Gundam Wing


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Gundam Wing Scripts.......

Episode Zero Act 1: Relena Dorian
AC 191 - Dorian Estate
*Relena is going to school, she has a book in hand*
Mother:Take care, Relena.*Relena bows silently and continues on her way*
Mother:Relena.... I know you're reserved.... but why don't you speak more? *Image of Cinq Kingdom burning*
Mother:Is it because that incident during your childhood it has your heart still trapped?
[St. Gabrial Aadamy]
*Relena sits at her desk quietly. Two girls enter*
Girl 1:*Giggling*Truely
Girl 2:Yes.(notices Relena) Oh....
Girl 1:Good morning Relena....
Girl 2:Good morning.
Girl 2:Really....she's always so intense...Relena's so marvelous.
Girl 1:Of course! She is the daughter of the Dorians after all. *Relena stares at them as they pass*
*A sullen young boy, around 11 years old, stands at the gates. He's raggged and looks Incredibly like Heero*
Girl 3:What is that child...?
Girl 4:Oh my...
Girl 4:Are they going to take him in, I wonder
Girl 3:How troublesome... *Relena stands up and leaves, apparently annoyed*
Relena:(walking) Why...does everyone seem to look down at those who are unfortunate? It's not as if they wanted to turn out like that- *Relena bumps into someone. Books drop to the ground. She's bumped into the orphan.*
Relena:Oh...He's the one from earlier...*Boy bends down and picks up his books and continues along his way. Relena watches him go*
Narr:Years later, she would meet a boy named "Heero Yuy". The question was raised if they might indeed be the same person. Heero however had no memories of coming to the earth prior to Operation Meteor. *Roof of the school*
Relena:(Peeking from the doorway)
Relena:Why is he here of all places?
Relena:? *boy pulls out a pair of binoculars and looks thru them*
Relena:What is he doing?
Boy:(speaking into a small transponder)This is Black Alpha. Dorian Estates sighted.
Boy:I think the refuge site for if the mission fails is more suitable than St. Gabriel.
Relena:What are you...?
Teacher:Is the reason why....*Boy stares out the window* *Relena watches the boy as he sits outside. Two other girls are talking*
Girl 5:That boy is all alone agian.
Girl 6:He refuses to speak to anyone, it can't be helped.
Relena:(thinking)I wonder why...I have a feeling we're alike... I... want to know more about you.
*Boy Staring from rooftop watching code being flashed at him.*
Boy:... Tonight. *Explosion*
Narr:This day, terrorists engaged in hostilities against the Earth Sphere Military assaulting a JAP point base in the Pacifice Ocean. *Air carrier above the ocean*
OZ1:Currently above the JAP point.
OZ1:We will reach combat air space in 300 seconds
OZ2:Why is it that we, the Specials, have been dispatched to quell these dissidents?
Treize:The leader of OZ, General Catalonia wishes to test the abilities of mobile suits. And your abilities as well, First Lt. Zechs Merquise.
Zechs:It will be good if I can satisfy such high expectations.
Rebel:Shoot! Shoot them down! All of you die! *Federation soldiers being shot* *Two Aries*
Treize:First Lt. Zechs. We should be able to finish this in three minutes.
Zechs:One Minute will be sufficent, General Treize.
Zechs:The fighting should be stopped by the time I land. *Zechs shoots, stuff blows up* *Zechs does a wordless battle cry.* it's not just talk... *Zechs lands and the fighting's pretty much over with*
Treize:He truly fights like a flash of light[Translator's note: Treize is making a referance to Zech's fighting style that will eventually earn Zech the nickname of lightning Count]
Rebel:*hmph*(takes off in his Aries)
Zechs:You're not getting away!!
Zechs:I'm leaving the rest to you, General!
[Dorian Estate]
Mother:Yes. Uderstood.(she hangs up phone) That was from general Bente. *Relena pauses and listens*
Mother:There's a terrorist piloting aweapon called a mobile suit, escaping towards this area. I must tell my husband immediately... *Relena walking outside now*
Relena:...Terrorist...Mobile suit...weapon.... I don't undersatnd it.
Relena:Why... do people fight so much?
Relena:But... It would seem that that boy has nothing to do with this.
Relena:It's so peaceful... *Sound of an Aries going down. Flash of light in the hills*
Relena:*Small scream*Could it... *A small cloud of smoke rises from the forest*
Rebel:(Kicking Mobile Suit) *growl*Shit! It was just a little further! *Rebel whirls around with a gun in hand*
Rebel:Who's there?!
Relena:NO! *Rebel has his arm around her neck, and the gun pointed to her head.*
Rebel:Be good. I know you're Dorian's daughter. Who would have believes it... that you'd be here!
Relena:I'm... going to die? Am I going to die here? *Relena sees something streaking across the sky*
Relena:A shooting star?
Rebel:Shit! He's caught up already?!
Relena:No! Let go of me please!!
Rebel:(dragging her along) Just c'mon!
Zecha:Don't you thinnkl that's enough? *Rebel freezes. Turns around. Zech's Aries's cockpit opens*
Rebel:Sh-shit!Don't move! Got it! One move and this.... Dorian's daughter is dead.
Zechs:Dorian? Relena?!
Rebel:Now... get out of that mobile suit, nice and easy...
Zechs:... *Zechs gets out*
Rebel:Heh... A new Ariea model... What a nice souvenir... *Zechs whips out a gun and shots the guy in the hand. Rebel drops gun and goes down to his knees. Relena runs to Zech's side.*
Zechs:I have no desire to kill in front of this child... Get out of here!
Rebel:(gets the hint and runs)Sh-Shit!
Zechs:Oh... yes... Milliard. You can't touch this girl... I've thrown away being a peacecraft... taken a weapon into my hands... and chosen the blood-stained path of revenge.
Zechs:(holstering gun) Are you all right, Princess?
Relena:If... I'm a Princess... Then you're... a night astride a fearful dragon?
Zechs:*chuckling* I'm the prince who fell from the stars.
Woman: Miss! Miss Relena!!!!
Zechs:Well then.... if you'll exuse me...
Relena:Oh... *Relena watches Zechs walk away*
Relena:The prince... from the stars... [Next Day]
Girl 1:Did you hear? That boy's disappeared.
Girl 2:Did someone come to pick him up?
Girl 3:It looks like he just fled. *Relena closes her book. She heads up to the roof*
Relena:He's not here either....
Girl 4:There was an act of terrorism agianst a military base yesterday... it seems that the boy was part of a terrorist group.
Girl 5:How scary.
Girl 4:The Teachers seem to think that he infiltrated this place to guide them.
Girl 5:You can't let anyone without some sort of social status into the school...
Relena:That's... *Relena spots the boy a the gate, staring up at her*
Relena:(running down the stairs towards the gate)That's right! Status shouldn't have to matter!We're all human! We should all get along!
Relena:(Pantinng)He's... gone...
Relena:(loooking sad)I wanted to at least ask your name... I should have done that...
Relena:(to nobody)I... I'm Relena Dorian. And you are....?
Relena:And you are....?

Looking For Gundam ZZ scripts....

Gundam Wing, episode 1: The Meteor the girl saw

Narrator: Generations ago, with a great dream for the future humankind departed from planet earth, seeking a life on space colonies. But as time went by, the World Federation brought the colonies under its control one after another using its overwhelming military power in the name of peace and justice. After Colony, Year 195. The beginning of Operation Meteor. It was a secret operation by a few colonies which tried to stand against the Federation. The operation was to secretly smuggle specially camouflaged combat weapons onto the earth. However, the operation had been detected by Federation leaders.

The meteor the girl saw

(Observation satellite)
Soldier1: Slight gravity shift was observed between Lagrange Point A-X and G-Y. The object will reach the earth's atmosphere in 600 seconds.
Soldier2: Not just one, huh?
Soldier1: Right. The radar reports five metal objects approaching earth.
Soldier2: Report this to Lt. Zechs, just in case. I'm sure they're just pieces of an old satellite or something, though.
Soldier1: Roger!

(Space ship just outside of earth's atmosphere)
Soldier: Lt. Zechs, a report just came in. It's regarding some falling meteors.
Zechs: The crews on the observation satellite must all be blind. If they were meteors, how could they all be on the earth re-entry level?
Soldier: So, it's just as headquarters warned us...
Zechs: Yes. This must be the colonies' Operation M. How many of those can our radar locate?
Soldier: Just one--the one which will be falling somewhere in the Eartern Eurasia.
Zechs: Well, one should be enough for now.
Zechs: There is no reason for mercenaries in the front like us to be overworked for meaningless honour.
Soldier: That's a very frank statement, Sir.
Zechs: As I always say... I'm just a soldier.

(Gundam 01)
Heero: Right on schedule. Seven minutes to re-entry.
Heero: [an alarm goes off] A commercial shuttle...?

(Commercial shuttle)
Female radio voice: Darlian-sama, this shuttle will re-enter the atmosphere momentarily. Please stay in your seat and keep your seatbelt fastened for your safety.
Mr. Darlian: What's wrong Relena? You don't want to go back to earth?
Relena: No, I don't.
Mr. Darlian: It's my job, you know. I feel bad about taking you from one place to another.
Relena: Father, please make a longer commitment next time.
Relena: [spots bright object outside shuttle window] Father, what's that?

(Gundam 01)
Heero: The target's relative speed: 01545. Auto Lock: On. An obstacle to re-entry must be shot down.
Heero: [another alarm goes off] A patrol craft?

(Zechs' ship)
Soldier 1: We've got it. I'll put it on the monitor.
Zechs: Just as I thought. This is the so-called 'egg of war', which might cause a lot of trouble in the future.
Soldier 2: Operation M?
Zechs: There's a commercial shuttle in front of it. I guess we'll let the fighter go for now.
Soldier 1: Do you think it'll shoot down the shuttle?
Zechs: That fighter must know we're behind him. There's no way it'll attack the shuttle. This is, after all, a secret mission for them.

(Gundam 01 and Zechs ship enter the earth's atmosphere)
Heero: Damn, the Federation's here... There's no choice then...
Soldier: We're also re-entering the Earth's atmosphere.
Heero: This is it. This is the earth. [types in some commands on a control panel]
Soldier 1: The fighter has changed its course!
Zechs: That's suicidal!
Soldier 2: Trying to burn itself up so they can conceal their secret -- could that be it?
Soldier 2: But the object is accelerating its speed! I think it's trying to get away from us!
Soldier 1: Impossible! No spacecraft could endure the heat of re-entry at that speed.
Zechs: No, it could. It looks like our enemy possesses some advanced technology.

(commercial shuttle)
Relena: That object is also re-entering the atmosphere.
Mr. Darlian: Operation Meteor?
Relena: Eh?

(Gundam 01 and Zechs ship)
Soldier 1: Lt. Zechs, is this...?!
Soldier 2: So this is the secret weapon of the colonies...
Soldier 1: It looks like a bird.
Soldier 2: We're reaching aero-dynamic cruising altitude. We can attack the fighter now.
Soldier 1: OK.
Soldier 2: Let's fire a warning shot.
Zechs: No, it won't listen to any warnings. Just shoot it down!
Soldier 1: Lt. Zechs?!
Zechs: At first I thought it was smuggling a weapon onto earth but it looks like it turned out to be the secret weapon itself.
Heero: I can run away... Is that a carrier also? It must be carrying at least three Mobile Suits. It's changing its speed to intercept me! Change in orders are required. I'm shooting down that enemy ship!
Soldier 1: Lt. Zechs, the enemy fighter reversed its course and is coming this way!
Zechs: Is the Leo repaired?
Soldier 2: Yes, but are you trying to destroy that fighter with a Mobile Suit?
Zechs: Yes.
Soldier 2: Then, isn't Aries more suitable than Leo? Aries is much faster and it is made for air battle.
Zechs: My Leo is fast enough. Besides, I should pay some respect to our brave enemy.
Soldier 2: Lt. Zechs, as soon as the Aries' are ready, we'll despatch them to join you.
Zechs: Roger. [spots MS] What? Above me? [fires at it]
Heero: Problem in the left engine? Damn it! [blasts past Zechs towards earth]
Soldier 2: That was great, Lt. Zechs.
Zechs: Is that it? Is he finished?
Soldier 1: Sir, should we take you in, or should we chase that fighter in our Aries?
Zechs: Let it go down. We'll investigate on the ground. It'll be a great opportunity for us to find out what this Operation M is all about.
Soldier 1: Don't you think it'll self-destruct, though?
Zechs: No one wants to die up here, without seeing the beauty of earth.

[the gundam transforms]

Soldier 2: It transformed into a Mobile Suit?
Soldier 1: Lt. Zechs, do you know what type of Mobile Suit that is?
Zechs: No... I can't believe anyone beside the Federation and the OZ having the technology to build such an advanced Mobile Suit.
Soldier 3: Sir, let us take care of it.
Zechs: Do it.

[the two Aries fires at the Gundam, nothing happens]

Zechs: What strength... It can't be...
Soldier 3: It's turning around!
Soldier 4: Never mind that! Keep firing!

[The Gundam destroys one of the Aries]

Heero: [laughs madly] One more to go!

[The other aries is also destroyed]

Zechs: Two Aries' with one shot! Very interesting! [Zechs' Leo approaches the Gundam and grabs it, sending them both crashing into the ocean]

Soldier 1: Lt, Zechs, are you alright?
Zechs: Yeah. Don't worry. I did what I had to.
Soldier 1: We have analysed the data from the combat. Considering the strength of the outer armour, it has to be made of Gundanium alloy.
Zechs: So..., that's a Gundam... [The Leo and the Gundam plunges into the ocean] Even if the Mobile Suit survives the impact of hitting the water, anyone inside could not.
Soldier 1: Sir, an aircraft carrier from the Federation Marine down there is asking us if it should go ahead and start searching for the downed Mobile Suit.
Zechs: Let them go ahead. Tell them the treasure sunk around point J-A-P in East Asia.
Soldier 1: Yes, sir.
Zechs: 'If it should go ahead and start searching for it'...? I don't think there's any bright future left for the Federation Armed Forces anymore.

Commercial break

(at the space port)
Reporters: Mr. Darlian, what did you discuss at the Colonial Summit this time? What is the Allied Colonies' demands on the Federation? Give us a comment, Mr. Vice Minister. Everyone is anxious to know if they will declare war on earth. Please tell us something, Mr. Darlian!
Official person: Welcome back, Mr. Darlian. A car from the Defence Department is waiting outside. Please follow us.
Mr. Darlian: So soon? That's not convenient. I have to prepare a birthday party for my daughter this afternoon.
Official person: We have prepared another car for your daughter, too.
Relena: Please don't worry about me. I know how to get home.
Official person: Let's go then. General Septem is anxious to see you.

[Relena leaves alone]

(at a promendade by the ocean)
Relena: 'Father, you don't care about my birthday, do you?' And I'd run away..., if this was a movie. Damn military planes... If there wasn't such things, this place would be an ordinary, peaceful spaceport... Well, time to go home. [spots someone on the beach below]
Relena: A man? [rushes down to him] A spacesuit... Is he a soldier? I'd better call someone!

(at the opera)
Treize: You lost three Mobile Suits?
Zechs: [on monitor] Yes.
Treize: It doesn't sound like something you would allow to happen. It'll cost me hours of headaches to come up with an excuse to explain to the Federation leaders...
Zechs: The enemy turned out to be a Mobile Suit made of Gundanium alloy.
Treize: What?
Zechs: If it was actually built on a colony...
Treize: If you and I had been with OZ from the beginning I'm sure such a mess would never have occurred.
Zechs: So, do you think it's a Gundam..?
Treize: What else could it be? The Federation should have paid closer attention to each colony.
Zechs: The Federation Marine is trying to recover the downed Mobile Suit.
Treize: I'll tell them we'll take care of it. I'll also send you a special under-sea unit. You'll be in charge.
Zechs: Yes, sir.
Treize: As you know, time is of the essence. I don't want to provoke the Federation leaders unnecessarily.
Zechs: I'm aware of that, Sir.

(at a political meeting)
Treize: I'm sorry I'm late.
Venty: Colonel Treize, is it true that one of your men lost 3 Mobile Suits when his freighter re-entered the atmosphere?
Treize: Yes. Is that a big problem?
Septem: You wasted three of our precious Mobile Suits for just one spy!
Treize: But because of that, we successfully prevented the enemy's conspiracy.
Septem: I'm not talking about the result right now! What do you think about this waste of precious resources of the Federation?
Treize: Precious resources? Excuse me, but do these 'resources' you're talking about include military personnel as well or do they simply refer to Mobile Suits?
Someone: Damn you! Don't be smart to me!
Someone 2: Now, now... Colonel Treize, next time, be more careful.
Treize: Yes, sir.
Someone 3: Now, let's move to todays agenda: How to prevent the colonies from forming a New Alliance.
Treize: After all these peaceful years, the Federation Armed Forces of today knows nothing about war. No doubt only one organization can determine the future of earth. Only OZ could...

(At the beach)
Relena: He's still a child... [Heero wakes up and stands up, covering his face] Don't move. An ambulance is coming.
Heero: Did you see it?
Relena: What?
Ambulance personell: Hey, in here!

[Heero presses a button on his space suit, nothing happens. Hits the button, and it explodes, but not enough to damage anyone]

Ambulance personell: Hurry, this way! You... [The personell prompty gets 'neutralised' by Heero]

[Heero hijacks the ambulance and takes off...]

Relena: I am... I'm Relena Darlian. And you're...?

(OZ base near Guam)
Soldier: What the...?! Enemy attack? [base gets demolished]
Duo: This is Duo. Primary mission completed. Now I might as well play around with these guys for a bit longer!

(Dover space port)
MS 1:This is the Space Port. We're under attack!
MS 2: A surprise attack? Who the hell is it? [a Red/Orange MS appears]
MS 1: I have no idea.
Trowa: Well, now that they've seen me... I have no choice. I thought destroying the spaceport was enough... But now I have to destroy you all. [does so] Battle record: No. 001. Recorder... let's just say Trowa for now.

(The Arabian desert)
MS 1: Are you sure this is the area where the enemy fighter fell?
MS 2: Yes.
MS 1: I don't see anything.
MS 1: What the..? What's happening?
MS 2:It's the enemy! Enemy attack! [a ton of enemy MSs appear]
MS 1: Are we surrounded? It was a trap!
MS 2: Commander!
MS 1: What?! [spots the Gundam]
Quatre: Drop your weapons and surrender. I have no intention of harming you.
MS 1: Fire! Fire! [The Gundam hacks them up]
Quatre: This is Quatre. The Commander's Suit has been destroyed. I told you to surrender...

(Base in eastern China)
[not much left of the base after the Gundam is finished]
Wufei: I'm Fu Wei. I won't hide or run away until I win this game.

(Back on Zechs' ship)
Soldier 1: What's taking the under-sea unit so long? They say they'll be here in two hours.
Soldier 2: What? Are they having a break or something?
Zechs: Take it easy. That Mobile Suit's not going anywhere. Besides, this sea trench is very deep. It'll take quite some time for the Navy to search it anyway.
Soldier 2: But...
Zechs: And, I have something interesting here.
Soldier 2: This is...
Zechs: Taken by an OZ spy aircraft. What do you think? It looks just like the one we fought the other day, doesn't it?
Soldier 1: So, there's another one?
Zechs: And that's not all. I just got this report: Two major OZ facilities, a Mobile Suit factory and a space port as well as a recovery unit like us looking for a fallen object have been destroyed by unknown enemy units.
Soldier 2: So, there are four more?
Zechs: And the one that fell down into the sea... Altogether, there are five.
Soldier 2: Five? Five Gundams?
Zechs: I guess we were lucky. We seem to be the only ones who encountered a Gundam and are still alive.

(At Relena's school)
Friend 1: Well, isn't it a shame not to have Relena-sama around for the first day of the new semester?
Friend 2: It can't be helped. She just got home yesterday.
Friend 3: Isn't it nice, though? I wish I could go into space one day.
Friend 4: Well, a wealthy father -- that's all it takes.
Friend 1: By the way, tomorrow is Relena's birthday.
Friend 3: That's right. I wonder who's been invited to Relena's party this year?
All friends: Relena-sama...
Relena: Good morning.

(In a lecture hall)
[Teacher enters with Heero in tow]
Relena: That boy...
Teacher: Please quiet down. I would like to introduce you to a new friend.
Heero: Heero Yuy. Nice to meet you.
Relena: That's him. That's the boy.
Teacher: Heero-kun, why don't you sit next to Relena-san. If you have any questions, she will be glad to help you. Now let's start the class.
Relena: Nice to meet you, Heero-kun.
Heero: [purposefull ignoring]

(outside school)
Friend: Uh... Relena-sama...
Relena: This is for you. [hands Heero a birthday invitation card] I'm having a birthday party tomorrow. I hope you can come and join us.
All friends: [applauds]
Heero: [rips it up in front of the stunned crowd, and drops it on the ground before leaving]
Relena: [chocked] It's... so cruel...
Heero: [wipes away tears from Relena's eyes]
Relena: [smiles]
Heero: [before he leaves:] I will kill you.
Relena: [wide eyed look] Who is this boy?

To be continued

Translation by Anime Densetsu no Kaitakusha. HTML and comments by The GW Archive.
Japanese version note: 'Soldier 1' (including his Japanese voice actor) aboard Zechs' ship is actually Otto, but is not credited as him anywhere.

Gundam Wing, episode 2: The Gundam called death

Narration: Generations ago, with a great dream for the future, humankind departed from planet earth, seeking a life on space colonies. But as time went by, the World Federation brought the colonies under its control, one after another using its overwhelming military power in the name of peace and justice. After Colony, Year 195. The beginning of Operation Meteor. It was a secret operation by a few colonies which tried to stand against the Federation. The operation was to secretly smuggle specially camouflaged combat weapons onto the earth. However, the operation had been detected by Federation leaders.

Relena: It's cruel...
Heero: I will kill you.

The Gundam called death

(Fencing hall in school)
Classmate of Relena: I heard all about it, Heero-kun. Tearing up Relena-san's invitation in front of her eyes? Why did you do such a cruel thing? As a classmate of hers, I disapprove of what you did to her. Don't you think that was shameful?
Heero: [disarms the clasmate with his foil] Next time, tell me ahead of time. I'll decline your invitation instead.
Relena's friend 1: Is that Heero-kun?
Relena's friend 2: Yes that's him.
Relena's friend 3:He's pretty good, huh? He doesn't look like it though.

(Naval base)
Commander: What are they doing? This aircraft carrier is not designed to carry Mobile Suits. It takes time to unload them all. Just throw them into the water as quickly as possible -- all of them.
Soldier: Commander, there is a call from Lt. Zechs of the Special Unit.
Commander: What does Treize's boy want?
Zechs: [on viewscreen] It seems you're having some difficulties with the off-loading.
Commander: That's none of your business.
Zechs: I know this is none of my business. I'm just afraid, for your sake, that if you waste too much time here, it'll affect your next evaluation.
Commander: Don't threaten me!
Zechs: To tell you the truth, we are also having some trouble down here. Our new undersea carrier has some engine trouble.
(Switch of location to: Zechs' ship)
Commander: I told them not to waste money on that piece of crap.
Zechs: As a favour, can we repair our ship on your deck?
Commander: [on viewscreen] On top of my aircraft carrier?
Zechs: Yes. In return, we will let you use our state-of-the-art undersea Mobile Suits, Pisces and Cancer.
Commander: I see. You're trying to bribe me, for not telling the higher-ups about your engine trouble, aren't you?
Zechs: So what do you say?
Commander: Deal. Come aboard!
Zechs: Okay.
Soldier 1: Lt. Zechs, what engine trouble are you talking about?
Zechs: All it takes is a humble offer to get him to cooperate with us seriously. We'll take the treasure.

(Relena's class are studying dressage)
Teacher: Everyone? Are you all here? Okay, then let's start. We are going to study how to 'Piroette' today.
Girl 1: Where's Heero-kun?
Girl 2: Why do you care?
Girl 3: At least he doesn't need equestrian lessons anymore.

(Computer room in school)
Heero: [brings up secret military data] This will do it. Anti-undersea-carrier torpedo... Radio control. Heat seeking systems... The Naval Arsenal...It's nearby... Now, to take care of my records... [puts a disk in the computer and starts typing]
Heero: Heero Yuy -- Tuition: cleared. Boarding expenses: cleared. Admission fees: cleared. Parents' financial background: no problem.

(Relena in her baby pink car)
Friend 1: So, Relena-sama, we'll see you at your house in a few hours. Relena-sama?
Friend 2: Relena-sama, what's wrong?
Friend 3: It's your birthday, you should be happy.
Friend 1: Cheer up, Relena-sama.
Relena: [smiles] Thankyou, everyone.

[Heero is sneaking into the naval base under a car]

Relena: [thinking, as the car takes her home] A boy with secrets...

[Heero breaks open a door]

Relena: With so many secrets...

[Heero found the missiles]

Relena: [whispering] And I know too much...?

[Heero modifies the missiles]

Relena: That's why... I'm going to be killed?!
Pargan: [laughs] A new suspense novel, Miss?

(at the naval base)
Heero: If some of these hit the Gundam directly, that'll trigger the self-destruction system. I have to destroy it before it falls into the OZ's hands. I have to do it.

(underwater vessle)
Soldier 1: Lt. Zechs, we've got a metallic response at 180,000 ft. below the surface.
Zechs: Alright then. Launch Cancer and Pisces.
Soldier 1: Sir, please let me go.
Zechs: Are you sure? Underwater is even tougher than up in space.
Soldier 1: I understand. But I'd like to do this by myself.
Zechs: Alright. Good luck.

[The cancer and pisces are launced]

Soldier 1: After Pisces. Cancer will be launched. I will be in charge.
Soldier 2: Roger!
Soldier 3: Lt. Zechs, it's the Marine's Mobile Suits.
Zechs: That damn Commander! Did he read my mind? An explosion?
Soldier 3: The Mobile Suits behind us are being destroyed one after another!
Zechs: Stop the ship. I want to know what's going on.
Soldier 3: What about Pisces and Cancer?
Zechs: We'll let them go on ahead. What is happening?

