Desides. Now Taskforce Alpha faces not only the New Desides, but its own main force, thanks to Eno's betrayal. Ayers City The New Desides are now holed up in Ayers City, making it politically unfeasible for the Federal Forces to stage a full-scale attack. Taskforce Alpha attempts to land mobile suits on the moon and root out the rebels, but the descending pilots are caught in a two-pronged counterattack. New Desides spies have cracked the software of Taskforce Alpha's mobile suits and fashioned a "logistic bomb" that renders their computer systems useless, while New Desides leader Brave Cod has received a fearsome new mobile suit from the traitorous Eno. Cod's Gundam Mark V ravages the helpless Taskforce Alpha mobile suits and forces them to retreat. The Federation sends reinforcements to join Taskforce Alpha in lunar orbit, and the combined "Eagle Force" stages an all-out assault on Ayers City. The New Desides had relied on the other lunar cities to oppose the Federation's act of aggression, but the political support they expected never materializes. The ferocious battle continues for eleven days, until Brave Cod is killed in combat with Ryuu Roots' Superior Gundam and Ayers City mayor Kaiser Pinefield decides to throw in the towel. All seems lost for the New Desides, until an Axis fleet arrives on the scene. Honoring their pact with the Titans, the Axis forces cover the escape of the remaining 28 rebels. Penta The new leader of the New Desides, master strategist Tosh Cray, devises a desperate plan. The handful of survivors will seize the relay station Penta, in low Earth orbit, and from there launch an attack on the Federation senate at Dakar. Their Axis rescuers loan the New Desides a powerful weapon, the re-entry-capable mobile armor Zodiac, for this purpose. Meanwhile, Taskforce Alpha's flagship, the Pegasus III, has been assigned to pursue and observe the remaining rebels. Arriving at Penta, the Pegasus III and its remaining mobile suits confront Tosh Cray as he puts his plan into action. A running battle begins in the upper levels of Earth's atmosphere as Cray pounds Taskforce Alpha with the mighty Zodiac. Ryuu, Tex and their comrade Shin Crypt pile into the three-seater Superior Gundam and enter the fray. During this critical battle, ALICE manifests her full potential, swatting aside the New Desides' ace pilots with ease. But it's too late to stop Cray's plan, as one of the Zodiac's two sections and a New Desides shuttle have begun the re-entry process - the Superior Gundam cannot follow them down without being destroyed. At this point, ALICE takes matters into her own hands. Ejecting the re-entry-proof core block containing her three passengers, she pursues the last of the New Desides down through the atmosphere, managing to wipe them out before the Superior Gundam itself burns up. Sacrificing herself for the sake of her human comrades, ALICE at last becomes fully human.
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