[A pisces is cut in half by Deathscythe]

Soldier 1: Enemy attack! An unidentified enemy has... [explodes]

(Surface vessle)
Soldier 1: We lost contact with all the Mobile Suits!
Commander: Drop all the depth charges into the area!
Soldier 2: But Lt. Zechs' undersea carrier is also down there.
Commander: I don't care! That weasel might be the one responsible for this mess! FIRE!!

[numerous underwater missiles are launced]

(on Zechs' underwater vessle)
Soldier 3: The fleet opened fire!
Zechs: What is he doing?
Soldier 1: [on viewscreen] I hear explosions. What is going on?
Zechs: Be careful, the enemy seems to be in the area.
Soldier 1: You mean... that Gundam is still functional?
Zechs: I don't think so. But watch for it.
Soldier 1: Yes, sir.

(surface vessle)
Commander: How was that? Nothing could have survived that massive attack. [explosion] What the...? [ship is cut in half]

[Deathscythe lands on the ship]
Duo: [chops things up] Die... Anyone who sees me must die.

(Relena's party)
Relena: Thank you all for coming to my party today. I am very happy to see you all.
Friends: Relena-sama, happy birthday. Happy Birthday!
Relena: Everyone, thank you.
Mrs. Darlian: Dear, do you really have to leave now? Can't you stay just a bit longer for Relena?
Relena: Father...
Mr. Darlian: Relena... I'm sorry, Relena.
Relena: Don't be, Father. I understand. I'm not a child anymore. Take care.

[Mr. Darlian drops some pictures of meteorites]

Relena: Those pictures...
Radio voice: Next: According to a Defence Department spokesman, the five meteors expected to hit the earth have apparently all burned up during entry to the atmosphere. Also the conspiracy theory regarding the colony alliance turned out to be just a false rumour.
Relena: A bunch of lies... I know Heero was in that falling object. But then, could Heero be a 'Little Prince' who fell to earth?

(on the Bayside highway)
Relena's classmate: [on a motorbike] Damn! I'm late for Relena-sama's party. [nearly gets run over by Heero in an ambulance] Was that Heero? It couldn't be...
Heero: The OZ is already on the way. Can I make it?

Commercial break

Ringmaster: What? You wanna join us? You've got any experience? [Trowa gives him a paper] This doesn't tell me anything.
Trowa: [holds out his hand to the lion] Hello.
Ringmaster: How did you do that?
Trowa: [pets lion] They never attack anyone who's not a threat. Animals are very straightforward.
Cathrine: A strange boy...

(Tents in a desert)
Butler: Quatre-sama, I brought you something to drink.
Quatre: Thank you. Put it over there, please.
Butler: How do you like Earth so far?
Quatre: Wonderful. Great. It's really great. The earth... It's so beautiful...

(Outside a truck)
Wufei: [hands over briefcase with money] Thank you.
Man 1: Where do you want me to unload the stuff?
Man 2: Here's good.
Man 1: Right here? Are you sure you want to leave such an enormous amount of explosives with a boy that age here?
Man 2: Don't ask any questions. We've got our money. [salutes Wufei] Good luck.
Wufei: Sorry for your trouble.

(At Relena's party)
Friends: Relena-sama, blow it out. Go ahead, Relena-sama. Blow out the candles.
Relena: Oh, that's right.
Relena's classmate: Ah, I guess I made the main event just in time. Happy birthday, Relena.
Relena: Thank you.
Relena's classmate: So, Heero is not here, after all? Maybe that really was him, then...
Relena: You saw Heero?
Relena's classmate: Yeah, on the Bayside Highway. But, listen to this -- he was driving an ambulance! It couldn't be him.
Relena: [thinking] An ambulance...? It must be him!
Relena: Which way was the ambulance heading?
Relena's classmate: I guess it was heading towards the military port...
Friend: [Relena leaves in a hurry] Relena-sama, where are you going?
Relena: You all enjoy the party. I'll be back later.
Relena's classmate: If you're going to the port, I'll give you a ride.
Friends: we're coming with you, too.
Relena: NO! I'm going alone. Now, if you'll excuse me...
Mrs. Darlian: Hold it, Relena! What is wrong with her? She never explodes like that...
Relena: [thinking] Heero... What are you planning? Who are you going to kill?

(Underwater vessles)
Soldier 1: That's Leo. But the Gundam... Where is the Gundam? It's strange. There's no other metallic responses.
Soldier 2: I found it! I can see it over here!
Soldier 1: Great! Let's report it to Lt. Zechs.
Zechs: Is that so? You've found it.
Soldier 1: But I'm surprised. It's not damaged at all.
Zechs: Our enemy has created some incredible monsters... But now we can capture one of these monsters and learn all about it. Watch out for the currents. We'll stay right here.
Soldier 1: Okay. Ready the wires and floats.
Soldier 2: Roger.
Soldier 1: Wh-what is that? A self-destruct system?! [somthing floats down from above, and blinds everyone nearby with its light] What?

[Deathscythe emerges on the scene]

Soldier 1: What is that light?
Soldier 2: Enemy attack! Enemy attack! [explodes]
Soldier 1: It can't be! No thermal blade weapon can be used in water! Damn you! [attacks Deathscythe, which goes down] I did it! I did it, Lt. Zechs! [explodes as Deathscytereturns the attack]
Duo: [rubbing his head] Damn! That's the OZ's latest machine?! Pretty good... [sees wing] There's yet another new design? Self-destruct system? That machine looks just like mine! Even its self-destruct system is located in the same place. [neutralises it] I guess I don't have to destroy this one. It can be my backup machine.

(At the naval base)
[explsions detonate at the base]
Soldier 1: Evacuate! Take the wounded to the hospital! Ambulance! What are you doing? Hurry up! Hey, where's the driver?

Relena: Heero! I know it is you, Heero. Don't do it, Heero.

[is about to launch the missiles, ignores Relena]

Relena: Heero, what are you doing here? And who are you? Those are torpedoes, aren't they? I just want to know more about you. Talk to me, Heero!
Heero: Relena...
Relena: Heero...
Heero: [points a gun at Relena] You know too much! Goodbye, Relena!

[Suddenly, and out of nowhere, someone else appears, and shoots Heero]

Relena: Heero!
Heero: [glares at the intruder] Who?!
Duo: [points his gun at Heero] Obviously you are the bad guy here, aren't you? Are you alright, Miss?
Relena: [rushes over to help Heero] Are you alright, Heero?

[Heero lunges for his gun, and Duo shoots him again]

Duo: Don't hurt yourself any further.
Relena: That's enough. Why did you have to hurt him?
Duo: Hey, wait a second. Damn, I'm the bad guy now...?

[Relena bandages Heero up]

Duo: [alarm clock goes off] Oops, already here? I may have miscalculated the high tide...
Relena: [spots the Gundam] What is that...?
Duo: [pulls out another one of those blinding light things] I can't let you see it. Miss, I don't know what's going on here, but you'd better go home now. It's for your own sake.

[Heero lunges for the missiles]
Duo: Hey, back off! [shoots at Heero again]
Heero: That's my Mobile Suit! [launches the missiles]
Duo: What are you doing, bastard?! [shoots at Heero again]
Heero: This is... the end... Mission complete. [plunges into the water, seemingly dead]
Duo: [the missiles hit Deathscythe and Wing] He knows about the Gundam's self-destruct system. Is he the pilot of that Mobile Suit?
Relena: Who are these people?

(Underwater vessle)
Soldier: Lt. Zechs, we can't restore communications with either Cancer or Pisces.
Zechs: I see. No one who sees a Gundam ever gets away alive... I will not accept that.

To be continued

Translation by Anime Densetsu no Kaitakusha. HTML and comments by The GW Archive.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 3: Five Gundams confirmed

Narrator: Generations ago, with a great dream for the future, humankind departed from planet earth, seeking a life on space colonies. But as time went by, the World Federation brought the colonies under its control, one after another using its overwhelming military power in the name of peace and justice. After Colony, Year 195. The beginning of Operation Meteor. It was a secret operation by a few colonies which tried to stand against the Federation. The operation was to secretly smuggle specially camouflaged combat weapons onto the earth. However, the operation had been detected by Federation leaders...

Heero: Relena...
Duo: Obviously you are the bad guy here, aren't you? Are you alright, Miss?

Five Gundams confirmed

(At a luxurious mansion)
Trezie: [holding a rifle] So, we are always one step behind them?
Zechs: [on viewscreen] Their true objective is still unclear to us. It's a natural result. If you want to take a chance, the next place you should watch for is the Mediterranean base.
Trezie: Where all the Leo-types are being built. I'm sure the Federation Armed Forces are doing everything to find the enemy. But maybe it's time for us to give them some help.
Zechs:Sending the Middle East Aries Unit to the area is one option. However, considering the obvious difference in the Mobile Suit's performances, it will be difficult for us to operate with the Federation Armed Forces.
Treize: So you want to go? Your expression is telling me so. [suddenly he fires at a pheasant!] I'll be waiting for good news, Zechs.

(Underwater vessle)
Zechs: Cancer is a state-of-the-art Mobile Suit of the OZ. And it was no match for Gundam.
Soldier 1: It's disappointing... Is it really so dangerous?
Zechs: I've lost five trained men of mine. The loss is too great.
Soldier 1: Then, lieutenant, what should we do?
Zechs: We are going after every one of those Gundams. As for the investigation of the battle, let the Federation Navy take care of it.
Zechs: [thinking] They always do things beyond our imagination... They don't seem to follow the same kind of tactics we use...

(Federation naval hospital)
Doctor: Breath rate: 27. Pulse: 57. Body temperature: 34.5 degrees and rising...
Sally: What is it?
Doctor: I thought he moved.
Sally: Keep monitoring him.

Heero: [thinking] Am I captured...? The third Federation Naval Hospital... District J-B South... 50th floor, Intensive Care Unit...

Doctor: Major Sally, it's a call for you.
Federation soldier: That disk you gave me is impossible to analyse. It can't be opened with any access code I can think of.
Sally: The boy had it. I thought the Federation's main computer is supposed to be able to open any file...
Doctor: So, do you think he is one of the secret agents of the rebels?
Sally: Let's not jump to conclusions. That boy's body is just incredible. Over 200 traces of small broken bones, yet the only visible scar on his body is that gun wound... He had to have had quite an abnormal childhood.
Doctor: Shall we use mind relaxant drugs?
sally: No! I don't want to use such a strong poison on a boy that age.

(Outside hospital)
Duo: [in a telephone booth] That's right. Also, the two almost identical cars are broken. So I want you to have your lunch behind the yellow field. Okay, and I'll help you cut wheat later.
Duo: Now then. It's time to visit the patient.

(Onboard aircraft)
Soldier 1: This manoeuvre indicates that they are trying to tell us where they're heading on purpose. This is the one that emerged on the bank of the Yangzi River.
Zechs: It's kind of slow. It may be a type without flying capability.
Soldier 1: But, are there so many different types?
Zechs: Yes. But at the Corsica Base in the Mediterranean, we might well encounter one whose manoeuvres are unclear. And, we may be able to destroy it right at the site. This one by the Yangzi River... It won't show up at the ceremony in Corsica. It's heads straight up to the Federation's doorstep then backs away. It's rather cute as long as it's still visible.
Soldier 1: Then, Indus Supplement Base should be the next target.
Zechs: Let's hope they can manage it well. That's all we can do for now.

(The Indus Supplement Base)
Wufei: [demolishes base] They're so unprepared. How disappointing! No one to fight.

(Federation naval hospital)
Relena: No visitors? Is his condition that bad?
Nurse: Oh, it was you who brought him here, wasn't it? You wait here a minute, OK?
Sally: I am Major Sally, medical officer. Would you mind telling me about that fine young man?
Relena: That fine young man?

Doctor: Still no change.

[Heero tries to break free from the restrainst]

[A monitor comes to life in a corner of the room]

Duo: [gesturing for Heero to be quiet] Even a man like you knows when to keep silent. I'm sure you're a well trained soldier like myself. You must be able to read my lips, right? What a guy! You've been awake all this time without changing your pulse or breathing pattern. Impressive. I'd like to ask you some questions. And if you'd like, I'll help you get out of here.

[Relena and Sally take the elevator up to the 50th floor]

Sally: He's such a mysterious boy. He looks barbaric at first glance, yet he seems so noble...
Relena: Is that so? I think he's just as ordinary as any other boy.
Sally: What is your name?
Relena: I am Relena Darlian.
Sally: Darlian? Are you the Vice Foreign Minister's...
Relena: Spoiled daughter...?
Sally: [smiles] Did I upset you somehow?
Relena: No... I'm sorry. Can I see Heero-kun?
Sally: Heero? Is that his name -- Heero?
Relena: Yes, and I'm his classmate and sweetheart!

[They enter the room]
Sally: Any new development?
Doctor: Nothing, Major Salieh.
Relena: Heero? This is terrible. Why is he bound like that? Take them off!
Sally: He's too powerful. Frankly, we are afraid of him. That's why we had to do that. If we can get to know him better, we won't have to keep him like that anymore.
Relena: So, he's not a Federation soldier, then...
Sally: Let's go downstairs.

Relena: [a bomb explodes nearby] What's that?
Duo: Get ready, man!
Doctors: Hurry, before he escapes!
Duo: Damn, how does this work?
Heero: Just give me the knife. I can do it.
Duo: Hey, your arm! What a guy!

[Heero cuts himself free from the restraints]

Sally: Are you alright?
Duo: [runs through a corridor with Heero] This way!

[Duo throws a little bomb at the window, which breaks. Both of them jump out the window.]

Duo: [activates ...whatever it is.] Hey, what are you doing? [sees that Heero ignores the parachute] Open the parachute, hurry! Hey! What are you doing? Bastard! Damn, don't waste any more time!
Sally: Did they take off from here?
Relena: Heero! No, Heero!

[Heero seems to wake up by the sound of Relena's voice, and activates the parachute]

Duo: It's too late!

[It is indeed to late, and Heero bounces off a cliff onto the beach where he stands up and brushes the dust off himself.]

Relena: Heero!
Sally: He's alive... Incredible... I just have to wish that he's not our enemy.
Heero: I... What am I doing here?
Duo: I know you'd rather die... But if you couldn't die after all that, you'd better come up with a really good way to kill yourself. I know it may sound corny, but all you can do right now is to trust me.

Commercial break

Radio a related topic: The Defence Department announced today that the delayed production of the Leo, the ground-type Mobile Suit, will be back on track by utilizing the Corsica Base facilities. The mass production of the Leo has been delayed due to a massive explosion in the Leo's main factory last month. The cause of the explosion is still under investigation. To take extra precautions, the Specials issued a high-level alert to the Middle-east Division...

(The Corsica base)
Berker: I'm going to see Lt. Zechs. I'll be back in two hours.
Zechs: I guess I made it in time for the ceremony.

Soldier: But, Sir, this is too dangerous!
Bonapa: Stupid fool! This is the best way to show our commitment to both our enemy and the Specials! Who needs help from the damn Specials?! This way, we can tempt the enemy, and they'll emerge right before us!

Narrator: In the past, The Specials' Mobile Suit units made it possible for the Federation to dominate the United Earth Regions. But at the same time, many officers have an open mistrust and resentment toward the Specials. Young officers who are trying to create a new course of history. Colonel Treize Khushrenada... The man who created the Specials. He is also a board member of the Longfeller Foundation, which is supported by aristocrats who value their conservative tradition. Using his financial resources, he has been dedicated to the development of the Mobile Suit. The Specials not only provides Mobile Suits to the Federation Armed Forces, but also possesses its own combat unit. The unit is highly regarded and has obtained a special permit, so that it is allowed to manoeuvre independently in any battle site. But this also accelerated the resentment of the older officers of the Federation Armed Forces.

Bonapa: For them, war is just one of their amusements. They are making trouble all over the place because they want to fight more. There's no need to be afraid. Just stay calm, and we can avoid unnecessary casualties. I'll show the damn Specials that there is a way to achieve victory without spilling blood!

Zechs: So, Commander Bonapa is not here?
Soldier: I'm terribly sorry, Lieutenant!
Zechs: I've heard that he dislikes us, but...
Soldier: I'm terribly sorry!
Zechs: Don't be. We must have offended him somehow in the past.
Berker: [arrives on his motorbike] Lt. Zechs!
Zechs: Berker! Long time no see.
Berker: Lt. Zechs, I'm glad to see you again.
Zechs: Do you have a suit that I can use?

[Zechs and Berker leave]
Berker: I'd like you to see something.

[The TallGeese]

(In a hangar)
Zechs: It's huge.
Berker: It looks like a prototype of all the Mobile Suits. It's larger than Leo in all dimensions. It's an old machine, but... When you sent us the data on Gundam, it reminded me of this one, which the local engineers call a 'museum exhibit'.
Zechs: You're from Corsica too, right?
Berker: I used to be an engineer myself. This machine is the only one having features comparable to those of the Gundam's. I don't know the details of how it was designed. The only thing I know is that, in order to strengthen the structual integrity, the Mobile Suit has to be this large. Engineers in the past decided that there was no need for a stronger body, so they came up with the current standard size of Mobile Suit. Tallgeese -- I believe that was it's name.
Zechs: If we can somehow complete this machine, do you think we can compete with Gundam?
Berker: Please take this with you.
Zechs: You're thinking of dying for me, aren't you?
Berker: You told me once: Fight for the future generation... That is my principal now.
Zechs: You are much braver than myself now. How many can you handle?
Berker: As you told me, I'm always prepared for the maximum number of enemies.
Zechs: There will be four. The other one is missing. That's all I know. Sorry, Berker.
Berker: Don't be, that's good enough. Lt. Zechs...

(Outside, at the Corsica base)
Soldier: Please, don't, Sir!
Bonapa: There won't be any enemy!
Berker: The enemies will come...
Bonapa: The enemies will come? No fool would challenge such a heavy guard!
Zechs: The fool has come.

[Heavyarms suddenly shows up, blasting all his missiles at the base]

Berker: Specials! Confirming enemy attack. Everyone, come with me!
Soldier:But there's only one.
Berker: Never mind! One may be enough...

[Heavyarms demolishes base and MSs]

Soldier: Descend! Hurry, to the ground!
Bonapa: Calm down! Only one enemy has been confirmed so far. Surround it and exterminate it!
Soldier: There's no radar response! Turn on the monitor! I've got it!
Bonapa: I told you not to rely on machines too much!

Trowa: In terms of strategy against fewer enemies, it is generally regarded as effective to cut off their retreat, surround them, and lay down intense fire. Surround and exterminate... The enemy commanders decision should be considered a textbook manoeuvre. But... He should have waited to see what his enemy is capable of doing.
Bonapa: How could it be?! What a mess!
Berker: You help the commander's ship retreat! The rest of you, keep attacking the enemy!
MSs: Yes, sir!
Bonapa: You bastard...!
Berker: We shall all be destroyed by the enemy. Make sure to obtain all necessary data from the battle. For the future generation!
Bonapa: Forgive me...
Berker: Get close to it! There's no other way.
MSs: Yes, sir!
Soldier 1: It's all set. ready to go anytime.
Zechs: How's Bonapa doing?
Soldier 1: He seems to be fine. Lt. Zechs, I'll fight with you in the Leo!
Zechs: No. Don't give me such a hard time. To save Tallgeese... I can barely do it at this moment. Sorry, but be patient for now.
Soldier 1: Yes, sir.

[More fighting, until Heavyarms is surrounded and out of ammo]

Soldier: Looks like it's out of bullets! Great! We have a chance!
Berker: Don't assume anything!
Soldier: I'll show you what Specials are capable of! [attacks Heavyarms]
Berker: You fool! Why do you have to make such a mistake now?!
Trowa: [closes eyes] I guess this is my end...?
Soldier: D I E !

[Before the overeager soldier gets his chance, someone attacks him from behind, and his MS explodes]

[A massive number of new MSs show up, and the base is suddenly under heavy fire]

Berker: Come on! Damn it! I want to see their strength, before I die... [in a firm grip of Sandrock's twin blades]
Quatre: I'm sorry.
Zechs: You won't be forgotten.

Maganac: Quatre-sama...
Quatre: Leave him to me.
Maganac: That one seems to be out of bullets.
Quatre: The pilot won't rely on firearms anyway. [Sees Zechs shuttle as it takes off] Damn! That's the... [Heavyarms suddenly attacks him]

[Sandrock and Heavyarms battle it out, using hands and feet...]

Quatre: [smiles] This is wrong. Wrong... [steps out at the hatch of Sandrock] We must stop fighting against each other!

[Trowa steps out of Heavyarms, hands raised, as the background music starts playing]

Quatre: [still smiling] Please stop! I'm the one who came out first to show my trust in you.

(At a ship)
Duo: There it is. It's all yours, now. At least, show me a little appreciation. What are you doing? [sees that Heero is setting his own broken bone, looks sick] I've had enough. Who else treats his own broken bones? Please... I just had my lunch.

To be continued

Translation by Anime Densetsu no Kaitakusha. HTML and comments by The GW Archive.
Note: 'Soldier 1' around Zechs is once again an uncredited Otto.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 4: The Nightmare at Victoria

Narration: Generations ago, with a great dream for the future, humankind departed from planet earth, seeking a life on space colonies. But as time went by, the World Federation brought the colonies under its control, one after another using its overwhelming military power in the name of peace and justice. After Colony, Year 195. The beginning of Operation Meteor. It was a secret operation by a few colonies which tried to stand against the Federation. The operation was to secretly smuggle specially camouflaged combat weapons onto the earth. However, the operation had been detected by Federation leaders.

Quatre: We must stop fighting against each other! Please stop. I'm the one who came out first to show my trust in you.

The nightmare at Victoria

(aboards Zechs' ship)
Soldier: A report from the Corsica Base just came in. There is no more signs of the enemy at the site. The damage is as much as 55% to all the facilities.
Zechs: [thinking] Berker... Thank you for the data on the two new Mobile Suits.
Soldier: Lt. Zechs, I have the Victoria Base on the line.
Noin: [on viewscreen] Long time no see, Lt. Zechs.
Zechs: You look well, Noin.
(switch focus to Noin's place, a training hall)
Noin: I hear lots of stories about you. The fame of the 'Lightning Baron' has reached even here in Victoria.
Zechs: [on viewscreen] I don't like such a name. Fame makes you a visible target for enemies. It also makes your colleagues expext too much from you.
Noin: Sometimes fame is good. I wonder what I'm famous for...?
Zechs: You are famous for your excellence in educating and training space pilots. Your graduates are always regarded as the best. But, Noin, you used to hate war. How come a person like you became such an excellent instructor at the Academy?
Noin: I am honoured that you remember I dislike war. I just... like space...

(in a zero G simulator)
Student: The simulator is now reaching Zero-G.
Noin: Alright. Begin the final check-up for the Mobile Suits now!
Students: Yes, sir.
Noin: [students collide] What are you doing? How can you afford to be confused when the speed is this slow? You've got to know the locations of all friendly units using all the senses you've possess! Lt. Zechs will be here soon! We won't show him such an embarrassment!
Student: Lt. Zechs will be here? Right! I'll try harder.
Noin: Alright then.
Noin: [thinking] Zechs... It's been a year and 22 days...

[Somewhere else at the same time, Wufei prepares for battle]

(Zechs' ship)
Zechs: So it did disappear, then?
Otto: Yes. It was the only Mobile Suit which we knew the exact location of. But we lost its location right after it crossed the equator.
Zechs: I bet its objective is Noin's Taurus'.
Otto: The Federation Armed Forces are so careless. These days, even children know that Taurus' are being built at Victoria Base.
Zechs: And I'm visiting there... Only Noin could welcome such double trouble.
Otto: You two were classmates at the Victoria Academy, right, Sir?
Zechs: How did you know that?
Otto: Everyone knows that. You two still hold the highest, and the second highest marks in the Victoria Academy's history. And you, Sir, have the highest mark.
Zechs: Because she always sought second place. She provided me the opportunities for the great honour. And I guess I'm in need of her help again.

(Noin's apartment)
Noin: Zechs Merquise... no, Peacecraft... Come back to me.

(Victoria base, day)
Noin: You are graduating this Academy today. You all did well. I congratulate all of you. From now on, you are proud members of the Specials. [Mobile Suits are presented to the students] These are your machines. And these are also the target of our enemy. Therefore, here is your first mission as commanding officers in OZ. Get all these machines off this base immediately!
Soldier: But can't the transportation unit take care of that?
Noin: [slaps him] I did not train a soldier who cannot take care of his own machine. I repeat! This is urgent! Get them off this base!

[Zechs' plane arrives]

(Victoria base, evening, at an empty bar)
Zechs: When can you get all the Taurus' out of here?
Noin: By tomorrow morning, 0700 hours.
Zechs: That's really tight.
Noin: I've heard the Gundams do not show up on radar, so I've increased the number of personnel on watch.
Zechs: Right decision. Good job.
Noin: Thank you for the compliment, Lt. Zechs.
Zechs: Call me Zechs, Noin. But, what a cafeteria this is!
Noin: The cadets are all very young. These kind of things are necessary.
Zechs: Don't get too attached to them. It makes it difficult to let go.
Noin: Thank you for your concern. But the soldiers I trained are never going to die. They are not trained to die. I believe the value of human life is not comparable to war.
Zechs: I've seen my men die many times. Noin, I have to disagree with you.
Noin: Any kind of operation that risks anyone's life should be considered flawed in the first place. It is unfair for soldiers to die in a operation where everyone can anticipate casualties.
Noin: [the phone rings, Noin answers it] It's Noin. Zechs, it's Lt. Otto.
Otto: [at the Tallgeese repair bay] The engineers here are amazed. This Mobile Suit turned out to be even more advanced than we originally thought. It looks like we can complete this sooner than expected. It'll still take a month or two, though...
Zechs: I see. That's good news. Thank you for all your efforts.

(Victoria base, night)
[Wufei shows up, and detonates bombs all over the base]

Noin: [rushes out of her room, still dressed for sleep] What? What happened?!
Soldier: An enemy attack! The cadet's dormitories was bombed!
Noin: What? [rushes away to see the mess]
Noin: [In a room full of dead people] This is terrible...
Dying soldier: Ma'am, I'd like to go into space...
Noin: Search for the enemy! As soon as you find the enemy, you may open fire! Kill them all! Enemy Mobile Suits may be around! The Leo Unit is to advance! The enemy has to be close!
Noin: [in a control room] Is Lt. Zechs alright?
Soldier: The South Wing is undamaged. He said he'd be right over.
Noin: Alright. [graphs a microphone] The enemy's objective must be to destroy the Taurus'. Get them off this base!
Soldier 2: It'll take at least 30 minutes to put them in a cargo plane!
Noin: OK. For the next half an hour, we can't allow the enemy to attack us! I will take command of the Mobile Suit unit!
MS 1: There is no enemy response on the radar! Everything is normal here.
MS 2: Power plant area, everything is normal.
MS 1: It's like there's no enemy at all.
Noin: [jumps into an MS] Where did it go? Turn all the thermal sensors on the base on! [gets the result on a viewscreen] There it is! Anyone available, join me! Prepare the Aries'! Chase the enemy! [multiple MSs starts up]
Noin: [finds Wufei, who's escaping on a motorbike] Stop! Or I'll shoot you! There's no way you can get away from me. Are there anymore...? The Gundam!
Noin: [alerts the control room] There's a chance of a Gundam in that direction. Prepare the Space Beam Cannon!
Soldier: But it's not designed for a ground battle.
Noin: Never mind that! One shot is all I need!
Zechs: [thinking] Noin is chasing the enemy?
Noin: Are you heading for that forest ahead of you? I won't let you!
Noin: Stop, you dirty conspirator! Going after pilots instead of Mobile Suits? [locks target on Wufei, and fires. Wufei gets thrown off the bike, and surrenders] What kind of man are you?
Wufei: I know that line from somewhere. [raises arms]
Noin: A child? It can't be! That child singlehandedly destroyed our base?
Wufei: A woman...? Then it's not over yet! [adapts more explosives, before he escapes on the motorbike]
Noin: And he's alone... Around 14 or 15 years old? [sees something ont he viewscreen] Is that him? [shenlong stands up] Soldier in MS: I found the enemy! Fire! [locks target of big gun on Shenlong]
Noin: Wait!
Soldier in MS: Lt. Noin, why?
Wufei: She's a woman, that's why! [chops the two MSs up]
Noin: Bastard! [Wufei knocks her MS down]

Commercial break

(Victoria base, MS hangar)
Soldier: Hurry! As soon as the loading of the Taurus' is complete, the cargo plane will take off! That's a direct order from Lt. Noin. Hurry!
Zechs: The enemy is not heading this way. Calm down.
Soldier: We will take care of any matters concerning this base. Lt. Zechs, please move your plane sitting in front of cargo plane #1.
Zechs: Even if it is a direct order from Noin, I will not obey. Do not bring the Taurus' out now. The enemy is not coming.
Soldier: Never mind! Let cargo plane #2 take off first! Lt. Zechs, you will stand before a court martial.
Zechs: At this moment, I am more in control than you are. As long as you make a decision with a controlled mind, you won't have to regret making that decision after, even if that decision turns out to be a bad one.

[The cargo plane filled with MSs leave the hangar and take off]

Noin: Move! What the... Aries! [hits the controls]

[Wufei spots the plane at a distance, and shoots it down]

Soldier in hangar: The Taurus'!
Wufei: WOMAN! Are you listening to me! WOMAN! You underestimated me because of my age. You proved yourself to be inexperienced. I do not kill weaklings and women!
Noin: Shit! S H I T !!!

(In a hangar with Deathscythe and Wing)
Heero: [sitting on Wing] Insulation: 2800...? It can be fixed.
Duo: Hey you! Hey, listen! Why do you have to be so stubborn? I told you it'll be much easier to let us repair your Mobile Suit along with mine!
Heero: I just don't want any strangers to touch my Suit. It's that simple.
Duo: Oh, come on! You don't even have replacement parts. [Jumps up on Wing] No matter how good an engineer you are, without parts, there's no way you can repair this. Machines are not the same as your broken legs or arms. You understand? [Heero ignores him, Duo sighs in defeat] I saved this guy's life. What was I thinking? Antisocial, uncooperative, unpredictable... God, I hate this guy! If I were you, man, I'd hate my personality so much that I would shoot myself!
Heero: Hey!
Duo: What is it? Changed your mind? It's too late!
Heero: Will you shut up for a while?
Duo: Yeah, yeah. Sorry to bother you. [an alarm goes off in Wing, Heero jumps in] What is it?
Heero: A new mission? The enemy will be transporting gundanium alloy... Roger. I will intercept it tomorrow morning.
Duo: How are you going to do it with this beat-up Suit? You can't do anything.
Heero: Maybe you can't. But I can.
Duo: Yeah, yeah! You're right again as usual. [thinking] He's going to have to blow himself up if he fails this mission. A mission without room for mistake... He has to be one of us.

(on a cliff by the beach)
Relena: Heero! Hurry, please come and kill me!

(political meeting)
Someone: According to the report from Col. Treize. it did turn out to be made of gundanium alloy.
Septem: I see...
Mr. Darlian: [thinking] Treize... How could Specials' Treize know about the alloy...?
Septem: I understand that the gundanium alloy can only be synthesized in a zero-gravity environment.
Someone: So, those Mobile Suits were indeed sent to earth by the colonies.
Septem: Then, I won't be able to lift the special alert from my Armed Forces for a while.
Someone: Perhaps, you should consider the opposite.
Someone 2: I wish I could station my Armed Forces at the Lagrange Point so that we can help Gen. Septele.
Someone 3: My country is already preparing for that.
Mr. Darlian: But this whole thing is done by only a few rebelling colonies. We should not provoke the other moderate colonies by treating all of them as a bunch of rebels.
Bald guy: They provoked us in the first place! Let's destroy them all!
Mr. Darlian: Those colonies wish to make peace with the Federation more than anyone.
Septem: We want to have peace, too. I don't see the colonies as seeking any peaceful solutions, though.
Mr. Darlian: They do! It all started when the Federation Armed Forces brought the colonies under their control by using massive military power.
Angry guy: Is that all you have to say here? Are you a spy for the rebels, trying to sabotage us or something?
Mr. Darlian: What are you saying?
Septem: Thank you for sharing your opinion. Mr. Vice Foreign Minister Darlian, you may leave now.
Mr. Darlian: Isn't it about time that you realize? The really dangerous people are you men...
Angry guy: [grabs Darlian] Haven't you said enough?

(ancient looking place, in a bathtub with Treize.......)
Treize: Assembling the Armed Forces at the Lagrange Point? I could not agree more.
Lady Une: [not in the tub...] Leaking the information turned out to be very effective.
Treize: [thoroughly enjoying things] And our Lt. Zechs... As always, an excellent job. By the way, Lady Une...
Lady Une: Yes.
Treize: About Vice Foreign Minister Darlian...
Lady Une: As you wish... I will prepare you a bath with rose-fragrance next time.
Treize: Please do.

(The Gundam hangar, late at night)
Duo: What is he still doing in there? Good night!

[Heero diligently repairs his Gundam]

[in the morning]
Duo: What?! [wing takes off] I can't believe this! What a guy! He fixed that shit in one night?
Guy: Hey! He got us! He stole the parts from your machine!
Duo: What! That's what I get for trusting him. Shit!

(Herro at his mission)
Heero: Target is confirmed. [blasts the plane, then laughs madly]

(at the Maganac base)
[Trowa and Quatre are playing music]

Maganac 1: Almost done.
Maganac 2: That was pretty easy. This one is just like the other one.
Maganac 1: They are almost identical, right, Boss?
Rashid: Yeah. That's why Quatre-sama was so concerned. [thinking] Lucky for us, he's not our enemy. This machine could be the only one that could go against Quatre-sama's...

(Victoria base, still night)
[Noin lands with her MS]
Zechs: Noin. Are you alright?
Noin: Yes. But I'm torn apart... Both physically and mentally.
Zechs: Noin... I'm just glad that you're alive.
Noin: Because if I died in the line of duty, I would be respectfully promoted two ranks ahead of you?
Zechs: You sound quite alright to me.
Noin: Zechs, let me join you in your fight against them. I have to wipe away my disgrace.
Zechs: I have to get back at those Gundams, too. It looks like I can no longer just let them do whatever they want.
Noin: Zechs...
Zechs: Besides, I'd feel more secure with you supporting me.
Noin: Thank you, Zechs.

(late at night)
Wufei: [to the surrounding wild animals] Go away, you're pathetic! Fighting weaklings, I feel empty even if I win the battle. Damn it!!

To be continued

Translation by Anime Densetsu no Kaitakusha. HTML and comments by The GW Archive.
Note: 'Soldier 1' is finally credited as Otto.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 5: The secret of Relena

Narrator: Generations ago, with a great dream for the future humankind departed from planet earth, seeking a life on space colonies. But as time went by, the World Federation brought the colonies under its control one after another using its overwhelming military power in the name of peace and justice. After Colony, Year 195. The beginning of Operation Meteor. It was a secret operation by a few colonies which tried to stand against the Federation. The operation was to secretly smuggle specially camouflaged combat weapons onto the earth. However, the operation had been detected by Federation leaders.

Septem: Thank you for sharing your opinion with us Mr. Vice Foreign Minister Darlian. You may go now.

Darlian: Isn't it about time you realized, the really dangerous people are you men...

Soldier: Haven't you said enough?

Relena: Heero! Hurry, please come and kill me!

The secret of Relena

(Onboard a space shuttle)
Lady Une: Vice Minister Darlian, I'm honoured to be escorting you.

[Darlian ignores Une]

Lady Une: I'm just trying to make polite conversation.
Darlian: I have nothing to say to any of the Specials' officers.
Lady Une: Those are harsh words. I'm just following orders from above to attend to you. I hope you don't hate me personally.
Darlian: Relena... Take a good look outside. And remember how beautiful Earth looks from above it.
Lady Une: [mumbling] You take a last look also, Darlian...

(Relena's School)
Friend1: What's wrong? You look so sad.
Friend2: I was just thinking that among those twinkling stars are the colonies.
Friend2: But why can't the colonies be beautiful like the stars?
Friend3: That's not true at all. Relena-sama is up there. So the colonies look more beautiful than usual.

(Dark Room)
Heero: [typing on a computer] Target: North Pacific OZ supply base... Mission acknowledged.

(Space port on a colony)
Man: Mr Darlian. Now I know the stories about Earth's economic crisis are just a rumour. They could afford to launch a shuttle just for you.
Darlian: Those kind of rumours are rather innocent ones. But the rumours spreading within the Federation are serious ones.
Man2: The one about how we are going to invade Earth?
Man1: They know we will gain nothing by such a foolish act. Why do they believe such things.
Lady Une: That's why we are here - to see if it really is a rumour or actually the truth. Of course, I hope it's just a rumour also.

(Hotel room)
Relena: Why would the people of the Earth believe we would start a war against them... The people of the colonies live in such a peaceful society. Why?

(Conference room)
Man: Excuse me my lady, but your diplomatic credentials have not been officially accredited by the Federation Government. Therefore, you are technically not eligible to attend this meeting.
Lady Une: I understand. But I would still like a report of the meeting.
Man: Of course.
Lady Une: Thank you. Then I'll excuse myself. [leaves room]

(Outside conference room)
[Une fiddles with an electronic device, and puts it on a drawer]

Lady Une: In ten minutes it will be finished... No, just beginning...

[Relena arrives at the room]

Relena: It's Relena. [knocks at door, which opens]
Man: What is it?
Relena: I'm going out shopping.
Man: Please be careful. I'll arrange a bodyguard for you.
Relena: No, there's no need. This place is much safer than the Earth.

[Relena closes the door to the room, then spots Une's device on the drawer and picks it up]

Relena: This is hers.

(Inside conference room again)
Man: The whole thing is just ridiculous. Operation Meteor, the new Mobile Suits... Everything they say, we've never heard of.
Man 2: Mr Darlian, Why do you think the Federation suspects us of this?

(Ouside building)
Lady Une: Ten seconds left.
[Relena rushes out]
Relena: Excuse me. Did you forget this? [gives Une the device]
Lady Une: What the hell?! [Grabs the device and throws it through a window into the conference room]

[The device exploads]

Relena: Father! [Runs back into building]
Lady Une: She's going to screw up our plans! Get that girl! If she resists you may kill her!
OZ Soldier: Yes, sir!

(Inside the now demolished conference room)
Relena: Father! Father! Where are you?
Darlian: Relena!
Relena: Father! Father!
Man: Is Vice-Minister Darlian alive?
Man 2: They're all dead.
[The man picks up the unconscious Mr. Darlian]
Relena: What are you doing with him?
Man: Alright, lets get Vice-Minister Darlian to a safer place!
Man 2: Yes , sir.
OZ Soldier: You there! What are you doing over there? [fires at the fleeing group of men]
Man1: They're here already. Quickly!
OZ Soldier: Some men took Darlian and his daughter.
OZ Soldier: Close all exits.

Relena: Please let go of me.
Man: You must come with us. I can't just leave you here in the midst of the enemy.
Relena: Don't worry about it. What are you going to do with my father?
Man: I don't have time to explain right now. Get in.

[They get into a car and drives away as the OZ soldiers shoots at them again]

[Lady Une also fires at the car, but has to dogde it as it is running straight at her with no intention of stopping]

OZ Soldier: [To Une] Are you alright?

(Inside a car)
Man: This will help calm you down. [Gives Relena some medication with a syringe]
Relena: Please take my father to a hospital at once!
Man2: A hospital is even more dangerous.
Relena: That can't be.
Man: They would've sent assassins to every hospital nearby. There are very good doctors in our organization.
Relena: Who are you?
Darlian: Relena...
Relena: Father!
Darlian: Listen to me Relena...
Relena: Don't talk father.
Darlian: Please stay calm. I am... not... your real father... Your real name is... Relena Peacecraft. The heiress of the house of Peacecraft, the once highly admired and peaceful monarchy.
Relena: What are you talking about?
Darlian: I was a young member of the Kingdom's senate. But the Kingdom was attacked and destroyed by the Federation. We were among the few survivors. I Adopted you as a baby to hide your true identity.
Relena: That can't be true.
Darlian: OZ... Beware of OZ... [Passes out]
Relena: Father! Father! NO!! [Screams]
Man: He's just unconscious. You need to rest also.

(Naval base)
Howard: Your mobile suit has been repaired.
Duo: Thank you! I appreciate it!
Howard: No need to thank me. Just pay me as usual. You're my biggest client you know.
Duo: We've managed to get it ready for the next mission.

(The Maganac Base)
Quatre: [by the window, watching Trowa leave] Do you have to go? I won't ask you to stay. But at least tell me your name. My name is Quatre Raberba Winner.
Trowa: I don't have such a presentable name. But you can call me Trowa. Trowa Barton, that is. [leaves]
Quatre: Thank you, Trowa. Good luck.

Rasid: Quatre-sama. Are you sure it's alright to just let him go like that? Now that he knows where our base is...
Quatre: Don't worry. He doesn't seem to be a guy with a big mouth.
Rasid: What if he comes back with enemy troops?
Quatre: I'd like that. I'll be able to see him again then. [smiles]

(Another naval base)
Soldier: Everything's fine.
Soldier2: Roger. [Leaves]
Soldier2: Ah, another two hours of patrol.

[Wufei approaches rapidly and knocks out the federation soldier]

Radio: Hey, is something wrong?
Wufei: [Pretending to be the now unconscious soldier] Everything's fine.

(In a forest)
Heero: [Starts up Wing] All systems normal. Heading to the target point to execute the mission.

Commercial break

(Mobile suit hangar)
Zechs: I'm counting on you, Otto!
Otto: Leave it to me. The staff of this factory are the best. We'll upgrade your mobile suit with great care.
Noin: Are you sure something designed more than twenty years ago is still even usable?
Zechs: This mobile suit is probably better than any of OZ's newer models.
Noin: I see... Could it really be?
Zechs: This Taurus is the prototype of all today's Mobile Suits. Even those Gundams are derivatives of this machine.
Noin: Gundam...

(In a garage)
Relena: Father!
Man: [to Relena] You're awake.

[A man pulls a blanket over Mr. Darlians dead body]

Man: Please accept my deepest condolences... Had we detected the Federation's conspiracy sooner this would never have happened.

[They turn their eyes to the TV]

Reporter: [on TV broadcast] Lady Une, what is your reaction to the bombing?
Lady Une: It is extremely regrettable. I am truly disappointed to learn that there are such violent terrorists on this colony.
Reporter: Is it true that Vice-Minister Darlian and his daughter have been kidnapped?
Lady Une: We are investigating that possibility now. The motive is unclear at this moment, but if this incident represents the overall will of the colonies. I must say that the Federation will have to consider certain retaliatory measures, including the use of arms.
Reporter: W-wait a second, Lady Une!
Lady Une: Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work on this investigation.

[A man switches the TV off]

Man: Damn it! They turn it into an act of terrorism.
Relena: She's right to call you terrorists! You let my father die by not taking him to a hospital.
Man: I explained the hospitals...
Man2: That's enough.
Man3: I sincerely apologize.

[Relena lunges for the man's gun, and grabs it.]

Man3: What are you...
Relena: I'll go home to avenge my father. Those people called OZ, they're the ones who killed my father. Weren't they?
Man: Don't be ridiculous! You can't go home now! You'll be killed!
Relena: I don't care if I'm killed.

Heero: I will kill you.
Relena: [Standing in front of Heero to protect him from Duo] That's enough! Why do
you have to hurt him!
Relena: [The birthday scene] Don't be Father.
Relena: I understand. I'm not a child anymore.
[End flashbacks]

Relena: Heero... I want to see Heero again...
Dr. J: Did you say Heero?
Man: Now. [restrains Relena]
Relena: Get your hands off me!
Dr. J: Heero... You mean Heero Yuy?
Relena: Do you... Do you know Heero Yuy?

Zechs: That lady Une is a very good actor.
Noin: What do you think happened to Vice-Minister Darlian? He must have been killed.
Zechs: But Relena...
Noin: You look concerned, Zechs.
Zechs: What do you mean?
Noin: [thinking] Open your heart to me... You are a man with too many secrets.

(The North Pacific OZ supply base)
Soldier: Commander, enormous heat readings have been detected. And the Leos on patrol disappeared from the screen.
Commander: Enemy Attack?
Soldier: Possibly the Gundam...
Commander: Dispatch all standby Mobile Suits. Prepare the rest for launch.
Soldier: Roger.
Pilot: Visibility is so bad that I can hardly see anything.
Soldier: [Spots Wing through the smoke] Gundam!
Heero: [chuckles]

(In a car moving though the dark colony)
Dr J: Call me Doctor "J" if you like. Believe it or not I'm actually a scientist.
Relena: Doctor J, are you the one who sent Heero-kun to Earth?
Dr J: Yes, I am. But Heero has been in a class with Mr Darlian's daughter all this time? What a surprise. Is he doing well?
Relena: What are you trying to make him do?
Dr J: What I'm trying to make him "do" is speak for us.
Relena: Speak for you?
Dr J: I raised him as a professional Terrorist, teaching him every combat technique since he was a little child.
Relena: Why did you do such a thing?
Dr J: A simple reason. For the sake of peace for the colonies.
Relena: Nonsense! Killing people never leads to a peaceful solution.
Dr J: On the contrary it does. Only the people can start a war, and only the people can prevent it from starting. What I'm having Heero do is terminate those people. The evil ones who are seeking to start a war.
Relena: But there must be some other peaceful means to prevent a war.
Dr J: Some twenty years ago I also believed so. That the human race was not so foolish. That no-one ever really wanted war...

[Images of the colonies' past, including pictures of the real Heero Yuy]

Dr J: The history of the colonies was first made by scientists and engineers like me. Our ancestors worked very hard to establish space colonies. It took more than 100 years to establish the first colony where people could live in comfort. Twenty years ago we were still enjoying our peaceful lives under the leadership of the President of All Colonies, Heero Yuy.
Relena: Heero Yuy?
Dr J: Among the people on the colonies that name is still a legend. That boy's code name is from the late president...
Relena: Code name?
Dr J: But some people didn't like the idea of universal peace. Heero Yuy was assassinated by an organization that opposed him. After President Yuy's death the solidarity of the colonies fell apart, giving the Federation an excuse to build up it's arms. OZ... That's the organization that assassinated Heero Yuy, and the one that's trying to start a war.
Relena: OZ?
Dr J:> You know about them?
Relena: Those were my fathers last words. Beware of OZ. But what Heero-kun is going after is...
Dr J: Oz also. Oz's conspiracy intends taking over the federation Armed forces, and eventually the federation itself. That's what we have to prevent.
Relena: But... But why Heero? Why does he have to bear such an enormous responsibility?
Dr J: I don't have an answer. The only thing I know is that he knows the pain that all of us in the colonies feel.
Relena: But...!

(The North Pacific OZ supply base)
Duo: [Lands Deathscythe in front of Wing] I guess we're on the same mission. What?! Don't you want to say hello to me?
Heero: Target: Lock on. [Aims at Deathscythe]
Duo: So we have to fight this out after all?

(Outside a building in the dark colony)
Dr J: The people in this building will help you get back to Earth safely.
Relena: Why did you save my life? Is it because I'm Darlian's... Darlian's daughter?
Dr J: No... It's because you have the same kind of eyes Heero used to have. Clean, pure, and kind eyes. I want you to remember this. He was a nice, kind boy, just like you.
Relena: I know.
Dr J: But no-one can stop Heero now. If you don't want to die, don't try to get close to him again. [leaves in car]

(The North Pacific OZ supply base)
[Wing fires at something behind Deathscythe, Duo freaks out when he thinks he's being targetted]
[The mobile suit behind Duo falls over]

Heero: Now we're even. [laughs]
Duo: Damn! You got me!

[Wing takes off]

(Space Shuttle)
Relena: Father... I will be a daughter of Darlian forever.

To be continued

Translation by Anime Densetsu no Kaitakusha. Comments added by The GW Archive.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 6: Party night

Narrator: Generations ago, with a great dream for the future humankind departed from planet earth, seeking a life on space colonies. But as time went by, the World Federation brought the colonies under its control, one after another using its overwhelming military power in the name of peace and justice. After Colony, Year 195. The beginning of Operation Meteor. It was a secret operation by a few colonies which tried to stand against the Federation. The operation was to secretly smuggle specially camouflaged combat weapons onto the earth. However, the operation had been detected by Federation leaders...

Relena: Father! Father, where are you?
Darlian: Relena...
Relena: Father!
Darlian: Your real name is... Relena Peacecraft...
Relena: What are you talking about?

Party night

(In a car outside Relena's house)
Reporter: Relena Darlian-sama! Do you have any comments on the assassination of your father, Vice Foreign Minister Darlian?
Reporter2: Would you consider this a declaration of war by the colonies?
Relena: They just want me to say whatever they want to believe. No one has any idea what my father was really killed for.

(at home)
Relena: I'm home.
Mother: Relena!
Relena: I'm sorry.... I wasn't able to protect my father.
Mother:Don't be. I'm glad that you are safe. I knew this day would come someday...

Darlian: Your real name is... Relena Peacecraft...
Darlian: The Heiress of the house of Peacecraft, the once highly admired and peaceful monarchy.
[end flashback]

Mother: Did your father tell you anything before he...?
Relena: No. Father said nothing.
Mother: Relena, there is something I have to tell you...
Relena: Mother!
Mother: Relena...?
Relena: You are my mother! Please just be my mother!
Mother: Relena...

(at a spaceport)
Lady Une With the Vice Foreign Minister gone now, there is no one to mediate the dispute between Earth and the colonies.
Treize: [on the phone] He was indeed an excellent diplomat. In general, that kind of person tends to become the first sacrifice for a new era.

(switch of location to Treize's house)
Treize: So, Lady Une, why haven't you come back?
Lady Une Well, I still have something to take care of. Please give me some more time.
Treize: Is it Darlian's daughter? Isn't it unusual for you to miss a target?
Lady Une With regards to that matter, I would like to request use of a Mobile Suit from the JAP region.
Treize: Take five with you.
Lady Une Five...?
Treize: It seems that wherever we go, shadows seem to follow us...
Lady Une You mean, the Gundams?
Treize: They are always going after our Mobile Suit facilities and new bases. Just be careful. But if the Gundams do emerge, five of our Mobile Suits will not be sufficient.

(At Relena's schhol, preparing for a party)
Girl: The party will start soon!
Boy: Wait!

Heero: [in a computer room] Heero Yuy's school record at St. Gabriel's High: all erased. Transfer approval from the Board of Education: OK.
Heero: [peers out window] This isn't my concern.

Student1: It's Relena-sama!
Student2: Her father was just assassinated on a colony.
Student3: Really?
Student2: It's everywhere in the news.
Friend 1:: Relena-sama...
Friend 1:: I cannot find the proper words to express my condolences.
Friend 2: The party is overshadowed by your loss... I don't feel like partying at a time like this anymore.
Relena: Thank you, everyone. But I cannot be sad forever. I will have to be even stronger from now on. I'msure my father would not want to see me crying.
Friends: Relena-sama...
Boy1: He's transferring?
Boy2: You mean Heero? He's only been here for only a month or so, though...

[Relena finds Heero]

Relena: Are you going off to fight again? I wonder where the next battle field will be. I met Dr. J. [Heero points a gun at her] So, even you can be surprised. I've been surprised by everything about you since the day I met you. You know, it's not a good idea to kill me here, at a time like this. Don't you think so? It's a crowded party. I would like you to stay and have a good time. At least, until the dance is over.

(Naval base)
Man1: There it is, at last.
Man2: With this fog, I'd be surprised if it wasn't delayed.
Man1: Let's unload and store the Mobile Suit quickly.
Man2: Roger.


Man2: W-what the...?!
Man1: That's...
Man2: G-Gundam!

[Shenlong attacks the base]

Wufei: It was so easy to sneak in here. What kind of security is this?
Wufei: It's your own fault!

(At the Circus)
Ringmaster: Where the hell did that kid go? It's his turn.
Cathrine: He's right there.
Ringmaster: You're late, Trowa! Why do you always stray away from the others?
Trowa: I made it, didn't I? What's the problem?
Ringmaster: What did you say?! [clenches fist]
Cathrine: OK! Let's go now. The audience is waiting.
Manager: I understand!
Cathrine: You must trust me. Don't move, okay?

[inside tent, the show is on]
Ringmaster: Now, we are proud to present our master of knife throwing: the beautiful but incredible, Catherine de Bounure!

[Trowa is strapped to a target thing]

Cathrine: Here I go, Trowa! [throws knifes at him] Please be a little bit scared, or I can't get excited myself, you understand? [Trowa doesn't flicch] W-what...?! That boy doesn't know fear? Dead... Those eyes are dead... No! don't look at me like that! I can't concentrate, Trowa! Please, stop! [throws the knives, and just barely miss Trowa] T-Trowa!

[by the lion's cage later on]
Cathrine: Trowa! Why didn't you dodge that wild throw?
Trowa: It's my job.
Cathrine: You gazed at me with the eyes of a wild animal. In fact, they were just like that lion's. [lion roars] Oops, better not make him mad. Anyway, you'd look much better with a smile on your face. You've got cute features, you know? Oh no! I came to apologize to you. Trowa, I'm really sorry about that.
Trowa: I told you, it's my job. [leaves]
Cathrine: Trowa! Smile, smile!

(At the party)
Friend 1: Look, Relena-sama...
Friend 2: ...seems to be in high spirits.
Friend 3: But I only wish she wore a bright dress to match her spirit like she usually does.
Friend 1: She is. I can see it in her eyes. Relena-sama's eyes match with a bright dress.
Relena: Heero, I know too much. That's why I have to be killed, right?
Heero: Yes.
Relena: I didn't want to die without knowing why. But now, I feel different. I somehow understand why you have to keep on fighting. And now, I'm fighting beside you.
Heero: Beside me...? [notices something to the right] What's that? That's an OZ Mobile suit cargo jet! Do they know I'm here? [leaves]
Relena: Heero!

(By the incoming planes)
Lady Une Use whatever means necessary. It is officially going to be reported as a colony terrorist's sabotage act against the Federation.
Officer: [on viewscreen] But... are you sure about this? Making an attack upon civilians?
Lady Une You're dismissed! I'll have another officer command the operation!
Officer: W-why?
Lady Une This operation is much more important and serious than you think. I don't want to have a wimpy officer like you failing this operation!
Officer: Pardon me, Ma'am! I will carry out the operation as you ordered.
Lady Une Very well. Launch the operation.
Officer: Roger. Descending now.
Lady Une Calm down, Lady...

[the transport plane opens and lets out two Mobile Suits]
Officer: Alright, let's go.
Soldier: Roger.

Soldier1: W-what the...?
soldier2: Look out! Enemy attack!

Commercial break

(at the party)
Guest 1: What is this?! Has war finally started?
Guest 2: It must be a colony attack!
Guest 3: Run!
Relena: That's... That's a Federation Mobile Suit. What is it doing here?
Friends: Relena-sama! Relena-sama! [the MSs attack]

Heero: [in his Gundam, still dressed for school] Leo and Aries... Normal types, confirmed. I'll destroy them.

soldier1: [lands] How did the enemy know we'd be here?
soldier2: It's coming!

[the MSs gets attacked by Wing]

Officer: We're engaged in a battle with an enemy Mobile Suit!
Lady Une What is the Mobile Suit type?
Officer: I... I don't know. I've never seen a model like this before.
Lady Une Colonel Treize was right... It did appear after all. But in a place like this? Capture the unidentified Mobile Suit! Dispatch all of the remaining Arieses!

(In a room at the Maganac base)
Quatre: [by his desk, watching a viewscreen] There is another, after all... Someone else is destroying OZ'sfacilities. I know there is Trowa... But I wonder how many other Gundams there are on Earth... I wish I could see them all.

(at a ship or somewhere near water)
Man: Man! There's nothing tastier than beer after a long day!
Man2: You got that right!
Howard: Hey, Duo! Duo?! What's up, Duo? What are you doing up there?
Duo: Nothing. I've just found out that the moon looks much more beautiful from Earth.
Howard: The moonlight on the calm sea...
Duo: The moon looks so clear from the colony. I always thought of it as a huge graveyard.
Howard: Graveyard, huh?
Duo: I'm sure that guy doesn't have the soul to look upon the moon in this way. You should let yourself go over the edge every once in a while and enjoy your life. Especially while you're still alive...
Howard: Being rational is one thing. Reality is another. It's a sad human saga...
Duo: I wonder what he's doing now.

(Back to the battle at Relena's school)
[Mobile suits fighting Wing]
Officer: What the hell...! Its manoeuvring capability is much better than ours! Go to fighter mode. We'll ascend!
Heero: You guys are too heavy to fly!

Relena: Don't worry. Stop crying and get away!
Friends: Yes.
Relena: It'll be alright... Now, hurry.

Heero: Relena... [watches Relena from his Gundam]
Relena: Heero...?

[One of the enemy MSs attacks the school, and a piece of the tower falls down towards Relena, Heero puts Wing's shiled over her to protect her from the falling debris]

Heero: What am I doing? I should kill her, shouldn't I...?

Officer: It's stopped! Why?
Lady Une What?! Gundam is protecting Darlian's daughter?
Officer: Yes, Ma'am. I've confirmed that the girl is our target: Relena Darlian.
Lady Une Does she have some connection to the Gundam pilot...?

Relena: Heero... Is that you, Heero?
Heero: Why...? Why...?! Why can't I?! [chops up yet another MS before he goes into bird mode and takes off]

Soldier: We...we lost them all!
Lady Une Damn! I'll go down there myself!
Soldier: Incoming call from Colonel Treize!
Lady Une What?
Treize: Lady Une... The operation has been cancelled. Return to the base immediately.
Lady Une But, Colonel Treize...?!
Treize: I've decided to let Darlian's daughter live.
Lady Une But why, Colonel? This is a very important mission...
Treize: Lady... With the Gundam in the picture, the situation has changed now. It isn't your fault. Just come back.
Lady Une Yes... I understand, Sir.

(Treize's office)
Noin: [on the viewscreen] Thank you very much for doing this, Colonel Treize. I'm sure Lieutenant Zechs is very relieved.
Treize: It's usually I who always asks Zechs for a favour. Sparing Relena is the least I can do for him in return. Give my best to Zechs.
Noin: Yes, Sir. [ends transmission]

Treize: [opens a window] So, the rumours turn out to be true... A survivor among Zechs's family... You should have told me earlier. [to the birds who landed on his finger] So... you like it here?

(At Relena's school)
Relena: Heero! It's you, Heero, isn't it? Answer me! Heero! Why did you save my life?
Heero: [in his gundam] She's right... Why did I? She knows too much.
Relena: You've supposed to kill me, aren't you? Answer me, Heero! [Wing moves as if to squish Relena...] Heero...
Heero: Why can't I kill her? [takes off]
Relena: Heero! Please don't go away... Please, Heero...

To be continued

Translation by Anime Densetsu no Kaitakusha. Comments added by The GW Archive.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 7: The scenario to bloodshed

Narrator: Generations ago, with a great dream for the future, humankind departed from planet earth, seeking a life on space colonies. But as time went by, the World Federation brought the colonies under its control, one after another using its overwhelming military power in the name of peace and justice. After Colony, Year 195. The beginning of Operation Meteor. It was a secret operation by a few colonies which tried to stand against the Federation. The operation was to secretly smuggle specially camouflaged combat weapons onto the earth. However, the operation had been detected by Federation leaders.

Quatre: There is another, after all... Someone else is destroying OZ's facilities. I wish I could see them all.
Heero: It's not my concern.

The scenario to bloodshed

(New Edwards air force base)
Officer: This is New Edwards Air Force Base. Another shuttle just came in. There are quite a few planes out there, including VIP jets.
Trieze: Understood. Thank you.
Lady Une: As you instructed, I leaked the fake info -- that all of OZ's top officers will be gathering at New Edwards -- through our military channels.
Treize: You and I will be there, at least. So, it isn't totally false information.
Lady Une: Are you using yourself as a bait, sir? Personnel stationing is 100% complete. No more increase should be necessary.
Treize: Zechs is stationed to Nairobi? Such a figure in a place like that?
Lady Une: Nairobi is an important strategic point, yet there aren't enough capable officers in that area.
Trieze: I see. Now people will choose their course in history without any hesitations.

(At Heero's place)
Heero: [watching the Gundam's viewscreens] I accept the mission. Roger. New Edwards... Oz will be there.

(At Trowa's place)
Ringmaster: Trowa is gone again! I can't find him.
Catherine: Yes. He said he'd be back soon.
Ringmaster: Dammit! What the hell is he thinking? Do you know I have every reason to fire him?
Catherine: But he's too good to lose, right?
Ringmaster: Shit! We have a lot to talk about when he gets back! [leaves]
Catherine: Trowa, what are you trying to do?

(At Quatre's place)
Auda: But to go on a vacation all alone, all of a suddenQuatre-sama is just a little boy, after all.
Abdul: Well, living with dozens of tough guys like us, everyone needs a little break once in a while.
Rashid: You idiots! Quatre-sama is probably on a mission so secret he couldn't even tell us the details.
Auda: That can't be! Is it true, Captain?
Rashid: He must have decided to go alone because he thought the mission would be too dangerous.
Auda: But, then, isn't he in danger?
Rashid: Quatre-sama is such a warm and compassionate person. But, Quatre-sama, I wish you'd at least have discussed it with me

(At the bay in San Fransisco)
Quatre: [in a telephone booth] Is this the San Francisco Star Regent Hotel? I would like to book a room. Only, I am a minor and alone... [turns around as sees Trowa] That's...

Quatre: [to Trowa] Hi! We meet again. I guess we're on the same mission.
Trowa: I can do it alone.
Quatre: So can I. But if we cooperate, it will be more successful.
Trowa: I wonder about that... [leaves]
Quatre: I'm sure it will be. [watches Trowa leave]

(At at airbase)
Soldier: Enemy attack!
Worker: Did someone say enemy attack?

[Heero appears out of nowhere and attacks them]

Heero: [gets a warning light on the plane] Who's back there? [goes to check] It's him...
Duo: [loading his Gundam into the cargo plane] You should load up yours, too. I'll take over the cockpit.
Heero: Duo...
Duo: We don't want to screw up this mission, do we? Leave it to me!
Heero: Do what ever you want.
Duo: That guy... He finally remembers my name.

[the plane takes off, with Duo as its pilot]

Duo: This is going to be a great mission.
Heero: Do you really know the importance of this mission?
Duo: Of course, I do. This is going to be our best opportunity to destroy OZ once and for all.
Heero: This is unlike anything we've done so far. We can terminate the heads of OZ all together.
Duo: Right... And then we'll be able to go home...

Narrator: Arriving at New Edwards Air Force Base on that day were Supreme Commander Marshal Noventa; Commander-in-Chief of the Space Forces, General Septem and Commander-in-Chief of the Earth Forces, General Ventl. All the top officers of the World Federation Armed Forces attended the discussion of the treaty negotiations. Among the top officers were the Special's head, Col. Treize, and his adjutant, Lt. Col. Lady Une. However, Treize had leaked false information about the meeting, giving the impression that the meeting was a gathering of OZ's top members, not the Federation's.

(At New Edwards Air Force Base)
Treize: Now, let's see which way history will turn.
Lady Une: The way you planned, of course, Treize-sama.
Treize: It's now up to the Federation. I can only help history decide its own course. That's how things work.

Officer: Lt. Zechs, Nairobi Base is asking us what the purpose of our visit is.
Zechs: Tell them we're only here for drills.
Zechs: Say, we're going to practise manoeuvres off the coast of Mombassa.
Officer: Roger.
Zechs: Noin, this is going to be a regrettable mission. Are you sure you don't mind?
Noin: I believe in you, Zechs. If the order comes in, I'll follow it.
Zechs: The Federation and OZ... Whichever becomes the new government, the world never will change. So why do you fight, Zechs?

(At the political meeting on New Edwards Air Force base)
Noventa: [speaking to the assembled militaries] In the beginning, the Federation was a deterrent force to other growing military powers. But today, the Federation itself has become a military threat to the world. There is no need to spend more money to increase our armed forces and to further develop new weapons. This is the path the Federation must choose to take.
Septem: You mean, you're seeking an arms reduction?
Noventa: A reduction is only the start. Eventually, I believe we should completely disarm ourselves.
Bentz: I agree.
Septem: Gen. Bentz?
Bentz: We once fought hard. We had to in order to make it possible for us to reunite the world. But somehow, before we realized it, our honourable cause has become warped. We have to stop the bloodshed now...
Septem: If only we could do it alone. What about the recent incidents? The attacks made by those mysterious Mobile Suits made from Gundanium alloy? The Earth is being threatened by those invaders with superior weapons. The Special's have engaged in battle with them. What do you think about it?
Treize: We believe that they are acts of sabotage committed by the space colonists.
Lady Une: [whispers] Treize-sama!
Treize: I feel like an actor reading a script.
Lady Une: An actor?
Treize: Someone has to express what the Federation officers really want to say, right?
Noventa: It is only natural that the colony sides have a strong mistrust towards us. That is why we need to do something as soon as possible.
Bentz: I couldn't agree more. Let's start a new chapter of human civilization with peaceful talks.
Noventa: It's not only with the colony that we need to start talks with. We also need to start talks with ourselves.
Septem: But, what about those Mobile Suits?
Noventa: If they learn that our intentions are towards peace, they will lose their objectives. We will open talks. And that way, the path we have overlooked can be discovered again.
Treize: History seems to be making a wrong turn.
Lady Une: Then...
Treize: No. Not until the final curtain rises.
Noventa: Then I would like to move our discussion to the actual agenda for a peaceful negotiation. First... [an explosion can be heard outside the hall] W-what is it?
Officer: [on a big viewscreen] Sir! An enemy attack! The base is under an enemy attack!
Noventa: What? Those are... [sees Wing in bird mode approaching the base]

[Wing and Deathscythe start the battle against "enemy" forces]

Duo: Defenses are really heavy! This may be too much!
Heero: This is ten times more than what I expected.
Duo: We've got to take them seriously today!
Heero: It's taking too long!
Duo: I'll break through the centre!

Treize: Lady, the curtain has risen. Let's get our plan started, too.
Lady Une: Yes, Sir. [presses a button on a mini computer]

Officer: Lt. Zechs, Operation Daybreak is underway.
Zechs: All right. Dispatch all fighters!
[Hundreds of MSs decends on a dark town]

Commercial break

Noventa: Tell them to stop fighting! We're seeking peace with the colonies!
Officer: That's impossible! They're on a massive attack. We can't afford to stop fighting back or we'll be utterly destroyed.
Treize: Marshal, we need to evacuate at once.
Noventa: But...
Treize: If you still want to seek a peace with them, that's fine; but I have the responsibility of protecting you while you do so.
Noventa: I don't need your sarcasm. But, no, I don't intend to die here, either. For the sake of the peace negotiations!
Treize: Then, please use our high-speed shuttle. It's always on standby for immediate take off.
Noventa: I'm frankly surprised to hear your kind offer.
Treize: Marshal, we are still part of the Federation Armed Forces.
Noventa: You're right. I accept your offer.
Officer: This way, gentlemen!
Officer: The shuttle is in hanger B-12.
Treize: [stops a man] General Septem, please come this way.
Septem: Why? Isn't the shuttle this way?
Treize: It would probably be a good idea to disperse the leaders into 2 planes, just in case. My private shuttle is at hanger F-7. It is a small one, but it's a Special's state of the art model.
Septem: Is that right? Then, I'll follow your recommendation.
Treize: Please. [they leave for another shuttle]

Commander: Dispatch all the Mobile Suits we have ready! The enemy are only 2!
Officer 1: Commander! There's an emergency call from Fairbanks Base. There's a rebellion! It appears some regiments have rebelled against the Federation!
Officer 2: Commander! Reports of rebellions are coming in from all over the world!
Commander: What?!

(Nairobi base)
[a battle is taking place]
Soldier 1: Sergeant! We can't hold on! We have to surrender!
Sergeant: What are you saying? Are you a traitor, too?
Soldier 2: Sergeant!
Sergeant: I will never let those Special's brats succeed with their plot!
Noin: This base is now under our control. Surrender!
Sergeant: Don't be ridiculous, you rebels!
Noin: Don't you smell it? The revolution's here.
Sergeant: Shut up! [gets butchered by Noin]
Rebel soldier: Don't get carried away, Lt. Noin!
Noin: To create a new order is a wonderful thing. But isn't this too bloody a start?
Zechs: [speaking to the masses] Everyone, stop all unnecessary resistance! What we want is you, new comrades! The Federation's era is over! A real unification can only be accomplished by the hands of OZ! Let's work together to create a new world order! [puts microphone down] That sounded so corny...

Narrator: The coup d'etat had been carefully planned and carried out. Using the name of Special's agents, members of OZ had infiltrated into every Federation base on the globe. With the organisation expanded to such a bloated bureaucracy, Federation HQs quickly lost control of the situation, helping to create a devastating chaos.

(Control room on New Edwards)
Officer: Asia, Europe, Africa, Federation bases throughout the world have fallen to the rebels one after another.
Officer: Where did Marshal Noventa go?
Soldier: We don't know! We can't locate him anywhere.
Officer: What's going on?!

(New Edwards)
Duo: Shit! They just keep coming! [an alarm does off, an Heavyarms appears on screen] Missiles?! Aimed at us?!
Trowa: [after that one attack...] I'm out of missiles.

[the battle continues]

Quatre: Sorry. I have no time to persuade you to surrender today. But things are so urgent. [chops up some federation MSs]
Heero: Are they OZ's new Mobile Suits?
Duo: But they're attacking the Federation's Mobile Suits!
Quatre: Trowa, they look just like us.
Quatre: Maybe they're also...
Trowa: Whatever they are, I'll destroy them if they stand in my way.
Duo: They're just like us!

Septem: What happened? Why won't you let the shuttle take off now?
Treize: Marshal Noventa's shuttle should go first. We'll follow it.

Heero: [sees the shuttle] That's it!
Noventa: This is just an unfortunate incident. I don't want to consider this an obstacle to the peace negotiations.
Officer: Marshal!
Noventa: What?! [sees Wing] Don't do it, young man.
Heero: [destroys the shuttle with the Federation officials] Mission: completed.
Septem: What did he do! My God, Marshal Noventa!

Duo: Thanks for the great missiles. Here's something in return! [attacks Heavyarms]
Quatre: Please, wait!
Wufei: [appears out of nowhere to intervene in Deathscythe and Heavyarm's figh] Morons! Haven't you had enough meaningless fighting already?
Heero: [lands by the other pilots] What the hell?
Wufei: Don't you get it? You've fallen into OZ's scheme.
Quatre: What?
Wufei: Tune into the Federation's information channel. You've terminated all the peaceful doves in the Federation!
Heero: It can't be!

Septem: [on the viewscreen] This is considered the colonies declaration of war on us! Today, we were here to discuss a peaceful negotiation with the colonies. And the man who was so eager to uphold that noble cause is no longer with us. He was among the victims, on board the shuttle, brutally killed by the heartless colony invaders! I repeat! This is an act of war!

Relena: [somewhere else, Relena also sees this on TV] Heero!

Septem: We shall never surrender to the colonies! We will fight back, no matter what it takes!
Lady Une: Good job, General Septem. Your work here is done.
Septem: What?
Lady Une: [drops Septem out a door in the plane...] That was a terrific performance. Too bad you have such a small role in this act. [shoots him as well] I didn't want to shed your blood near Treize-sama.
Treize: The Second Act has begun. We can't turn back.

Wufei: Everything was part of OZ's plan. We were completely tricked by Treize Khushrenada.
Quatre: It... it can't be.
Duo: Shit!
Wufei: I'll keep fighting OZ. Even if I'm the only one left.
Heero: I... What have I...?!

To be continued

Translation by Anime Densetsu no Kaitakusha. Comments added by The GW Archive.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 8: Going after Treize

Narrator: The 5 Gundams' actions were a direct reflection of the will of all the colonies. The Gundams were Mobile Suits created to deal with the threat posed to the colonies by OZ, a secret organisation hidden inside the Federation Armed Forces. After Colony: Year 195. OZ finally emerged as the leading force in history. OZ's leader Treize Khushrenada carried out massive operations to devastate and take over the Federation Armed Forces. Having been tricked into the confrontation, bloody battles between OZ and the colonies' 5 Mobile Suits began.

Going After Treize

(Fierce battle at New Edwards)
Trowa: [breks into a hangar] Infra-red activated self-destruct systems?
Wufei: I don't care! I'm going in!

[two carrier planes take off]

Duo: We've been tricked by Treize...?
Quatre: Completely and perfectly...
Duo: We have no choice! Let's go after Treize! We can still catch up to him!
Quatre: You're not thinking straight!
Duo: Stay out of my way! Or I'll shoot you!
Quatre: We're only good at guerrilla tactics. But right now, OZ's defenses are almost faultless!
Duo: I guess you're right. Are there still survivors?
Quatre: Let's get out of here for now.
Duo: [Heero doesn't move] Hey! Get away!
Quatre: Move out!
Duo: What the hell is he doing?

(At a ship shomewhere)
Lady Une: Lt. Zechs is on a new mission: he's on his way to Luxembourg to suppress the still-resisting European HQ.
Treize: He should be able to put them down quickly.
Lady Une: What would you like to do about the Gundams at New Edwards Base.
Treize: I'll leave them up to you.
Lady Une: Yes, Sir!

Officer 1: We have gained complete control here. Please give us permission to stationour troops at New Edwards Base.
Lady Une: [on viewscreen] Permission? Stationing troops is not necessary. All you have to do is activate the switch for the missile self-destruct system at the base.
Officer 1: Missile self-destruct system...?
Lady Une: You can remotely activate the system from there.
Officer 1: Yes, Ma'am.
Lady Une: Then do it!
Officer 1: This is just great!
Officer 2: Blowing up the whole base just to destroy a handful of Mobile Suits?
Officer 1: Just like that, the Federation Leaders could never have come up with this kind of decision.

(On a plane)
Sally: What is all that chaos down there?
Officer: There are literally 100s of planes requesting permission to land from the air controller.
Sally: I suspect those are the planes that escaped from New Edwards Air Force Base. But even with the threat from Gundams, this traffic is way too heavy.
Officer: Major Sally! I intercepted OZ's transmission! They're going to blow up the missiles at New Edwards!
Sally: What?
Officer: They must be trying to destroy the Gundams along with the entire base.
Sally: Land right here, immediately! It's a desert, for God's sake. We should make it alright.

(Control room somewhere)
Officer: System: activated.
Computer: Self Destruct System has been activated. Everyone evacuate immediately. Repeat. Self-Destruct System has been activated.
Officer: At last, the Gundams will be history. [puts finger on detonator button]
Sally: Stop! Have you gone insane?! There are plenty of wounded soldiers still at New Edwards, waiting for help!
Officer: They'll die an honourable death, doing their duty.
Sally: Crazy...
Officer: I'll take that as a compliment, Federation Major. [presses button]
Sally: What have you done...?
Computer: Final Safety Lock: released. 900 seconds till explosion.
Officer 2: Major Sally, what are you doing?
Officer: Once the system has been activated, nothing can be done to stop it! You can't do anything at this point. 10 more minutes, and everything is gone.
Sally: Even though you want everything gone, there are some tough people out there you can never get rid of.
Officer 2: You mean the Gundams?
Sally: I happen to know one of the pilots. In fact, I've been wanting to see him again. He's there, and now this!

(On the New Edwards base, that is about to blow up)
Duo: Stop giving me a hard time!
Quatre: Your friend seems to be in shock from what he's done.
Sally: [on virescreen] Heero! I know you can hear me. Listen to me! Heero!
Duo: Heero? Is that his name?
Sally: The missile self-destruct system has been activated at this base! OZ is trying to blow you up along with the whole base!
Quatre: [tons of text scroll past on his viewscreen] I've confirmed it. There are 47 high-yield nuclear warheads at New Edwards; and if all of them went off at the same time... Everything in 180-mile radius will be destroyed!
Duo: You've got to be joking! Let's get the hell outta here!
Quatre: We have less than 10 minutes to get away. There is no way we can fly 180 miles in such a short period of time!
Sally: You may be able escape from here in time. But let me ask you for a very selfish favour... Don't let them go off, Heero!

[Heero takes off]

Duo: Hey! Heero... is that your name? Are you deserting us?!
Quatre: No! He won't desert us!

Heero: The missile silo location: confirmed. I'm going in.

Duo: What is he doing?
Quatre: I understand. I wish you success.

[Heero blasts his way into the silo]

Heero: I deserve to die for my mistake. But I can't die like this!

Sally: The self-destruct system is based on the largest missile, the 304 type. All the rest are set to go off from the blast of the 304. Try to find the control room for the 304, as quickly as possible.

Duo: [lands a plane] Ok, I got them! These 2 can still fly.
Quatre: The runway is almost clear.
Duo: I hope this pays off, though.
Quatre: And please have another ready to take off. He needs one, too. His Gundam will be out of fuel very soon.
Duo: How can you be optimistic?
Quatre: I just am.
Duo: Heero, I'm counting on you.
Quatre: There's only a 10% chance of success. But I know he can make it

Officer 2: This is no good. The countdown never seems to stop. Major Sally, I can't believe that anyone can actually deactivate the system in time.
Sally: I know. No one else would believe he can do it. But I do. And I want to show off the fact that I know that man. Heero Yuy... he will prevent this catastrophe...

[Heero manages to disarm the missiles]

Duo: You're unbelievable, Heero.

Heero: What a horrible mistake... It is my... It's all my fault!

(On Treize's boat)
Lady Une: I'm terribly sorry. I failed to destroy the Gundams!
Treize: You failed? How unlike you. What means did you use to try to destroy them anyway?
Lady Une: I activated the missile self-destruct system at New Edwards to try to blow them up along with the base.
Treize: And...?
Lady Une: Apparently, one of the Gundam pilots deactivated the system and prevented the explosion.
Treize: God bless the Gundams... The Earth is only valuable because of its beautiful nature. No one is allowed to damage or destroy it no matter what. Human beings are such fragile creatures. So weak that all could become extinct under the slightest environmental changes. You don't want that to happen. We have to thank the Gundams this time. And, Lady, you need to learn more about OZ.
Lady Une: Learn... about OZ...?

Commercial break

(The Federation European HQ)
Noin: [outside, on a motorbike] No news of surrender yet, after all the attacks we made against them. Lt. General Diego O'Neguil... What a man! But I'd rather he be a hateful man. Otherwise, Zechs' spirit will be shaken.
O'Neguil: [inside building] Fools! What made you think that the Federation European HQ would surrender so easily? I won't let even one OZ soldier enter this fortress!
Zechs: Indeed, the defense of this fortress is almost perfect. But if even one person inside lets down his guard, the whole fortress will eventually fall.
O'Neguil: [surprised] Zechs Merquise!
Zechs: [points a gun at O'Neguil] So you did know... When I was a Federation officer, I always wondered if you knew, since you were always so cautious around me.
O'Neguil: It was an order. My superiors made me do it! It was never my idea to attack the Kingdom of Cinq. It was the will of the Federation!
Zechs: The Kingdom of Cinq had no intention of confronting the Federation. But you attacked it anyway and destroyed our peaceful monarchy. At that time, there were many nations opposing the growing military presence of the World Federation. The Kingdom of Cinq was one of them. I remember that you openly said that you could suppress the opposing nations by destroying one influential royal monarchy as a lesson. And you did what you said.
O'Neguil: [images of a bruning Cinq Kingdom flahes by as he realises who's in fron to him] Milliard Peacecraft... [reaches for a gund and gets shot]
Zechs: Rest peacefully... Merquise Milliard Peacecraft...

(Treize's Ship)
Lady Une: [thinking] Learn more about OZ...? Does that mean Treize-sama thinks I don't understand him? That can't be...
Officer: Captain. 2 cargo planes from the 505 supply unit are requesting touchdown contact.
Captain: What are they carrying?
Officer: OZ replacement Aries.
Captain: Fine. Request granted.
Officer: This is big OZ. Request for touchdown contact granted.
Lady Une: Wait. Where are those 2 cargo planes stationed from?
Officer: New Edwards.
Lady Une: You idiot! Those are the enemy!

[The first plane crash into the ship]

Officer: There's another one heading straight towards this carrier!
Lady Une: Shoot it down!

Trowa: There isn't enough fuel in this plane to create a massive explosion, even if I made a suicide crash. I should get out with the Mobile Suit.
Officer: [sees Heavyarms] It's a Gundam! A Gundam has appeared!
Lady Une: What?! On board? Dispatch the Leos!

[The Leo's survives for about 10 seconds under Heavyarms' fire]

Officer: We've lost 20 Leos!
Lady Une: What are they doing? Push it overboard! Then get it with a Cancer! Where's Treize-sama's ship now?
Officer: It's leaving the fleet formation!
Lady Une: Good!
Wufei: There he is...
Officer: Another Gundam! It came out of the crashed cargo plane!
Lady Une: What?!
Officer: The Gundam on the Zenyo is destroying its bridge!
Officer 2: The Leo unit's damage is up to 70%.
Captain: Can't you dispatch any Aries?
Officer 2: No! They'll fire at them as soon as they come up the elevators!
Lady Une: What a mess this happy day turned into...
Officer: Lady Une, we've failed to contain the Gundam on board!
Lady Une: I told you to push it overboard! And you don't have to report every single detail every second, to me! Just do what I tell you!
Officer: Yes, ma'am!
Officer 2: A Gundam is on the runway!
Captain: Good! Put a Leo on the catapult and push it out!

[Heavyarms gets pushed overboard]

Lady Une: Is it ready?
Officer: Yes, ma'am! This high-performance booster option lets a Leo manoeuvre almost like an Aries.
Lady Une: It doesn't matter. I only need to fly over to where the other Gundam is. I won't let you harm Treize-sama's ship!

Wufei: [steps on a cannon tower as he land on on of the ships] Target confirmed. Here I go!
Lady Une: Listen to me, Gundam! I will not let you go any further! [a fight starts]
Wufei: No one can stop me!
Lady Une: No one has ever annoyed me this much. But this is the end! Die!
Wufei: Don't become intoxicated with yourself. Go away! Don't you get it? You can't beat me!
Lady Une: I had no idea a Gundam was so powerful. Damn you!

[A ship hails them]

Lady Une: Treize-sama.
Wufei: Your boss seems to be inviting me. Alright. I accept the invitation.
Lady Une: Treize-sama! It's too dangerous! Please evacuate!
Treize: Lady Une... I'll take care of this.
Lady Une: [stares ath her viewscreens that is now filled with a peaceful and green landscape] Treize-sama...
Wufei: [Sees Treize on his viewscreen] Treize...? He's the one! [runs Shenlongs dragon arm though Treize's window, Treize doesn't flinch] If that's what you want. [jumps into Trieze's now half demolished room, sword in hand]
Wufei: My name is Wu Fei!
Treize: Treize Khushrenada.

[They duel]

Treize: [puts his sword to Wufei's throat] I win.
Wufei: Kill me.
Treize: That was a good match. [removes sword]
Wufei: Unless you kill me right now, I'll come back over and over again, until I kill you!
Treize: I look forward to that. I'll see you again, then.
Wufei: Shit! [leaves]

Lady Une: Treize-sama, why did you let him go?
Treize: He is an honourable Mobile Suit pilot. I think he deserves a second chance. Getting out of the Mobile Suit and voluntarily accepting a challenge to a duel... What a man that Gundam pilot is... I suppose, next time, we'll have to fight in Mobile Suits.
Lady Une: Treize-sama...

Trowa: [to himself] Did he succeed in getting him? [to Wufei] Hey! What happened? [to himself again] I see. It's alright.

To be continued

Translation by Anime Densetsu no Kaitakusha. Comments added by The GW Archive.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 9: Portrait of the ruins

Narrator: The five Gundam's actions were a direct reflection of the will of all the colonies. The Gundams were Mobile Suits created to deal with the threat posed to the colonies by OZ, a secret organisation hidden inside the Federation Armed Forces. After Colony, Year 195. OZ finally emerged as the leading force in history. OZ's leader Treize Kushrenada carried out massive operations to devastate and take over the Federation Armed Forces. Having been tricked into the confrontation, bloody battles between OZ and the colonies' five Mobile Suits began...
Duo: Heero-san, I'm counting on you.
Quatre: There's only a 10% chance of success. But he can make it.
Heero: Everything that happened... It's my... It's all my fault!

Portrait of the ruins

(European ex-Federation HQ)
Noin: Thanks to you, Lightning Baron, this beautiful city did not have to become an ugly battlefield.
Zechs: All the remaining Federation forces are trying to reorganise their strategies after our surprise attacks on their HQs. We will use this headquarters as our base to keep fighting them.
Noin: No matter who rules the city, its beauty shall never be spoilt.
Zechs: Noin... OZ's objective is not to 'rule' at this point. It is, rather, to liberate each country from the Federation's control.
Noin: At this point, right?
Zechs: It may not be appropriate for me, as an OZ officer, to say this... But they are the countries that originally created the monster we called the Federation. Now OZ is creating one last opportunity for them to reconsider their actions. Thus I believe OZ should be given credit for that.
Officer: The Mobile Suit cargo jet from Victoria Base has arrived.
Zechs: Has it arrived?

[The cargo yet lands]

Zechs: Otto! I've been waiting for you.
Otto: Reporting for duty... [leans at doorway, obviously injured]
Officer: You need to stay in bed, Sir!
Zechs: What happened?
Officer: Lt. Otto was seriously hurt. His ribs are broken and there are some injuries to his internal organs!
Otto: Don't tell him such unnecessary things! Col. Zechs, TallGeese turned out to be quite a wild horse.

[they enter the cargo hold of the jet, where Tallgeese is]
Zechs: So this is TallGeese...
Noin: It hardly looks like a model abandoned in the middle of its development over 20 years ago.
Otto: Yes. With the back booster, its acceleration is at least that of Aries. But I was unable to measure the maximum speed. When I tried, I passed out!
Noin: You were the test pilot?
Otto: TallGeese is the kind of Mobile Suit no one can handle, except perhaps for you, Lt. Zechs.
Zechs: I hope you aren't overestimating my abilities...
Otto: No, I believe in you.
Zechs: Understood. Let me try it right now. Thank you for everything. Take Lt. Otto to the medical facilities.
Officer: Yes, sir. [the officer and Otto leaves]

Zechs: Noin, order the Mobile Suit units to prepare for an operation. I will capture the base in the Cinq Kingdom from the Federation Armed Forces.
Noin: The Cinq Kingdom?
Zechs: I will liberate the country from the Federation. Do you have any objections to this operation?
Noin: Roger!
Zechs: I'm going to try out the TallGeese.
Noin: Use it in an actual operation without testing it? That's too dangerous!
Zechs: It may be dangerous, but my future depends on this Mobile Suit.
Noin: Cinq Kingdom... Zechs' homeland...

(Basketball field at a school)
Duo: Here! [passes the ball to Heero] Nice, Heero.
Fangirls: Heero-san! Duo-san!
Duo: [waves to girls] Why don't you wave back to them, Heero? Show your appreciation to your loyal fans! [Heero ignores him and leaves]

Duo: [finds Heero again] There you are! Well, to keep transferring ourselves turned out to be a pretty good idea. Boys our age are supposed to be in school, after all.
Heero: What are you thinking about?
Duo: I'm just thinking as usual.
Heero: You're being too visible!
Duo: I think it's much more natural for me to be myself than to try hard to hide my identity like you. You should enjoy your childhood too.
Heero: I'm not like you.
Duo: "You're getting in my way" right? But we share the same objective. It's useless to pretend otherwise. I can see that air base reflected in your eyes. First come, first serve. What do you say?
Duo: [a car arrives] Hey, that's...
Heero: Relena...
Relena: I've found you, Heero. [smiles] I longed to see you again.
Duo: Longing to see a man who tried to kill her? What a strange girl...

(Cinq kindom base)
Officer: Three large Mobile Suit cargo jets and 7 fighters are approaching! They're OZ's!
Commander: Why are they here? What the hell do they want?!
Officer: Mobile Suits have been dispatched!
Zechs: Do not destroy the city. We only need to gain control over the military facilities.

Narrator: OZ's coup d'etat made the Federation Armed Forces fall into chaos. Many Federation officers are still holding onto their base without knowing what has happened. The World Federation, originally created to resolve confrontations between nations in the region had expanded too quickly over the years. And its growing military power even came to influence its member nation's political policies. To liberate these nations from the oppression of the Federation -- that was OZ's 'great case' behind the coup d'etat. But in reality, the Federations' massive military build-up had been orchestrated by OZ itself. And as a result, many nations had doubts about OZ's great cause. To many, the military rule didn't seem to end. The only thing that changed was the name of the ruler -- from 'Federation' to 'OZ'.

Noin: All the Mobile Suits have been dispatched.
Zechs: Alright, I'm leaving too.
Noin: You can count on me to cover you. So you can concentrate on your mission.
Zechs: I'm well concentrated already.
Noin: I'll take care of the land battalions. But some may still reach up into the sky.
Zechs: There's nothing to worry about. This Mobile Suit is supposed to be faster than any other model.
Noin: Well, then. [takes off]

Zechs: Supporting this incredibly heavy body with these 2 huge engines... What a simple solution... [Tallgeese starts up] This is not as easy as I thought it'd be! But the prize is the Cinq Kingdom. I have to do whatever I can!
Noin: Occupy the runway on the East end!
Zechs: This acceleration is murderous! If I increase the power, I'll be able to shake off the enemy. But why?! Why am I hesitating?
Officer: There's a communication from OZ.
Commander: What?!
Noin: Surrender and disarm your forces immediately! We do not wish to engage in any further combat.
Commander: Who are you to say such a thing, after attacking us first! If you don't want to fight, then retreat! Prepare for laser beam bombardment!
Officer: Yes, sir!
Noin: Laser beam cannons?! Our data didn't show this! Everyone, withdraw! [they get attacked] Damn beam cannons!
Zechs: Noin! Contact all the fighters! We have to retreat from this area.
Noin: I had no idea that they had so many weapons at this base. But, we can handle this!
Zechs: No. We'll have to retreat for now and reorganise our tactics. Go back to where you landed the cargo planes!
Noin: Yes, sir! [leaves]
Zechs: Zechs... why are you acting so cowardly? You know TallGeese can do it... Without worrying about the laser beams, I can destroy their headquarters with it! [attacks the base on his own]
Noin: Zechs!
Zechs: I've piloted many Mobile Suits! Why is it?! Why am I afraid?! I'll be killed... If I keep going! With this monster's performance, this Mobile Suit can easily beat all the others! But there's one fatal flaw with this machine. It still needs a pilot... a fragile human pilot! Is this as far as I can get?! [retreats]

Commercial break

(On Treize's shuttle)
Treize: [holds out a glass of wine] Lady, would you like some?
Lady Une: [purs wine into the glass] Treize-sama, what should we do about the next phase?
Treize: Let's keep fighting. And see how far we can go.
Lady Une: All the way to complete dominance over the United Earth Region?
Treize: That'd be fine. That way people will come to hate OZ. And we'll become the enemy of the world.
Lady Une: Treize-sama...
Treize: And that hatred must become stronger. It will be a good motivation for OZ.

(In a desert)
Abdul: Quatre-sama! What if something had happened to you? How would we explain it to your father on the colony?
Auda: Are we that undependable?!
Quatre: No... that's not it at all.
Ahmed: We are here to protect you!
Abdul: Don't you realise that?!
All: Quatre-sama!!
Rashid: OK, that's enough.
All: But, Captain Rashid...
Rashid: Quatre-sama promises that he will never act independently again.
Quatre: Yes, I promise.
Rashid: OK, the meeting is over! Everyone get back to Mobile Suit maintenance! [everyone leave]
Quatre: You're a life-saver, Rashid.
Rashid: I'm pretty upset, too. Please remember that.
Quatre: Oh...
Rashid: [gives Quatre a cup of coffee] So, how did it go?
Quatre: There are five altogether, including mine. Their names are all Gundam also.
Rashid: All are called Gundam?
Quatre: Some of them are extreme, but they're all nice.
Rashid: How do you know that?
Quatre: I just know. The 'Space Heart' tells me that.
Rashid: The 'Space Heart'?
Quatre: The 'Space Heart'. [smiles]

(At the circus)
Catherine: What have you guys been taking about for so long? It's been 2 hours!
Trowa: What do you want?
Catherine: [puts down a tray with two bowls of soup] That's mean! You must be hungry. I brought you something to eat. Eat it before it gets cold. I mean it. You need to eat something. And, please take care of the dishes. Boys need to learn to help 'Mummy', you know? See ya'! [leaves]
Catherine: [to herself] I guess quiet boys make friends with other quiet boys...

Trowa: [hands Wufei a cup of coffee] I'm not sure if it's good or not...
Wufei: I don't think I'm up to this job.
Trowa: I see.
Wufei: Xie xie. (Thank you)

(At a campsite somewhere)
Dr.: Your pulse is still unstable. The circulatory system has been damaged quite a bit.
Zechs: [bandaged up and with an oxygen mask in his hand] Surprise I came back alive, huh?
Noin: Zechs, what happened?
Zechs: I guess I underestimated TallGeese. That machine seems to have been designed without any consideration for human limitations. It's a 'reckless' design, with its own logic towards warfare.
Noin: Ignoring everything with regard to human limitations?
Zechs: It's possible to defeat any kind of enemy in any possible combat scenario. That was my analysis. Even I was scared. As I tried to increase its performance, I wound up pushing myself to the edge of death. I kept asking myself, 'Is this really all you can do, Zechs?'... That TallGeese isn't a combat Mobile Suit. It's a 'duelling' Mobile Suit. Unless you're ready to die, you can't handle the machine effectively.
Noin: Unless you're ready to die?
Zechs: The commitment of risking your own life for victory. Overwhelmed by the fear, huh? I unexpectedly revealed myself as a coward. Now, I have to get back to Cinq Kingdom.
Noin: You can't go back! Don't forget it was a miracle that you came back alive! I'll go to the Cinq Kingdom. You stay here!
Zechs: I can't do that.
Noin: Then, I'll let you go only if you promise not to use the TallGeese.
Zechs: Noin! We need the TallGeese. Because TallGeese is the only model equal to a Gundam.
Noin: Gundam...?
Zechs: As I told you before, Gundam's design was inherited from TallGeese's arrogantly reckless design. That's why I have to be able to handle TallGeese. Because that's the only way to beat Gundam.
Otto: [listened to the conversation from the shadows, then left] In other words, the TallGeese is a suicide Mobile Suit, just like the Gundams... That explains everything. They're strong because they're always ready to die.
Noin: I understand what the Cinq Kingdom means to you. But at this moment, you have to listen to me!
Zechs: We will depart tomorrow afternoon.
Noin: Yes, sir. Very well! [hears a noise] What was that?!
Officer: The TallGeese was launched!
Zechs: What?! [sees the Tallgeese take off] What are you doing?! Come back here at once Otto!
Otto: [in Tallgese] This Tallgeese is the only one capable of gaining control of the Cinq Kingdom. I know TallGeese's power more than anyone!
Zechs: Stop! You'll be killed!
Otto: If I can die for you, I won't regret it! Let me be a part of your dream. I'm not doing this for OZ, It's for you, Col. Zechs!
Zechs: Otto...
Otto: In return for my life, I'll win a victory for you!
Zechs: Otto! What are you saying?! [the communication is broken] Come back, Otto!

(Nearby the base Heero and Duo were standing by)
Relena: [places a photo of her family in front of her] Coming all the way to a place like this, chasing that boy... Are you surprised, Father? But I had to see Heero just one more time. I hope you understand my feeling, Father... Until the day my grief is finally healed, it is Heero who has to support me. But he always gets away from me... [an explosion rocks the place] Heero?!

(On the burning base)
[Mobile suits explodes left and right]
Duo: Alright! I got here first. [spots Wing] You're late, Heero. But I didn't forget to leave you some. [more fighting ensues]
Soldier: Shit! Can't see a damn thing! [Wing steps on him]
Heero: [as he blows up a silo] Mission completed.

(The Tallgeese on its way to the Cink Kindom base)
Otto: Don't interfere with me... I won't last too long, anyway.
Zechs: Hurry!
Officer: Yes, sir!
Zechs: If I had been able to handle TallGeese, this wouldn't have happened...

Officer in Cinq: The unknown Mobile Suit is approaching again!
Commander: All laser beam cannons, set sights on it and fire!
Otto: Zechs! BANZAI! [launches himself at the base, then there's a massive explosion]
Zechs: Otto...

(In the ruined Royal Castle of Cinq)
Zechs: [by a portrait of the last king, Zechs takes off his mask] It took me 13 long years to return and stand on this land again. Please forgive me, Father. But I could not become a peace advocate like you. Everything I've done these past years are the opposite of what you would have done. My hands are stained with blood. Therefore, I can't ascend to the throne and restore the House of Peacecraft... However, she will be the one to restore your ideal kingdom, Father... And I will fight for her sake. So, please forgive this hopeless son of yours.

(The school by the base)
Boy: So the base was attacked?!
Girl 1: Was that done by the colonies?
Girl 2: How scary...
Relena: [gets out of her pink limo] Heero!
Duo: Good morning, Miss. [waves to Relena] What beautiful weather we're having, huh? Well, if you'll excuse us, we have a class.
Relena: Just for a little while, please let me be near you. Until I become just as strong as you...

To be continued

Translation by Anime Densetsu no Kaitakusha. Comments added by The GW Archive.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 10: Heero blasted into pieces

Narrator: The five Gundam's actions were a direct reflection of the will of all the colonies. The Gundams were Mobile Suits created to deal with the threat posed to the colonies by OZ, a secret organisation hidden inside the Federation Armed Forces. After Colony, Year 195. OZ finally emerged as the leading force in history. OZ's leader Treize Kushrenada carried out massive operations to devastate and take over the Federation Armed Forces. Having been tricked into the confrontation, bloody battles between OZ and the colonies' five Mobile Suits began...
Zechs: I've piloted so many Mobile Suits! Why is it?! Why am I afraid?!
Otto: Zechs! BANZAI!!
Zechs: My hands are stained with blood... There's no way I can ascend to the throne and restore the House of Peacecraft...

Heero blasted into pieces

Treize: So that's the TallGeese... It looks extraordinary, indeed. Now I understand why Zechs is the only one who can pilot that machine.
Une: Sir, if I may say, you always make Col. Zechs out to be exceptional.
Treize: Treating an outstanding officer accordingly, is there a problem with that?
Une: I'm just concerned that any favouritism will lead Col. Zechs to inappropriate behaviour.
Treize: Lady, this is not the kind of thing you should worry about. I'd rather you worry about more important issues.
Une: Yes, sir.

[they enter room with many soldiers]
Zechs: Welcome, Your Excellency, Treize.
Treize: Thank you for a great job.
Zechs: Thank you, sir.
Treize: And I'd like to thank you, too, Lt. Noin. Excellent command, as always.
Noin: Thank you, sir. I am overwhelmed.
Lady une: [thinking] Why does Treize-sama thank his staff so humbly...? These two should thank His Excellency for visiting them.
Treize: I have left everything with regard to this operation to Lady Une. Do you want to start now?
Une: Yes, sir. I would like to start the briefing at 1600 hours.
Treize: Very well. Do as you planned.
Une: Yes, sir. Col. Zechs! Lt. Noin! You two, come with me.
Treize: Oh, I'd like to have a little chat with Zechs. I'll have him join you later.
Une: Yes, sir. Then, Lt. Noin. You come with me now.
Noin: Yes, ma'am. [they leave]

Treize: [behind his desk] Well, assuming that you have finally taken your revenge on the Federation... What is in your future now, Lightning Baron? Or should I call you Lightning Count now?
Zechs: I'd like to work for you for a little longer, Your Excellency.
Treize: That's good news for me. But, are you sure about that?
Zechs: If I leave OZ right now, I know what people will call me... 'The Subordinate Killer, Zechs'
Treize: The Gundams, huh?
Zechs: Yes.
Treize: Well, then do as you like.
Zechs: Thank you, sir.
Treize: By the way, you can take off the mask now, can't you? You have successfully taken your revenge. There's no need to keep wearing that thing.
Zechs: I'm still trying to achieve my personal revenge. Please try to understand that I must continue to wear this mask until then.
Treize: You really are a very dedicated man. That's why I always trust you. Milliard Peacecraft.
Zechs: Your Excellency...please...
Treize: I just hope that one day you will be able to take off that mask and be yourself.
Zechs: Yes, sir.

(briefing hall)
Une: [in front of an army] The objective of this operation is to transport the Taurus and these space-type Mobile Suits to the Siberia base for major upgrading with the new manoeuvring system.
Noin: The new manoeuvring system? I didn't know anything about this!
Une: This operation is due to the fact that the Lake Victoria Base's security is no longer dependable. The Taurus and the Mobile Suits will be moved to Arabian Peninsula with an escort by the African Division Troops. From there, we will take over. Although we've no evidence that the enemy is aware of the operation, we've implemented every precaution to make this operation successful. We have also leaked fake information on dummy transportation planes. This time round, I do not intend to let the enemy interfere with our operation.
Soldier: The enemy?
Soldier 2: The Gundams...?
Une: The Gundams have attacked every single operation OZ has carried out. I do not expect this operation to be an exception. But by placing myself as Commander of this operation, I'm going to prevent such an embarrassment from happening again.
Zechs: Hopping OZ's bases one after another all the way to Siberia Base... This way, the Gundams should not be able to interfere with us so easily.
Une: Actually, I'd rather have them interfering with us. I have already included a plan to get rid of the Gundams once and for all. All the failures we've experienced so far, were the results of poor intelligence management by incompetent staff members. This time, OZ is using its best intelligence capabilities. And you'll see what we're really capable of. I doubt this will help much at this point... But I'd like to review the data on the Gundams.

(Heero's room)
Heero: [on Heero's screen] Dr. J...

(back to the briefing hall)
Une: From now on, we'll call the one that fell into the Pacific 'Gundam 01'. It's most notable characteristic is the manoeuvrability in its fighter shape. Therefore, the best strategy against it should be: as soon as you find the 01, lure it into the Aries defence zone and shoot it down. Next: 02...

(Heero's room once again)
Dr. J: Taurus is a killer monster. It has a self-learning capability on top of an excellent auto combat-analysis system. So, ironically we just hope that OZ's control system's dependable enough. Otherwise, it'd easily override the pilot's commands and start acting on its own. The machine was supposed to be an inferior model. A reckless, uncontrollable machine. Destroy it. It could become a threat to everyone. [screen goes black]
Heero: Mission acknowledged. [the door opens] Who's there?!
Duo: I came to say goodbye. 'Cause I have a bad feeling about this. The OZ transportation plan seems perfect. We've discovered 2 different plans -- on the ground and in the air. Heero, can you go after the air route? I'll check out the ground route. And we'd better be very careful. This time, they're well prepared.

(The briefing hall...)
Une: The 02 is the one that always quietly sneaks up behind you to carry out its attack. As for the 03, the key is to make it use up all the ammo it has as quickly as possible. Incidentally, none of the Gundams are good at co-ordinated teamwork. They know we must attack them while the transport operation is underway.

(At the circus)
Trowa: Even such a visible and vulnerable operation becomes tricky when information's carefully controlled that we've to divide ourselves into 2 groups. Will it be the air route?

(Quatre's desert camp)
Quatre: [speaking to the Maganacs] We are going after the ground route. The real one may be the air route. So we must destroy the ground transports quickly to let the others know which one is the dummy.
Rashid: I wonder if the other Gundams will come.
Quatre: I'm sure they will... Because this doesn't look like the kind of operation we can handle alone.

(By a river near a mountain)
Wufei: [in front of Shenlong] I... I can't do this yet... Call me a coward...

Une: The 04's characteristics are very similar to that of the 03, but its versatility is much more advanced. As for the 05, avoid any engagement with it; and patiently wait for a chance to destroy it with superior forces. And watch out for the cannon on the left arm. That's all then. Everyone, take an active part in your assigned area. Do your best and good luck!
All: Yes, ma'am!
Une: Now, Col. Zechs. I was hoping that you could be in charge of shooting down the 01 with your TallGeese alone. What do you think?
Noin: Alone?! That's suicidal! I'll cover him!
Zechs: But, Noin...
Noin: There are a few Aries left at Lake Victoria Base. Let me lead them and stay close to Lt. Zechs.
Une: I order you to stay at Command Headquarters.
Noin: What?
Une: You'll be my adjunct. Do you have any problem with that?
Noin: No, ma'am.
Une: Col. Zechs has been disgraced by the 01 quite a few times. Now, with TallGeese in his hands, this will be an excellent opportunity for him to avenge himself.
Noin: So he's expected to win no matter what. If we lose, she'll put all the blame on Zechs...
Zechs: Noin, it's alright. Actually, I'd rather you stayed at Headquarters.
Noin: Zechs..?
Zechs: When encountering enemies in unspecified area, what's most important is the accurate and quick delivery of information. I'll be counting on your support.
Noin: Yes, sir! I understand.
Une: Then, everyone. Get ready!

(At the school)
Girl: Relena-san!
Relena: [arrives] Good morning, everyone.
Girl: Relena-san, did you hear it? Did you hear it?
Relena: Did Heero leave our school?
Girl: Relena-san, you know? Heero-kun and Duo-kun... We didn't even become friends yet...
Relena: You're on a mission again, Heero... Alright then, I'll head for my own battle ground, too.

(Control room)
Officer: Mobile Suit troops are stationed along both the air and the ground routes.
Une: Check with the reconnaissance satellite to see if there are any changes to the courses.
Officer: Yes, Ma'am!
Une: It's almost time.
Noin: So, Lady Une, which transport operation is the real one?
Une: They're both the real ones.
Officer: On the ground route, 5 miles to point A.
Officer: Gundam 04 has emerged!
Une: Good! Dispatch the 4th Aries scramble unit!

(By the ground route)
Rashid: I've found them, Quatre-sama!

Commercial break

(By the ground route)
Quatre: Look at that heavy security! This must be the real one! [gets attacked, and Sandrock falls on its nose on the ralroad, where a train is approaching]
Duo: [saves the day when he derails the train] Hey, are you alright?
Quatre: Thank you. I knew you'd come!
Duo: Yeah, but we're after the wrong one! [hundres of MSs appears out of the train wreck]

(By the airborne route)
Officer: This is the airborne radar! 2 heavy-loading cargo jets are approaching!
Officer 2: We'll dispatch our fighters at once and down them!

[Heavyarms appears, a battle starts]

(Control room)
Officer: The airborne fleet, approaching the refuelling base.
Officer 3: Auxiliary defence forces, start attacking!
Officer: There's a high-speed fighter approaching from the Southeast! It looks like the 01!
Officer 4: It'll reach the refuelling base in 5 minutes!
Noin: Zechs, the 01 has appeared. It's about to join the 03 which is already attacking the refuelling base.

(By the airborne route)
Zechs: How fortunate! It's coming this way! I can catch it before it reaches the base.
[Wing appears, and a battle starts]

Heero: [an alarm goes off] Aries...? No, it's bigger! [Tallgeese approaches] Checking data... Nothing matches its features...? [tries to shoot it, but Talgeese dodges it easily] It's fast!
Zechs: Stop, Gundam 01...
Zechs: We have no need for such things as beam rifles or cannons. This is my challenge to a duel. And you must accept my challenge. Because you're a Gundam pilot! [both Wing and Tallgeese draw their beam swords]

Trowa: [attacks the base, then spots Tallgeese] What is that? Is it an OZ new type?
Zechs: [duelling with Wing] I think I'll win this fight. I feel no fear at all, now. I can beat you without using the maximum power TallGeese has.
Heero: A prototype for Leo?! I didn't know OZ had such a thing... It may be a tough one, but it shouldn't be a problem!

Trowa: I'm sorry, but I have to accomplish my mission. I'll go first! [leaves]

(Control room)
Officer: The ground route forces, casualties caused by the 02 and the 04 are now reaching 50%! The 01 and TallGeese are engaged in a battle. But the 03 is reaching the refuelling base!
Une: I had no idea how destructive the Gundams were...
Noin: All the Mobile Suit cargo jets' refuelling are completed. Ready to take off!
Une: Who gave them permission to take off? I have my plan and it is proceeding perfectly. Call up the Space Fortress BG-M!
Noin: The Space Fortress?
Officer: [on "BG-M" (Baruji?)] Lady Une, everything is set.
Une: Good. [grabs microphone] To all the Gundam pilots, listen! We are ready to attack all the colonies with ballistic missiles. All the space missile sites, formally belonging to the Federation, are now under our control. The destiny of all the colonies is now in our hands! This is not a bluff! All the pilots must surrender and hand over the Gundams to us immediately!

Quatre: The colonies are in danger!
Duo: Hand over the Gundams?!
Trowa: What a cowardly act...
Zechs: What kind of dirty trick is this?! Can't she fight honourably?! This way, I can't do anything either! Noin! Get me Lady Une!

Officer: All the Gundams have stopped. But they don't appear to have surrendered yet.
Une: Destroy one of the colonies! Launch the missiles!
Zechs: [on viewscreen] Colonel! Have you gone insane?!
Une: What do you mean by insane?
Zechs: His Excellency, Treize, would never approve of what you're doing!
Une: I'm just trying to materialise His Excellency, Treize's ideal world.
Zechs: You don't understand His Excellency's ideals!
Une: [switches off viewscreen] It is you, Zechs, who doesn't understand his ideals.
Noin: No, it's you. Lady Une, the objective of the whole operation is to wipe out the rebels, not civilians. His Excellency would never want that.
Une: [slaps Noin] It takes so little to get rid of all those colonies. It's that simple. They are small, unimportant people. Rebels? Civilians? Well, they're all the same to me. Launch the missiles!
Noin: Don't do it!

[someone suddenly shows up on all viewscreens]

Officer: W-what the...?! Who the hell is he?
Dr. J: [on viewscreen] OZ! I had no idea OZ was such a bunch of idiots. For the last time: the colonies never wanted a war with you. It is only I, who is challenging you guys.

Zechs: Who is he?
Heero: Dr. J...
br> Une: This is the head of the rebels!
Officer: It's an open radio channel. The origin is Colony C-1013.

Duo: Who is this guy?!
Quatre: He must be the one who's been giving orders to one of us.

Dr. J: Attacking innocent colonies? What an inhumane strategy that is. You guys will indeed do anything to achieve your goal... I have no choice. I hereby declare that we surrender.
Une: Good. I accept your surrender. Have the Gundams disarm and surrender to us immediately.

[Heero gets out of Wing, self destruct button in hand]

Zechs: A boy... This little boy is the Gundam's pilot?!

Dr. J: We surrender. But we will not hand over the Gundams. I repeat. We surrender. But we will not hand over the Gundams.

Heero: Mission acknowledged. [self destructs, Wing fall into 100 pieces and Heero gets tossed off the wreck, seeminly dead]

Noin: The 01...
Une: ...Blew itself up!

Quatre: Uh! [clutches his heart and has visions (?)]
Zechs: That boy was capable of doing this?
Une: Destroying the Gundam in exchange for the colonies...?
Noin: Killing himself so easily without hesitation...
Quatre: [the vision ends, and Quatre doubles over in pain] It hurts! My Body... My heart...!
Trowa: Can you hear me? We've got to get out of here for now.
Quatre: [snaps out of it] Trowa? Trowa, is that you?
Trowa: It's time for us to make a choice. He made it clear for us.
Duo: But the colonies are in danger.
Quatre: We can't keep fighting any further.
Zechs: [to Trowa] Hurry, get away! How could I possibly fight you now?! [Trowa leaves, with Heero's "dead" body in Heavyarms' hand]

Officer: All the remaining Gundams are leaving the battlegrounds.
Une: Don't think that I'll let you get away like this, Gundams! And you, too, Lt. Noin!
Noin: Colonel, it's His Excellency Treize.
Une: Give it to me. [tries to grab the phone, but Noin slaps away her hand from the headset]
Noin: Colonel, he said do everything more elegantly. Be more elegant, Lady.

To be continued

Translation by Anime Densetsu no Kaitakusha. HTML and comments added by The GW Archive.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 14: 01: an explosive command

Narrator: The five Gundams' actions were a direct reflection of the will of all the colonies. The Gundams were Mobile Suits created to deal with the threat caused to the colonies by OZ, a secret organization hidden inside the Federation armed forces. After Colony 195... OZ finally emerged as the leading force in history. OZ's leader Treize Kushrenada carried out massive operations to devastate and take over the Federation armed forces. Having been tricked into the confrontation, bloody battles between OZ and the colonies' five Mobile Suits began...

Catherine: How do you think about your life? Killing yourself? Don't joke around. If you do that, how will your parents feel? Have you ever thought about the people who care about you?
Heero: I told you before--it's alright for humans to act according to their feelings.

Title: 01: An Explosive Command

Trowa: Treat it carefully. Take care of yourself, too.
Trowa: Is it this?
Heero: Sylvia Noventa. She's in Marseilles.
*Trowa: Are you really going to start there?
Heero: Yeah.

Noin: We will be arriving shortly. What's bothering you? Those are the Leos for exhibition. They compose the main force of OZ and the World Federation.
Relena: Why does the Romafeller Foundation still make Mobile Suits?
Noin: People are usually afraid of huge machines, while at the same time they admire them as well. People like to see wars fought by real men; they don't want it fought with buttons and computers, they want war machines to have two legs.
Relena: That's no reason for killing people. If there was such a reason, that would be just a joke to enjoy killing. Dying like mad in war is the honest way of humans.

Narrator: Few people knew that the war brought about by OZ was actually orchestrated by the Romafeller Foundation. The Romafeller Foundation hosted a meeting, inviting many of the most influential members of society. The Romafeller Foundation was originally a society of noble families from throughout Europe. They used their financial power and personal connections to promote increased arms development. They supplied Mobile Suits to the World Federation to extend their power. After building OZ into a large power base, they successfully carried out a coup d'etat.

Relena: What are you doing?
Noin: Forgive me.
Relena: It's alright. I realize I have a criminal record now.
Noin: Mr. Dorian and some of the other people who destroyed your kingdom are through those doors. But Miss Relena, please don't do anything today.
Relena: I understand. I will behave formally as the pacifist head of the Sank Kingdom.

Dermail: In the past, the World Federation asked for our financial help and to provide for the defense of Earth. We did our best to cooperate with them to achieve peace. They came to want a peaceful world as a result of our suggestions. This planet Earth has many problems which can't be solved by suggestions alone. What we need is a system of control. Control is achieved by ruling. Ruling will keep a peaceful society. The World Federation didn't try to rule. When you rule a society, you are required to bear much responsibility for it. They tried to remain free of this responsibility. We have returned to the traditional way of ruling society. The obscure ideas of equality and freedom collapsed in their society. It is time for us to begin to rule society once again. Our way.

Relena: I can't believe that OZ is trying to conquer the world in such a way.
Noin: When OZ was hiding within the World Federation, the Romafeller Foundation didn't announce their intentions to the public. OZ said that if the World Federation couldn't make a peaceful world, it'll make it for them. Thus, OZ showed their true intentions.
Relena: They'll keep fighting, won't they?
Noin: If they don't keep conquering, the system will collapse upon itself. Reward for winning is the only thing that can keep this system going. The collapse of this system in the past was a revolution of ridiculous politics, which caused poverty. The countries which cooperate with the Romafeller Foundation will continue to benefit from war. For this reason, OZ needs the strongest Mobile Suits corps to win.
Relena: I'm sure that Gundam can defeat OZ.
Noin: OZ considers the power of Gundam to be awesome. For this reason, they'll attack the colonies directly. They have to force out the other Gundams from hiding. The Romafeller Foundation will try to get rid of the Gundams as soon as possible.
Relena: They try to rule over many miserable victims. Such people can't understand Heero, who tries not to create any victims, even at the risk of his life.

Dermail: I will now introduce the standard-bearer chosen to be the leader of OZ. He wishes to put down the Federation and fight bravely to make a peaceful world for us. He is a member of the Romafeller Foundation in addition to the commander of OZ. Treize Kushrenada.
Treize: You might think we will reign over everything with OZ's many Mobile Suits. To rule is to control. It might seem arrogant. However, I think that we need a government to control our human greed. God left humanity to itself. Humanity needs a man beyond God. Even God couldn't predict that we can never stop warring among ourselves. So, it will be understood by God that our actions are right.

Noin: Let's leave now. This meeting is not for us. We don't have anything to say to people who consider war beautiful. It's a waste of time.
Noin: Miss Relena? Miss Relena?

Relena: You are committing terrible mistakes. Gundam will appear again in order to correct your mistakes. I am protesting as a messenger of the people, those who are insulted by you people who wish to avoid all complications.
Noin: Ms. Relena, please stop this.
Relena: No, I have to tell them.
Noin: Ms. Relena, please stop it. We can't solve any problems here, today.

Treize: Good job, Lt. Lucrezia Noin.
Noin: I am sorry, Treize, Your Excellency.

Treize: Excuse me. She is the sister of a friend, whom I invited. Dermail: What did she want to talk about?
Treize: She knows that we are afraid of Gundam. She wanted to say, "Be more proud." Dermail: Gundam! I think that even though he has good skills, you depend too much on that pilot, Zechs Marquis.
Treize: What are you talking about?
Dermail: I heard that he is rebuilding at Lake Victoria base the Gundam which was destroyed during the threat on the colonies.
Man: Is he rebuilding a Gundam which was such a terrible weapon against us? Is he insane?
Other man: We should completely destroy the Gundam as a warning to the colonies.
Treize: I understand your concerns. I will have the Gundam destroyed if that is the wish of the Foundation.

Zechs: So people in high positions know about Gundam?
Noin: It means that OZ was more severely hurt by Gundam in the last battle than we thought. But His Excellency Treize seemed against the idea.
Zechs: But even he can't refuse the decision of his superiors.
Noin: Will the destruction of Gundam be done?
Zechs: What is Relena doing now?
Noin: She is very active. It's hard to protect her.
Zechs: What does she know about herself?
Noin: Her stepfather, Mr. Dorian told her a little bit I told her about you. I said, "He is a loyal soldier from Sank Kingdom." I also said, "He is the only person who saw the pilot of 01 kill himself." Because you are rebuilding the Gundam, she wonders if Heero Yuy, the pilot of Gundam, is still alive.
Zechs: Heero Yuy? That's the pilot's name, is it?
Noin: Relena is also connected to him in some way like you.
Zechs: Understood. Thank you for your report, Noin.
Noin: Are you not going to tell Relena the truth?
Zechs: I can't tell the truth to her, because I am now Zechs Marquis of OZ with a bloody history.

Relena: I can burn everything right now. But, God won't forgive me.

Treize: I might be punished by God as a heretic who blasphemes against God. No, God is just an imaginary creation made by humans.

Narrator: General Noventa of the World Federation had objected to the build-up of armaments as a deterrent to war. It was he who decided to decrease armaments and finally to demilitarize both the planet Earth and the colonies. However, OZ tricked Heero into using his Gundam to shoot down the shuttle General Noventa was in. It was the beginning of the new era.
Noventa: I won't allow this to be an obstacle to a peaceful future.
Officer: General!
Noventa: Don't be misled, you man!
Narrator: This incident might have closed the way to peace forever.

Captain: Ms. Sylvia, please escape from this town.
Sylvia: Thank you for your kindness, Captain.
Captain: In this city of Marseilles, there are many soldiers of the World Federation on leave. For that reason, OZ might attack here. I thought this place was safe, because there's a World Federation base here, but that same base also makes this place dangerous as well. This place is going to become a battlefield.
Sylvia: I know... but it took me time to be able to leave the sweet memories of my grandfather.
Captain: General Noventa was a great person. He always thought about achieving a peaceful future.
Sylvia: Although Grandpa died, I feel that his soul still lives on. I will always cherish grandpa's memory.
Captain: Miss Sylvia.
Sylvia: I'm sorry.
Soldier: Captain, the enemy is here!
Captain: Is it OZ?
Soldier: We've detected ten Arieses.
Captain: Just Aries? They think just ten Aries can destroy this base?
Sylvia: Captain...
Captain: Don't worry about it. We have our ways of dealing with it. Escape from here now! Goodbye.

Captain: Don't let them in this base. Prepare to fire!
Soldier: Leos, return fire.

Aries pilot: This is like guerrilla warfare.
Other Aries pilot: I'm going to shoot down all Mobile Suits. Keep attacking. Shit! I screwed up! What the-
Aries pilot: Leos of the World Federation are heading toward the water by way of the underpass. All the main force is there. All Aries, go there!
Trowa: To use the underpass is an obvious tactic.
Heero: Don't worry about me. I'll be a burden.
Trowa: You don't want OZ to know about my Gundam?

Leo pilot: My unit is almost destroyed. Is this the end?

Aries pilot: Take the point, main force 2-2-1 is there, hurry up.

Heero: Sylvia Noventa.
Sylvia: Who are you?

Soldier: The enemy Aries have entered the underpass.
Captain: We can't avoid surrender.

Leo pilot: Captain!
Leo Captain: What is that! Gundam?! Why is it here?
Leo pilot: Aries are one block away.
Leo Captain: OK, stop retreating through the underpass. We're going to counterattack.
Leo pilot: Captain!
Leo Captain: We'll hold off the enemy until the pilot of this Gundam comes back. Can you do it?
Leo pilot: Are we going to protect the Gundam?
Leo Captain: Yeah, it's our only hope now.
Leo Captain: Keep shooting! Don't be afraid. He's here.
Leo Captain: Please end this war, Gundam.

Aries: We destroyed all the Leos. Secure the area. Gundam?! Why is it here?

*Trowa: I have to destroy all of you before you tell anyone about me. This war is between the World Federation and OZ, so I'm not going to interfere. But I can't allow you to tell anyone about my Gundam.

Captain: Five Arieses have been destroyed. Is it a miracle?
Soldier: What is this Mobile Suit?
Captain: I don't care who it is. I just appreciate it.

*Sylvia: You say your name is Heero Yuy?

Trowa: Heero Yuy...

Sylvia: This is my grandfather's grave. What do you want to tell me?
Heero: The one who killed General Noventa... was me. It was a mistake. I killed General Noventa and a great many people who wished for peace.
Sylvia: Why? Why?
Heero: What I can do is this... Sylvia Noventa.
Heero: I can't atone for my sins. I hope this gun calms the souls of those I killed and the anger of their families.
Sylvia: You are a coward! You're making me kill you so you can be free from your guilt.
Heero: What I can do is just this.
Sylvia: Coward! Coward!
Heero: I want you to understand that I do not want to cause any more pain. I will ask your grandmother. I heard that she lives in Sicily.
Sylvia: Yes...

Trowa: This is just the beginning. His life will depend on their family's judgment. What he does is always perfect. Heero Yuy.

Sylvia: War is just killing people. Why do you think that war is a beautiful thing?
Heero: I can't change my way of living.

Zechs: Begin.
Zechs: I've destroyed Gundam 0-1. Investigator Hahad.
Hahad: I acknowledge that is was destroyed. Can I collect the wreckage?
Soldier: Do you have a complaint about our report?
Hahad: I want to check it out for myself because I have to account to all the higher-ups at the Romafeller Foundation.
Zechs: As you wish.

Hahad: Maybe there is no doubt about him. He will not make a mistake so easily, that Zechs Marquis.
Underling One: There were no parts of Gundam retrieved from Lake Victoria base.
Hahad: He loves Mobile Suits. He will not give up his plans so easily.
Underling Two: If Zechs opposes the Romafeller Foundation, won't it be dangerous for him?
Hahad: I don't know about Zechs. Right now he is still the Foundation's hero. This world is run by the Romafeller Foundation. In order to win their favor, I have to find fault with Zechs.

Soldier: In order to win favor with the Romafeller Foundation, he has to find fault with you. But he won't find any discrepancies with the data in the report.
Zechs: I'm sorry you had to lie.
Soldier: I didn't want to destroy even the fake Gundam, also I had to use some of the parts from Tallgeese in the real one.
*Zechs: I see. I must be careful not to damage it, then.
*Soldier: Zechs, sir, there are no pilots who could injure you and Tallgeese.
Zechs: No, there is at least one.

Translation by E. Monsoon Studios. Note from Katherine: This is my transcription of the subtitles provided by E. Monsoon Studios. An asterisk means that I altered the line. I also corrected some grammatical/spelling errors without noting those changes. --katherine

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Episode 15: To the battle at the South Pole

Narrator: The five Gundams' actions were a direct reflection of the will of all the colonies. The Gundams were Mobile Suits created to deal with the threat caused to the colonies by OZ, a secret organization hidden inside the Federation armed forces. After Colony 195... OZ finally emerged as the leading force in history. OZ's leader Treize Kushrenada carried out massive operations to devastate and take over the Federation armed forces. Having been tricked into the confrontation, bloody battles between OZ and the colonies' five Mobile Suits began...

Trowa: This is the beginning. His life will depend on their family's judgment. What he does is always perfect.
Sylvia: You're a coward because you're making me kill you so you can be free from your guilt.
Heero: All I can do is this.

Title: To a Battle at the South Pole

Trowa: This is the last one. Are you satisfied?
Heero: It isn't that easy.
*Trowa: You can't forgive yourself because you killed a pacifist, even though it was a mistake and you were tricked into it by OZ. I can understand your feelings, but I can't believe you'll let your life depend on the families of the men you killed.
Heero: I just want to do right.

Trowa: I knew someone was going to find us if we kept searching like this.
Heero: I'll take care of them.
Trowa: Wait. Don't do anything. You're injured. I'll stop them by myself.
Heero: Trowa!

Driver: Hey!

Heero: Thank you.
Trowa: Not at all. By the way it's impossible to transport this by land.
Heero: By ship?
Trowa: By ship will also be difficult since they are already looking for us here.
*Noin: You can use my airplane. Your ability to survive amazes me. This is the first time I've gotten to meet you.
Noin: I am Lucrezia Noin, a subordinate of Zechs.
Heero: Zechs?
Noin: He was the pilot fighting against you in Siberia.
Trowa: I won't allow myself to be captured.
Noin: Zechs wants to meet you.
Trowa: To meet us? He thinks he can get information from us?
Noin: Don't misunderstand me. He wants to meet you not as a pilot of OZ, but as a Mobile Suit pilot. He wants to fight with you again.
Trowa: He wants to duel. What a great man this Zechs is.
Noin: It's up to you if you believe it or not.
Heero: Where is he?
Trowa: You believe her?
Heero: He's not the kind of person who resorts to such tricks.
Trowa: I see. You can use my Mobile Suit.
Heero: Trowa!

Pargan: We have not yet found the pilot of the Gundam who died at the Siberia base.
Relena: I see.
Pargan: Although I tried to contact the OZ pilot Zechs who fought the Gundam, he already moved on from the Lake Victoria base.
Relena: Then, we have no information on him.
Pargan: Yes, there is one bit of information.
Relena: What is it?
Pargan: There is something suspicious about what Zechs did.
Relena: Suspicious?
Pargan: After the battle in Siberia, he transported a lot of Gundam alloy from space.
Relena: Is it because those are for fixing the Gundam. Even I know the Gundam was destroyed since the act was witnessed by those against OZ.
Pargan: There are rumors that the destroyed Gundam might be a dummy.
Relena: Dummy!
Pargan: The quantity of Gundam alloy seems to be enough to make two Gundams.
Relena: They might have used some Gundam alloy for creating a fake Gundam and the rest for fixing the real Gundam?
Pargan: Possibly.
Relena: Why is he concerned with Gundam so much?
Pargan: I guess he wants a fitting conclusion. He's that kind of man. Thirteen years ago, I was fencing with him when he was six years old.
Pargan: He didn't like an opponent to have a handicap.
Relena: Do you know Zechs?
Pargan: He used to be a hero of the Peacecraft family. There are many famous stories about him.
Relena: I see... If we can contact Zechs, we can get information about Heero.
Pargan: There is one other person who is looking for Heero Yuy.
Relena: Who is that?
Pargan: Mrs. Noventa.
Relena: Noventa?
Pargan: Yes, she is the wife of president Noventa who was killed by the Gundam at New Edwards base. Her search seems to be secret from OZ.
Relena: Contact this Noventa person as soon as possible.
Pargan: Right. I will try.

Zechs: They're alive, Noin?
Noin: Yes. Their survival powers are tremendous.
*Zechs: I apologize for making you run such personal errands.
Noin: That's OK. I am also a Mobile Suit pilot. I understand you a little bit as a pilot.
Zechs: Thank you, Noin. Please be very careful dealing with the investigative group. I can't help you with them. You'll have to throw them off track by yourself.
Noin: Yes, sir.

Zechs: 01 should be repaired by the time they arrive.

Treize: The rumor that the Gundam Zechs destroyed was fake is spreading now.
*Treize: Should one forgive his selfish actions? It's a problem even for the Romafeller Foundation.
Mother: Baby!
Treize: Watch.
Treize: The investigative group from the Lake Victoria base? Zechs isn't the only person who is a nuisance to me. Everyone worries too much.

Underling: It was a cargo plane of OZ.
Hahad: I see... So they might be in there.
Underling: Aren't you going to do anything?
Hahad: Don't rush. I'm sure that they are going to show their true colors. Keep watch until then.
Underling: Yes, sir.
Hahad: I'm not going to let them escape.

Heero: Does the auto-balancing system work in keeping the weight balance off the left side?
*Trowa: No, I didn't use it on purpose. I made my body learn it so I could do better in close combat.
Heero: I see.

Noin: They are just like ordinary young pilots when they talk like that.
Soldier: If we kill them right now, Zechs will not have to experience a dangerous battle.
Noin: You don't understand him yet. If I do that, he will hate me.

Heero: Is the shield also set with a gatling arm?
Trowa: It's rather heavy.
*Heero: I'm sorry. Usually, a pilot doesn't like someone else touching his Mobile Suit.
*Trowa: If you feel that way, hurry up and learn this Mobile Suit's characteristics.
Heero: Yes, I'm going to win this time.


Pargan: I contacted Mrs. Noventa. And, I received this letter from her. She wants you to read it by yourself.
Relena: From Mrs. Noventa?
Pargan: Yes. And this one is for Heero Yuy.
Letter: I was very surprised by the suddenness of your visit. So, I couldn't convey what I was thinking very well. That is why I am writing this letter. Don't suffer from the regret of your mistake in the battle. Noventa and Venty died in order to create a world for pure young people like you to live in peace. No regrets. This is war. Everybody regrets their own mistakes. However, you are still young. Think about a peaceful future. We were very glad to see you. I hope that peaceful future will come soon. My dear Heero Yuy.
Relena: Heero is still alive. I'm going to leave for Sicily to see Mrs. Noventa and ask where Heero is.
Pargan: Yes, Miss. I'll ready an airplane.
Relena: Heero is alive, alright.

*Noin: I don't want our important visitors to catch cold. Put these on.
Trowa: Where are we going?
Noin: To the South Pole.
Trowa: A battle of Mobile Suits on the icy continent.
Noin: Otherwise, someone would notice us.

Soldier: Captain Zechs, we have already checked every measurable ability.
Zechs: I want you to fix it perfectly. It has to be as good as it was during our last fight.
Soldier: Why do you want to do that?
Zechs: I want to know about this Mobile Suit and its pilot.
Soldier: But, it's impossible to make this right arm perfect. If we fix the power of the huge beam rifle and the fast beam sabre perfectly, we'll need almost as much time as it takes to make a new Gundam.
Zechs: Then at least fix the 01's beam sabre system with parts from the Tallgeese's left arm.
Soldier: Captain Zechs, what do you hope to gain?
Zechs: I'm sorry. Please forgive my selfishness.
Soldier: Understood. Everyone, come here. I'm going to tell you how to fix 01's right arm.

Soldier: Chief Noin. An emergency. We're being followed by several planes from the investigative group.
Noin: For how long?
Soldier: We only detected them when we reached the continental border.
Noin: They probably followed just outside detection range. They guessed we were going to rendezvous with Zechs.
Soldier: I'm going to change direction and lose them.
Noin: No. We can escape from them be sending out two Aries. Even if they find the location of the base, we can attack them from there.
Soldier: Yes, sir.

Trowa: Don't lie. You're not going to impose such a burden on Zechs.
Heero: You're going to attack with the Aries.
Trowa: You will be surrounded by a lot of enemy.
Noin: I'm just responsible for getting you there safely. I will pursue things my way.

Underling: Two Aries dropped out and are going down. They aren't in firing range.
Hahad: Don't be tricked. We'll also deploy our troops.

Noin: Let's go.
Soldier: Yes, sir.
Soldier: I'm going to shoot the first one.
Noin: Proceed.
Soldier: The second one will go down with one more pass.
Noin: Don't rush! Hide in the clouds first.
Soldier: No, I'm going in.
Hahad: I got you!
Soldier: Shit!
Noin: Are you OK?
Soldier: I'm sorry. That was my mistake.
Soldier: Chief Noin!
Noin: Reinforcements?

Hahad: Let me know when Zechs or the Gundam appears. Attack.
Soldier: I'm going to fight on by myself. Please escape from here.
Noin: What are you saying?
Plane Soldier: Shit. We're going back to help Noin.
Trowa: You're disobeying orders.
Plane Soldier: What? You don't have a right to say anything about us. We're turning around!
Trowa: No discipline.

Noin: OK. That's it. We're going to surrender.
Soldier: Why?
Noin: This battle is hopeless.
Noin: We've thrown away our weapons. We surrender. Please stop your attack.
Hahad: The Romafeller Foundation doesn't show mercy to traitors like you. If you give us the Gundam Zechs has as evidence of your betrayal, I will think about it.
Noin: What!
Hahad: But, even if you do that, the destiny of Zechs remains the same. At the South Pole we will kill him. If we kill him, we and our skills as pilots will be highly regarded.
Noin: I'm not going to tell you where Zechs is.
Hahad: So! You do know where Zechs is!
Noin: You...
Hahad: It doesn't matter. We're going to kill you anyway.

Noin: Why did you return?

Plane Soldier: We can't do another pass.
Trowa: Wait. Let me go out there. I'll show you the consequences of disobeying orders.

Hahad: Gundam... Gundam 03?
Hahad: This is Gundam. So strong!

Trowa: Gundam would be their excuse for attacking a colony. I can't let them report the existence of a Gundam here.

Hahad: At point 103 at the South Pole, we are fighting with the soldiers of Zechs right now. Gundam is... Gundam is...

Trowa: I can't let any enemies who see Gundam live. That is my duty.
Noin: That's enough. Stop it.

Hahad: Gundam is here!

Trowa: Why... why do I have to fight like this?

Noin: These children are too pure.

*Noin: You... Are you alright?
Trowa: My name is Trowa. Can I ask you to teach Heero how to use this Gundam instead of me.
Noin: Don't worry about him. You should worry about your own future more!

Translation by E. Monsoon Studios. Note from Katherine: This is my transcription of the subtitles provided by E. Monsoon Studios. An asterisk means that I altered the line. I also corrected some grammatical/spelling errors without noting those changes. --katherine

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 18: Tallgeese destroyed

Quatre: You're telling me... you're telling me to get out? Sandrock? Thank you, my Sandrock.

Title: The Destruction of Tallgeese

Soldier: We have information on the engineers in question.

Lady Une: All five of them?
Soldier: Yes, ma'am. Apparently they originally participated in creating Mobile Suits for OZ.

Lady Une: Really?
Soldier: In the middle of building the Tallgeese, or, it would be more accurate to say, when the designs for the Tallgeese had been completed, they all disappeared without a trace.

Lady Une: Tallgeese? The Mobile Suit of Zechs', that's called the prototype Leo?

Soldier: It was designed twenty years ago on the Earth, and is the strongest Mobile Suit.

Lady Une: The word "strongest" is inappropriate.
Soldier: Yes, ma'am.
Lady Une: "Strongest" is a word that all soldiers must use to describe themselves.
Lady Une: Have those five create it. A Mobile Suit stronger than the Tallgeese, no, even stronger than the Gundams.

Soldier: Chief. I've brought Captain Zechs.
Chief: Welcome. I apologize for the close quarters. Please sit here.
Chief: There is no need for that with Captain Zechs. You're dismissed.
Treize: I'm sorry to put you through such discomfort, Zechs.
Zechs: Please don't be concerned about it, Your Excellency, Treize. I was prepared for this.
Treize: However. If you will continue to lend your strength to the Romafeller Foundation, your return home will not be such a difficult thing.
Zechs: My strength?
Treize: The Romafeller Foundation is concerned with the Gundams, currently the strongest Mobile Suits. Would you fight against the Gundams again?
Zechs: Your Excellency, I'm sorry, but I don't think I wish to place myself under the authority of the Romafeller Foundation.
Treize: What?
Zechs: Fighting Gundams is a matter of individual feelings, not part of a war. I am finished fighting with Gundams.
Treize: (thinking) I see. Well then, Zechs, will you die for OZ? If you are judged and found guilty, that will be a minus for OZ, but your death would inspire(?) many soldiers and even the high ranking members of the Romafeller Foundation would be satisfied. The Lightning Count would become a legendary hero. That would be splendid. There is that much value in your death. If you die, you have freedom. Farewell, Zechs Marquise.

Chief: After everyone gets off, this ship will be attacked by 50 Aries and 20 Cancers. The enemy are the surviving soldiers of the Federation, who are trying to reach the Foundation. Zechs sir. My job is to help you escape from Foundation. I don't think we can fight back considering the number of people.

Zechs: (thinking) That's right. This is Treize's test to see if I can survive as his friend. Whatever I do, I can't escape from Treize's plan.

Tsubarov: Begin the attack.
Dermail: So this is the Mobile Doll system.
Tsubarov: It was developed on these old-fashioned Leos, so we have to control them from here, but there is no such problem with the Tauruses in space.
Dermail: Their abilities are impressive. The Mobile Dolls will be a more than satisfactory reinforcement to our troops, Tsubarov.
Tsubarov: No, the day is near when they will replace the men, I believe.

Tsubarov: What?!
Soldier: Some unknown person is attacking us. We have no other information.
Tsubarov: Fine. It's a good target for the Mobile Dolls. Order them to attack.
Tsubarov: Some pathetic enemy spy, I suppose.
Soldier: Communication established. The enemy Leo is... Colonel Treize...
Tsubarov: What?
Soldier: Break off the attack! Stop!
Treize: I thought I'd challenge the Mobile Dolls as a representative of all living soldiers.
Tsubarov: Do you want to die? Colonel Treize. Mobile Dolls won't show you any human compassion.
Treize: If the Mobile Dolls are superior, then there is no need for me to continue living.
I would like to compete with them here and find out. So...
Tsubarov: It doesn't matter. Shoot the Colonel. Kill him!
Soldier: But...
Tsubarov: That's an order! He's intending to kill us! Go ahead, do it!
Soldier: No, I cannot.
Tsubarov: Out of the way! I'll do it!
Soldier: Please stop, Gishichou!
Tsubarov: Shut up!
Treize: This is Treize Kushrenada. Kill Tsubarov.
Soldier: Yes, sir.
Tsubarov: You bastards!
Tsubarov: Stop it!
Soldier: As ordered by Colonel Treize, we will now execute you.
Treize: It's over, isn't it... Tsubarov Gishichou. Fighting with Mobile warriors is not war. It's our victory. I rescind the order. Mobile Dolls and soldiers are all commanded by human beings. I would like you to appreciate humans a little more, and love them a little more.
Treize: Zechs. Come back soon. Without you here, OZ allows the stupid actions of unworthy men.

Federation soldier: It's coming! The shuttle that was stolen from OZ.(?)
Federation officer: It's true that this is a route OZ doesn't use very frequently.
Federation soldier: Then it's us who will take control of the Gundam, right?
Federation officer: Actually, just the Gundam pilot. The shuttle that's headed this way isn't a transportation type.
Federation soldier: Then, what do you intend to do with the pilot?
Federation officer: We can assume that the Gundam pilot is returning to space in order to fight OZ. We're up against the same enemy, so we should form an alliance.
Federation soldier: You don't think there's a possibility that OZ has allowed this shuttle to come here?
Federation officer: To trick us and then betray us? For OZ, there is only upfront confrontation.
Federation soldier: Sir! OZ Mobile Suits are approaching rapidly! They seem to be Tauruses.
Federation officer: Are you serious?
Federation soldier: We have twenty Mobile Suits fitted for space. We'll win.
Federation officer: I've told you not to underestimate OZ. They must be aware that the remainder of a Federation space unit is in this area. What we must do is bet the survival of the last of the Federation forces on this fight, and not hand over the Gundam pilot to them!

Nichol: Federation Mobile Suits have separated? Why?
OZ pilot: They appear to be trying to intercept the shuttle.
Nichol: What? Gundam? They've discovered a Gundam coming from the Earth?
OZ pilot: All the Mobile Suits are normal type Leos modified for space combat.
Nichol: Right. Order the Mobile Dolls to lock on target and attack. I leave them to you. I'm going after the shuttle.
OZ pilot: Yes, sir.

Dr. J: I suppose they thought an unmanned Mobile Suit that could operate in space and never sustain injuries would make a wonderful weapon. Fighting without risking yourself (?) is just a game. People who start wars aren't stupid. Their blood is spilled for a purpose.
Professor G: Stupid humans see the blood and are able to feel regret, ever so slightly. But if war is demoted to a game, it's just for amusement.
Dr. S: If they could decide a victor through a game, good. No one would have to die.
Lady Une: If your opponent has the technology.
Dr. J: It's not that we don't have the technology. It's because the responsibility for war is something people should feel with their own bodies that we don't give it to them.
Lady Une: Can you give it to us? Then that means you'll live a bit longer.
Professor H: Sorry. We'd rather die than do such a thing for you.
Elder O: You young people are thinking rationally, but war is not a rational thing.
Lady Une: I was thinking of making you five create a Mobile Suit that will exceed the abilities of the Tallgeese and even the Gundams, but...
Dr. J: Kill us! We have no interest in helping you fight a war that's just a game.
Lady Une: It seems our negotiations have broken down.
Soldier: Ma'am! Incoming communication from Lieutenant Nichol.
Lady Une: What is it, Nichol?
Nichol: Lady Une, the Federation forces are attempting to ally themselves with a Gundam pilot.
Lady Une: The idiots. It doesn't matter. Destroy everything.
Nichol: Yes, ma'am.

Federation soldier: They're fast. Five were destroyed in an instant? Enemy Mobile Suits are pulling eight G's maneuvers. Who's piloting those things?

Nichol: The Federation's main forces have been destroyed. We'll take over the shuttle, now.
Lady Une: Capture it? Don't do such useless things. We have no need for a Gundam pilot without a Gundam. Kill him.
Nichol: Yes, ma'am.
Dr. J: Wait! Loan me the transmitter.
Lady Une: Hm? Alright.
Quatre: ...This is Quatre. Your friend, come back into space. Come on, let's protect the colonies together...
Dr. J: (thinking) He's using Heero's coded frequency. He has the power to bring all five Gundam pilots together, doesn't he?
Quatre: ...This is Quatre. Your friend, come back into space. Come on, let's protect the colonies together...
Dr. J: Rescind the order to destroy the shuttle!
Lady Une: Oh? You have a kind heart, it seems. Well then, everything will work out.
Dr. J: I can't believe we have to build a Gundam for OZ...
Lady Une: That's not quite right. I'm telling you to build a Mobile Suit that will exceed a Gundam.

Federation officer: Hm? A child? That boy is a Gundam pilot? But he's so young.
Federation soldier: Captain! The Tauruses are heading this way!
Federation officer: They're fast... Try to engage them as far away from the shuttle as possible.
Federation soldier: Acknowledged.
Federation officer: I won't let you die.

OZ soldier: Capture the shuttle. Stop attacking it. Tauruses, leave the vicinity of the shuttle.
Nichol: What? Stop the attack?!
OZ soldier: You're to leave the shuttle alone.
Lady Une: Even though space is vast, rubbish must still be disposed of. Nichol. Of course you are to blow it up.
Nichol: Acknowledged.
Nichol: She can take care of space, and I'll take care of the shuttle.(?)
Nichol: The shuttle is still silent. I'll begin the rubbish disposal.
Nichol: What? The shuttle's alive. Destroy it now!
OZ pilot: Fire!

Federation officer: Right now, we have no strength to oppose OZ. But this pilot could do it. If only our hopes are not disappointed.

Quatre: ...Come on, let's protect space together...

Zechs: That helicopter's come for you?
Chief: How did the repairs on the Tallgeese go?
Zechs: Thanks to your men, it's all taken care of. I appreciate it.
Soldier: Chief, the radar shows something heading this way from the [something unintelligible] direction.
Chief: He's right on time.
Zechs: This ship will be sunk. I'm sorry.
Chief: Please do as you like with it. I have mixed emotions, but, Captain, please make use of it.
Zechs: Thank you for everything.
Chief: Goodbye.

Zechs: It's time for battle, Tallgeese.

Zechs: Fifty Aries and twenty Cancers. I have to show him that he has underestimated my life.

Zechs: How many Mobile Suits are left?!

Zechs: Did you come prepared?! But I won't die yet.

Zechs: Treize! Don't pursue me like this! I won't be able to fulfill the Chief's expectations. Our friendship of comrades will last only until my mask cracks apart.

Zechs: Treize. I can't be your friend. Farewell, Treize.

Heero: There is only one planet in the solar system inhabited by life, the Earth. ...A.C. 195. With the development of colonies, human beings have used the new resources and their own strength to create new lands. However, at most, they are poor imitations of their mother, the Earth. What meaning was there in building the colonies? How about just to further develop technology so that on the Earth, human beings would lead more comfortable lives? Aren't humans living in these imitations of Earth holding on to impossible hopes? With no threats from nature, their lives became more stable than those of people on Earth. Endless expansion seemed to promise eternal existence for humans. Wasn't there an age when it was unforgivable to think of life starting from zero in the universe? But there is no way that the colonies, no, that human beings, could forget the Earth. What has the technology for the development of colonies done for the Earth? The most pursued advances on the Earth are those resulting in military strength. Humans have never been able to break away from their habits of destruction. Now the colonies are studying war technology. They can't forget the Earth. They cannot forget the past. Human beings, those animals that came to possess so much strength, began to think about controlling a whole planet. The existence of life on a planet is after all only a matter of accidental chance. Humans can think all they want, but they can't change anything. The time humans have spent in space has been wasted. It has all been nothing but a dream. The lie of our artificial living space, and the lie of pacifism, do nothing but give birth to more fighting than ever before. War claims many lives, and human beings have never forgotten that sorrow, yet they never try to give up fighting. The blood and tears are spilled, to be considered nothing more than decorations for some ceremony. The history of many ages is told through its wars. Saying we fight for peace is a pretty lie that has been repeated over and over in the past. The colonies are no different from the Earth that builds up military strength to preserve peace. They are the same. We live, and rise up, through the spilling of blood...

Teacher: Thank you. Please stop there, Duo Maxwell. Let's not pursue that theme any more. It's not good to upset everyone needlessly. For a transfer student's greeting, I don't think that was entirely appropriate. Alright, Duo, you may take a seat in the back row.

Heero: (thinking) Well then, why do humans fight? Is it our reason to exist? Is there a perfection in humans who fight? And maybe we don't see how dirtied humans become from fighting wars.

Translation by Katherine and ADK.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 19: Baruji assault

Zechs: I...
Howard: Your face looks a decent color. Can you get up? You were piloting something interesting, weren't you? I picked it up when I picked you up. I didn't think anyone besides those boys could pilot that Tallgeese.
Zechs: You are...?
Howard: I was one of the people who designed it. Ah, that was a long time ago... Just as I was going along here, I saw a fierce battle going on, so I stopped to watch. Do your injuries hurt?
Zechs: Why did you save me?
Howard: You have become OZ's enemy. When such a hero defects, what could we do but treat him well?
Zechs: Zechs Marquise is dead.
Howard: So it appears, hm? The times are changing and I'd like to see the new era while I live. ...It's nice, isn't it? The Gundam prototype.
Zechs: Is that... for escaping the earth's atmosphere?
Howard: I had intended to attach that when the Gundam went back into space. Speaking of which, would you be willing to go into space?
Zechs: Into space?
Howard: Space is going to be a center of activity. There will be a need for many great men.

Narrator: OZ, having gained mastery over the Federation, was increasing its influence among the colonies, which were scattered around the Lagrange Points. The satellite Baruji was a symbol of the strength of OZ. But OZ did not show the true face of its power to the people of the colonies. The face of OZ in space was that of Lady Une. She traveled from colony to colony, cementing friendly relations.

Lady Une: For the peace of not only the colonies, but the whole earth system, everyone's cooperation is needed. But unfortunately, there are those in the colonies who think only of OZ's past mistakes, or have doubts. However, I believe that some day everyone will come to understand our efforts.
colony leader: We feel the same way.
Other colony leader: But we have no means of supporting an army.
Lady Une: That's what OZ is here for. As long as we are here, justice will certainly prevail.
Other colony leader: Your saying so, Lady Une, gives us peace of mind.
colony leader: If space becomes peaceful again, even those who mistrusted OZ will surely see the light.
Lady Une: Yes...
OZ Officer: Lady Une! We have information on the thing in question. Please return to Baruji.
Lady Une: Baruji?
OZ Officer: It's His Excellency, Treize's order.
Lady Une: His Excellency Treize's... I'll return to Baruji.

Lady Une: There's no mistake?
OZ Officer: It's certain. It's an HLV that departed from earth carrying a Gundam.
Lady Une: Gundams are an evil that is harmful to the colonies. This will be most useful. Send out the Tauruses. Pursue it!
OZ Officer: What shall we do about the pilot?
Lady Une: It depends what he looks like.
OZ Officer: Ha?
Lady Une: If he's ugly, let him live. If he looks like the colonies would be sympathetic to him, kill him. We don't need anyone to interfere with the reformation of the will of the people.
OZ Officer: Let him live if he's ugly...?
Lady Une: It was a joke.
Pilot: I've confirmed that it is the HLV that departed from Singapore transporting the Gundam. No energy reaction. It's a miracle that (they got this far without being detected?) There may be no one on board.
OZ Officer: It doesn't matter. The orders are to collect the machine. Pull it in to Colony C10.
Pilot: Acknowledged.

Duo: I'm glad to see they're coming after me with their new model. (?)
Duo: The idiots who get close to me will die!
Duo: They're fast!
Duo: Shit!
Duo: This isn't any good either, huh?
Duo: My powerful Deathscythe is dead... I guess I won't last long either. But I won't die easily!
Pilot: Gundam, you're lucky I'm not a Mobile Doll.
Duo: I don't want to lose to Heero... You're going with me to hell! ...I don't have any luck. Even the self-destruct system is trashed. No, maybe I am lucky...

News: One of the Gundams that has caused much damage and broken the peace has been shot down by an OZ Taurus. The pilot appears to have been captured as well. The pilot's identity is still under investigation, but OZ has commented that they are exerting all their efforts to judge and exterminate him. The colonies have cooperated as well. Everyone is working towards bringing about complete peace as soon as possible.
Trowa: No one recognizes that the Gundams are their best hope. Are the colonies so used to being ruled? But even so, I guess there's nothing I can do but fight. I'm too far away... The colony Heero was heading for is nearer. He'll certainly take care of this.

Heero: After colony 175: no events of note took place in the colonies. The history of Heero Yuy's assassination has been erased. OZ's methods haven't changed...
News: ...identity is still under investigation, but OZ has commented that they are exerting all their efforts to judge and...
Heero: This situation is a disadvantage. We can't afford any more (negative publicity?)


Cabbage victim: What's that?

Announcer: The Gundam that was built by fanatic scientists without regard for the peace of the colonies and all humans of earth, and the pilot as well, have been successfully captured. This action of OZ has not only deepened the admiration of the C10 colony leaders, but encouraged them to promise greater cooperation with OZ.

Interrogator: Who'd have thought that Gundam pilot was a little kid?
Duo: Sorry about that. Does it hurt your pride?
Interrogator: You will be executed, and with that the feelings of the colonies will become one. I never figured the Gundams would be useful in this way.
Duo: Shit... Son of a bitch!

Duo: Damn, they really got me...
Duo: I'm surprised, Heero. You really turn up in the most unexpected places. Fine... I'd much rather be killed by you than let myself and my Gundam be used by them. Go ahead and do it.
Duo: You really intend to shoot, don't you?
Heero: If that's what you really want.
Heero: You're right hand works, doesn't it?
Duo: What about your Gundam?
Heero: I left it on earth. It's too obvious in space. It was likely that I'd be caught like you.
Duo: Yeah? Then how do you think you'll get out of here?
Heero: My purpose was to kill you. I hadn't thought about getting away yet.
Duo: If this doesn't work...?
Heero: It's just a matter of shutting two mouths.
Duo: For a quiet guy, you're putting on quite a show.

Guard: This is the prison block. (?) We're being attacked with explosives.
Officer: What about the Gundam? And keep a guard on the Gundam pilot!
Other Soldier: This is the surveillance room. (?) The Gundam pilot has escaped! We've confirmed that he's no longer in this area.
Officer: What? What about the Gundam?
An Other Soldier: There have been explosions in the vicinity, but no enemy has appeared.
Officer: Contain the explosions!
Soldier: Destruction has been concentrated on the (?) area and its gate.
Officer: The Mobile Suit gate is unharmed?! That's where they are! Send out the Mobile Dolls!
Other Soldier: Will they be able to hit their targets reliably within the colony?
Soldier: The Mobile Dolls are not such an undependable system. They are perfect killing machines. Send them out!

Wufei: I've found you. All right, show me your strength!
Soldier: The Tauruses are now joining the fight.
Soldier: Lady Une! It's dangerous! There is a Gundam in the vicinity of Baruji! Lady Une!
Some Soldier: Lady Une has a new plan. (?)
Soldier: Lady Une!

Wufei: What is this? You're so powerful that you can put human minds into these things? Then they're sure to be strong and play dirty.
Soldier: Gundam 05 and the attacking Leos are entering the range of Baruji's beam cannon.
Officer: Fire!
Soldier: But... the Leos will be caught in the blast!
Officer: It doesn't matter! Fire, before Lady Une gets out there. The Gundam is in range. Fire!
Soldier: Yes, sir!

Wufei: Killing your comrades just like that... I've never seen such dishonorable opponents. I can fight with you... Why is it that the dishonorable ones are strong?
Lady Une: Please stop this useless battle. Let's greet the new age together.
Wufei: Who are you?
Lady Une: Let's discard our desire to fight. Such hearts have no place in our future.
Wufei: Who the hell are you?
Officer: Tauruses, attack the Gundam!
Lady Une: Stop this useless battle.
Officer: Please give the order to attack, Lady Une!
Lady Une: No, space is a place of peace.
Officer: Lady Une- It doesn't matter, attack!
Wufei: Wait for me, OZ! I swear I'll be back.
Officer: Wait, that's enough. ...Lady Une... Which Lady Une should we obey...?

Duo: Those new machines are Mobile Dolls, huh? So that's why their responses were so quick.
Heero: If they lock onto a target, it can't get away.
Duo: Then how will we get away?
Heero: I have no plans for escape.
Duo: Hey...!
Heero: Duo!
Duo: Got it.
Heero: We can use that.

Officer: What's that? What's happening?
Officer: Why are Mobile Dolls attacking?

Duo: We left my Gundam... We need to blow it up.
Heero: Gundams aren't so valuable any more. (?) All the Gundam designers have been captured by OZ. I'm going to kill all five of them.
Duo: Heero...
Heero: Obstacles must be removed.

Zechs: This much trouble for just one human to get into space. Space calls out to humans. And the earth tries to pull us back down, saying that we what we are doing is wrong...

Translation by Katherine. Copyright The GW Archive.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 21: Sorrowful Quatre

Man in space suit: Hey, look at that!
Other man in space suit: That's a Federation MS!

Doctor: You're awake, hm. How do you feel? This is a resource
mining satellite. I wonder why were you in that MS? You don't look
like a Federation soldier.
Quatre: I-
Doctor: Don't move, yet. You would have died, you know, if you'd
kept drifting like that.
Quatre: Wh- why did you rescue me?
Doctor: Because I'm a doctor. I'm not affiliated with OZ or the
Federation. This is supposed to be an independent zone anyway,
Quatre: I'm sorry, I should have thanked you for saving me. Do you
know of any place I can get a shuttle?!
Doctor: No, I can't let a patient go anywhere in this condition.
Quatre: It doesn't matter about me!
Doctor: Calm down. I can tell you're in a hurry about something, but
your body is in bad shape. Right now, what's important is for you to
rest your mind and body. I can arrange a shuttle. Can you wait?
Quatre: Sorry to inconvenience you.
Doctor: It's no problem. Promise to stay there and rest, OK?

Officer: It's no good. The target is too fast for the Leos. Their
direction (?) is not changing.
Lady Une: So I see Leos can't be used effectively in space, then.
Officer: We have a report that it might be the Tallguese.
Lady Une: I don't care what it is! I won't allow an armed MS to approach.
Trowa: If you sent out the Mobile Dolls, that would take care of it.
But sources tell me that those new MS have been completed. I'd like to test the abilities of both Mercurious and Vayiette.
Officer: Fool! You'd use them in battle right away?!
Lady Une: What about the other pilot?
Officer: Let me go, Lady Une.
Trowa: An ordinary pilot would just be in the way and compromise the test results.
Officer: What?!
Lady Une: I understand. Trowa Barton, I'm putting you in command of the destruction of the Tallguese.
Trowa: Yes, ma'am.

Officer: Come out!
Dr. J: What do you think of Vayiette and Mercurious?
Lady Une: Excellent. They're just what I'd expect from a Gundam designer.
Dr. J: It's no problem for me.
Officer: But it's dangerous! To put that Gundam pilot in the Mercurious.
Trowa: OZ knows better than anyone else what a superior pilot he is.
Lady Une: Trowa can operate the self-destruct controls for the
Mercurious from his Vayiette.

Dr. J: Yes, I've made it all ready, as you requested.
Lady Une: Trowa, if he does anything remotely suspicious, you may blow up the Mercurious.
Trowa: That won't be necessary. He fought with Tallguese in Siberia. He's not thinking of anything except finishing the fight.
Lady Une: How do you know that?
Trowa: If OZ soldiers would investigate a little, they'd understand. I'm glad he self- destructed. I would have died in the colony otherwise.
Lady Une: I'm grateful, too. That's how I was able to acquire Trowa Barton as my soldier.
Trowa: How is it?
Heero: Not bad. It handles not too differently than a Gundam.
Trowa: As you'd expect.
Trowa: Hey, Gundam pilot. How are you against Mobile Dolls?
Heero: First, infiltrate and make yourself a target for the Mobile Dolls. (?)
Trowa: Don't get carried away. Do you want to be blown up?
Heero: Their weak point is that their maneuverability and reactions are completely the same type as that of humans. It's just a question of whether the human that goes up against them is as good. In my opinion, people who don't like space will have a hard time winning against them. (?) ...There's no need for Mobile Dolls. I'll stop that white one. Lock on target. Have them advance.
Trowa: I wonder why he came into space?
Heero: Hm.
Zechs: Mobile Dolls? My reactions are not fast enough.
Zechs: He stopped them?
Zechs: They're destroying the Mobile Dolls as they fight with me. There aren't many pilots who could do that in space.
Zechs: I don't have time to play with you. Take me in. I never thought you'd join OZ.
Trowa: I'm Trowa Barton. Zechs Marquise.
Zechs: I'd like to give my name as Milliard Peacecraft. I've come from Earth as a goodwill ambassador.


Narration: The majority of humans who went into space were technicians and laborers. They left the stability of the earth and began life in a different environment, which gave rise to new strength. The Winner family became the representatives of the neighboring colonies. Even now with the Federation destroyed, Winner stands for peace and against OZ.

Man: Winner...
Winner: What? Quatre's back?

Doctor: I wonder how old you were when this was taken?
Quatre: Thank you. It wasn't necessary to accompany me all the way here.
Doctor: Don't worry about it. I have business of my own here.
Winner: Disobedient son.
Quatre: I still think what I'm doing is right!
Winner: Humans have just become able to live in space. Why must there be war? It's impossible and pointless. That's why we were hoping to solve things through discussion. And you not only went down to earth in a MS, but created an excuse for earth to attack us.
Quatre: But if no one fights, this war will never be over.
Winner: And? Is it over? Is it over because you fought? What can you do? You're just a child. How can you accomplish anything? Heirs should listen to their parents! Just think a little, OK?!
Doctor: I think he makes a splendid heir!
Winner: You, too?!
Doctor: Father, just because he's a child doesn't mean there's
nothing he can do. My dear brother is a fine heir.

Doctor: Really, father understands that talking won't solve things with OZ. But he thinks if all the colonies unite on this issue, we can succeed.
Quatre: Why didn't you tell me you're my sister?
Doctor: I heard from father that my brother was a Gundam pilot. But I thought he'd get angry if I told you, so I wasn't sure what to do.
Quatre: I knew I had a sister on a resource satellite...
Doctor: We're all your allies. Even father. He was the one who worried most when you ran off alone.
Quatre: Really?

Winner: MS are not necessary. He cooperated with the instructor without regard to my wishes. Solving one problem this way will just cause another. He doesn't understand.

Quatre: This is where my Gundam was built. But it was destroyed because of my incompetence (?) on the earth.
Doctor: What are you saying?
Quatre: I'll build a new Gundam so I can continue fighting.
Doctor: You're really going to fight for us--for the colonies--again? The other Gundam pilots who fought like you have been captured and their Gundams destroyed, and the colonies were glad to see it. No one in space loves the Gundams. Do you still intend to keep on fighting, Quatre?
Quatre: I'm not fighting for the praise and glory. But I believe that everyone will understand some day.
Doctor: Forgive your sister. We all love you, so don't be sad. Our Quatre.
Quatre: Thank you, Iria.

Winner: What is your vision of our future? Why do you claim we need armed forces?
Senate-type man: Mr. Winner, we understand what you're saying, but this is a dangerous location.
Other Senate-type man: The people want to protect themselves.
Winner: You think weapons will keep you safe? How can you look at a weapons build- up and think of words like "safety" and "peace"?
OZ Officer: If it hadn't been for Mr. Winner's financial backing, this colony would not be what it is today. But now the people live by their own efforts. You're trying to maintain a dictatorship!
Winner: When did I ever do such a thing? All I did was stand up against OZ intervention. If anyone's trying to run a dictatorship, it's you people!

Winner: Why must I cooperate in building weapons and tools to kill?
Quatre: What are they saying?
Doctor: The wind is blowing hard against us now. They're upset, thinking we are trying to control all the resources.
Quatre: But!

Doctor: We certainly own a lot of the resource satellites. But we were never dictators! We gambled everything to come out here.
Quatre: Everyone knows that!
Doctor: People's feelings change. Feelings about you and about father.
Quatre: But...we're just doing what's right!

Senate-type man: The outcome of the resolution is unanimous. We
place the resource satellite under the jurisdiction of OZ.

Winner: I will not allow this satellite to be used for building weapons.
Doctor: What?! Father has separated the satellite from the colony?
Man: Yes, and the speed is increasing.

OZ Officer: This is what kind of man he is! Thinking only of his own benefit and destroying the future of this colony. Do you approve? Gentlemen? ...Since there are no objections, for the good of this colony, OZ will stop him.

Doctor: Father, please stop! There's no point! They're just going to come after you!
Winner: Do you ask me to stand by and watch OZ's aggression?
Doctor: Father!
Winner: Quatre, never fight in a MS again. It won't solve anything.
Quatre: Father...
Winner: Idiot, don't come near! The beam cannon is pointed this way!
Quatre: Father! Escape! Run away!
Winner: Quatre, I am running away. I will not fight. There is no end to fighting. So I run. If that means running towards death, so be it. There's no future for space if we throw away our ideals.
Quatre: Father! Father!!

Doctor: Quatre, Father was fighting, wasn't he? He wasn't running away. He was fighting admirably.
Quatre: Don't move, Iria, think of your injuries.
Doctor: You're so kind and gentle. So was Father. Why did he have to be killed?
Quatre: No one understands the tears of gentle people. Are the colonies satisfied now?! Are they satisfied ?! I'll never forget! And...I'll never let them forget...what happened today! Ha ha ha ha ha ha...

Zechs: Space... It's so quiet...

Translation by Katherine. Copyright The GW Archive.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 33: Lonely battlefield

Trant: You will die here and I will have the glory.
Duo: If you lose, it won't be against me.
Duo: You'll lose to Wing Zero!
Duo: Don't you get it?!
Trant: I can beat this system...


Noin: That's wonderful.
Noin: I didn't know you had musical talent too.
Quatre: I have always liked music ever since I was a child.
Quatre: I feel calm when I'm playing.
Noin: Though I must say, it sounds very melancholy.
Noin: You shouldn't blame yourself anymore.
Noin: There are some things that cannot be helped during war time.
Quatre: No. This is life we're dealing with.
Quatre: I can't just say "it can't be helped".
Quatre: If only I was stronger, Trowa wouldn't have...

[girls walking in the campus]
Quatre: Miss Noin, have you had any information on OZ lately?
Noin: We still have no news on Commander Treize...
Noin: ...but the Treize faction is now classed as rebels and their attacks are occurring all over the world.
Noin: But OZ have an advantage over the situation.
Noin: Ordinary pilots just can't keep up with the speed of Mobile Dolls.
Quatre: I think we can fight against them.
Quatre: It's not that I'm being vain...
Quatre: ...but if we have high quality machines like Gundam.
Quatre: But destroying Mobile Dolls won't end the war.
Quatre: I know from experience that there is a limit to what a mere pilot can do.
Noin: Will Miss Relena...
Noin: Can Cinq Kingdom be a place of hope and rest to soldiers?
Quatre: Yes, this place is probably a safe haven.
Quatre: We're stained with blood, perhaps it isn't right for us to stay.
Quatre: I think Heero feels the same way.

[battle scene]
Narrator: Operation Nova, the plan to land mass produced Mobile Dolls into conflict areas, has been progressing steadily.
Narrator: People of the world feared the Mobile Dolls and as OZ spread its area of occupation,
Narrator: ...this also meant that the Longfeller Foundation's domain of rule was being established.
soldier: All procedures completed to enter the atmosphere.
soldier: Captain, seems like we won't have trouble this time.
captain: Yeah, I think we're safe.
soldier: Energy reading on the meter!

[ship blows up]

soldier: Mobile Suit approaching!
captain: They've come!

[MS appears]

soldier: It's Tallgeese. I'm certain of it!

[ships blow up]

soldier: Ship no.2 and 3 destroyed, we are the only ones left.
captain: Send out the Mobile Dolls to counter attack!


captain: Annihilated?! There's no way a human can beat Mobile Dolls!
Howard: This is Peacemillion. Mission completed.
Howard: We'll depart this area as soon as we pick up Tallgeese.
Howard: Well...well done Lightning Count.
Zechs: This is about all I can do. I'm very grateful for your help, Howard.
Howard: Oh, anytime. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
Zechs: Then if I may be so bold, could you check over Tallgeese?
Howard: What's wrong? You haven't had any damage.
Zechs: No, I just feel the reaction velocity is slow.
Howard: That's because your reaction speed is too quick!
Howard: I didn't think you'd exceed the motive power of Tallgeese this soon.
Howard: Bring him in.
Zechs: Forgive me, Relena. I will live as Zechs Merquise.
Zechs: It will be better this way for Cinq Kingdom.

[OZ space station]

Dermail: What, Zechs Merquise?
Tsubarov: Yes. He has gone to Space as Cinq Kingdom's ambassador, Milliard Peacecraft but seems to have remained there in hiding.
Dermail: Cinq Kingdom... They are a problem.
Tsubarov: Count Dermail.
Dermail: The Complete Peace Principal that the former King preached is still supported by many countries.
Dermail: On top of that, the idea is starting to spread within the Foundation.
Tsubarov: Why is this? Longfeller has the invincible Mobile Doll.
Tsubarov: There is no need for weak spirited ideas.
Dermail: Invincible? We've just been beaten by Zechs Merquise.
Tsubarov: Erm, that was...
Dermail: So...the next target is the Luxembourg base...
Tsubarov: Yes sir. We're preparing for that.
Tsubarov: We won't let Zechs do as he pleases this time.
Dermail: Well then, I look forward to your report.
Dermail: I'll see what damage I can do from this end.
Dermail: Cinq Kingdom... It may be an idea to crush them when I can.

[some park]
Relena: So there you are.
Heero: Relena.
Relena: May I join you?
Heero: Go ahead, it's your country.
Relena: I suppose so.
Relena: Heero, why are you willing to stay in my country?
Relena: Before, you would leave for battle straight away, no matter how much I stopped you.
Relena: You went back to Space...
Relena: ...but your home was not kind to you.
Relena: It must have been hard...
Relena: ...yet you never stopped fighting.
Relena: Those stern eyes haven't changed since I first met you.
Heero: I...
Dorothy: I'm sorry to interrupt you, Miss Relena.
Relena: Dorothy, is there something wrong?
Dorothy: It's an invitation from the Longfeller Foundation.

[relena getting ready]

Dermail: With the good work of OZ, the world's conflicts are almost at an end.
Dermail: Therefore we would like to discuss with you and study the Complete Peace Principal...
Dermail: ...that Cinq Kingdom upholds in order to maintain the peace that we will have achieved.
Dermail: We would be very honoured if you could attend the meeting in Bremen.
Dorothy: I have been nominated to be your guide, if that is alright with you.
Dorothy: It is my honour to be able to join you, Miss Relena.
Dorothy: Please.
Relena: Thank you, Dorothy.
Noin: Miss Relena, I will go with you.
Dorothy: That won't be necessary. Miss Relena is a guest.
Dorothy: Longfeller will take all responsibility in escorting her.
Noin: But...
Relena: Miss Noin, take care of things while I'm gone.


[she looks up]

Relena: Heero, promise me. That you won't leave without saying a word.
Dorothy: Shall we, Miss Relena?
Relena: Yes.
Quatre: Are you sure you should have let her go?
Quatre: This country's principal spells danger to Longfeller.
Quatre: What if something were to happen to her...
Quatre: Heero!

[two come down to the MS hanger]

Quatre: Heero, what do you plan to do?
Heero: A large number of Mobile Dolls are going to land on Luxembourg base.
Quatre: What?!
Heero: The Treize faction's headquarters is in Luxembourg.
Heero: Longfeller probably intend to crush them.
Quatre: All those descending on Earth at one time...
Quatre: Even Luxembourg can't take that.
Heero: If their mission is complete, the Mobile Dolls will spread all over the world from there.
Quatre: It's impossible! Even you couldn't fight that number by yourself!
Quatre: If you're going I'm going too.
Heero: No. You have to stay here.
Quatre: But...
Heero: You can't die just yet, not until you've found Trowa.
Noin: Quatre, what is the meaning of this? Where's Heero going?
Quatre: Heero's made a choice.
Quatre: He's chosen the battlefield with the highest possibility of death.

Howard: They've gone a bit over the top just to destroy one base.
Zechs: Luxembourg is an important position to them.
Howard: Well, I suppose it's about right since they'll be up against the Lightning Count.
Zechs: Whatever they do, I will just fight my best.

[in MS]

Zechs: Luxembourg...
Zechs: To think I'm fighting to protect a land that we once took away from the Federation...
Zechs: How ironic.
Tsubarov: Zechs! He's arrived just as we predicted.
Tsubarov: All shuttles are to ignore Tallgeese and enter the atmosphere.
Tsubarov: We must seize Luxembourg.

[longfeller building]

Dermail: Welcome, Miss Relena Peacecraft.
Relena: Thank you for inviting me today.
Dermail: It's a pleasure to meet you.
Dermail: Thank you for your trouble, Dorothy.
Dorothy: It was my pleasure.
Dorothy: Excuse me.
Dorothy: Miss Relena, go for it.
Dorothy: Miss Relena, now is the time to show your strength.
Dorothy: Don't disappoint me.
Relena: It is true that Cinq Kingdom is able to operate in peace because of the help they received from the Longfeller Foundation.
Relena: But on the other hand, your OZ is creating a war.
Relena: Why are Longfeller's powers so conflicting?
Relena: That is because the power used depends on the person reinforcing it.
Relena: If you wish for true peace, please, see us as a guide.
Relena: I am prepared to make the effort for this to work.
Dermail: Wonderful. You are so young and yet you have such firm ideals.
Dermail: But it seems like Cinq Kingdom has its own contradictions.
Relena: And what might that be?
Dermail: Let me explain.
Dermail: Recently, there has been an individual who has been attacking OZ and has been causing great damage to us.
Relena: Ugh...
Dermail: He has contacted Colonies as Cinq Kingdom's ambassador, Milliard Peacecraft, but now boards Tallgeese as Zechs Merquise.
Dermail: At present, he and OZ are on hostile terms.

[in space]

Zechs: The reaction's too slow!

[back at longfeller]

Dermail: To be an enemy to OZ means that they are an enemy to the Longfeller.
Dermail: Could it be that Cinq Kingdom has secret ambitions...
Relena: Is the pilot still claiming to be Milliard Peacecraft?
Dermail: No, he is not.
Relena: Then, he is not my brother, Milliard.
Relena: The Peacecraft family wishes for peace more than anything else.
Relena: Being part of that family, there is no way my brother would board a Mobile Suit and fight.
Dermail: Then, you do not care what happens to him...?
Relena: It has nothing to do with Cinq Kingdom.
others: What? Could it be...
Dermail: Very well.
Dermail: Seems like it was our misunderstanding.
Dermail: We will punish the traitor Zechs as we see fit.
Dermail: I apologize for doubting Cinq Kingdom.
Relena: Then, if you will excuse me...
Dermail: Cinq Kingdom... they are an obstruction....
Dorothy: You were magnificent, Miss Relena.
Dorothy: You're everything I expected you to be.
Dorothy: War has to be fought by humans, not dolls.
Dorothy: Miss Relena, you have to work much harder in order to make that happen.
Dorothy: That's why I'll help you out from now on.
Relena: Brother, you must have made the choice to fight, knowing I would take this decision.
Relena: The choice to be Zechs Merquise...

[back in space]
soldier: The Mobile Doll convoy has been destroyed.
Tsubarov: The target number of shuttles have descended, we should be able to seize Luxembourg.
Zechs: I've done my bit. Don't fall, Luxembourg.

[on earth]
trieze soldier: Is... is that the new Mobile Doll model?

[MD gets blown away]
T soldier: What? Gundam 01!
T soldier: Why is it here?!

[cinq kingdom]
Noin: The fighting's started in Luxembourg. Do you not want to go?
Quatre: He's told me not to.
Quatre: That's why I'm going to protect Relena in place of him.
Noin: I hope I'm just overreacting.
Noin: If something happens to Miss Relena, I wouldn't be able to face Zechs.
soldier: Commander Noin.
soldier: We've just had an anonymous call stating that the car Miss Relena is on is going to be attacked by Mobile Dolls assuming test flights.
Noin: What?!

[in the pink car]
Pargan: Miss Relena...
Pargan: Forgive me for acting on my own accord and escorting you back.
Relena: Not to worry, Pargan.
Pargan: You look discouraged. Did something at the meeting troubled you?
Pargan: Th..that's a Mobile Doll!
both: Ahhh!
Relena: Oh, Pargan. Are you alright Pargan?!

[fighting noin stands to protect relena]

Relena: Noin.
Quatre: [phew...]

[pargan carried away in ambulance]

Relena: No matter what I say, I can't even save a single person.
Relena: Is that not so?
Relena: I'm always being helped by someone else.
Relena: Is it possible to have peace without arms?
Relena: Is complete peace a dream that weak people who can't fight wish for?
Quatre: Please be strong!
Quatre: What are we supposed to do if you break down?
Quatre: You must follow the path you believe in.
Quatre: You can make a place where people can live peacefully, for people like us who know nothing but fighting.
Quatre: Heero and all of us believe in you.
Relena: A place where people can live peacefully...
Quatre: That's right.
Quatre: Complete peace will be achieved one day.
Quatre: We fight because we believe it will come true.
Relena: Complete peace will come true...

[luxembourg, fighting]

voice: Don't die. You must not give up.
voice: You must not die yet.
voice: Fight.
voice: Fight and live through this.
voice: You, all of you must not die yet.

To be continued

Translation by Jimaku animation.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 34: Its name is Epyon

Treize: Don't die. Fight, and live. You... all of you mustn't die yet.

Title: Its Name is Epyon

Heero: Is this the end for me? ...Relena.

Suicidal Pilot: Treize Faction, banzai!

Heero: Hey!
Suicidal Pilot: Take care of... Treize-sama...

Dermail's underling: General Dermail.
Dermail: What? Are you coming to report the destruction of the Treize Faction?
Dermail's underling: Uh, no, actually...
Dermail: We sent out all that firepower... How could they have survived?
Dermail's underling: Gundam.
Dermail: What?
Dermail's underling: Gundam Zero One was there. We lost half the Mobile Dolls and the battle appears to have fallen into confusion. If it keeps on like this, it's just a matter of time before Treize Kushrenada escapes his confinement. What shall we do, General?
Dermail: Send out all the forces we have on the Earth. Have them proceed to Luxembourg with orders to attack the Treize Faction and the Gundams.
Dermail's underling: Yes, sir.

Dermail: After all, Treize is just a fascinating image to the soldiers. Just like the Gundams are used to stir up rebellion. But Treize and the Gundams must not become allies.

Security computer: Your identity will be confirmed by a fingerprint check. Please state your name.
Heero: Heero Yuy.
Security computer: Data confirmed. Please enter.

Treize: Thank you for coming, Heero Yuy. A messenger of the peace that I love. I welcome you with all my heart.
Heero: Are you Treize?
Treize: I think you know. Well. Shoot me. In order to bring a conclusion to the fighting.
Treize: What's wrong? The war will not be over as long as I live in this world. Didn't you come here because you think that?
Heero: I want to hear why you let me in.
Treize: I input that in the computer some months ago. I thought that one day you or another Gundam pilot would come here and we could talk.
Heero: I have no interest in you.
Treize: Of course not. If you are thinking only of the peace of the earth, no, of all of space including the earth.
Heero: I don't think of anything except fighting. Peace is only the result that comes after war.
Treize: Then I'll ask. Who is your enemy? Me? OZ? The Romafeller Foundation? Or those faraway colonies that betrayed you?
Heero: My enemy is anyone who stands in front of me and tries to kill me.
Treize: There is no end to fighting like that but... It's... a matter of fate.
Heero: Probably. But I will fight. There's nothing I can do but keep on fighting. And it doesn't matter to me when I die.
Treize: You don't have any desire to change(?) your fate. In that respect, Relena Peacecraft is stronger than you.
Treize: You can see that there is a limit to how long you can keep fighting. But the reality is, no one can change the flow of the times.
Heero: You could change it. You used to have leadership in your grasp. You just have to do the same again.
Treize: I have no desire to do so.
Heero: I see.
Treize: Speaking with you was the highlight of my life.
Treize: And I came to understand. My death and yours must occur together. Let us meet God together, looking into one another's eyes.(?)
Heero: You're a poor loser, aren't you. But that's fine with me.
Treize: A soldier who doesn't hate death? I think that's the proper way for proper human beings to fight. But now, you are losing your enemies. Just like me. My fighting is already over.
Heero: It's not over. Right now, soldiers are dying for you. There's no way your fight is over. If something's finished, no, if something must be finished, it's this futile, pathetic resistance of mine.
Treize: Heero Yuy. Please don't sadden me further. You must not be the same as I.

Treize: Here is something that will guide you in the way you should live from now on.

Scarecrow 5: This is Scarecrow 5. Wing Zero confirmed. We will now begin its destruction.
Leo pilot: This many should do the trick. It's enough to destroy three Leos.
Scarecrow 5: Right. Go back to your Leo.

Howard: They're really going to blow that up, huh?
Zechs: Of course. For OZ, no, for the Romafeller Foundation, anything with the name of Gundam has the image of being an obstacle to their rule.
Howard: Hn. Shall we show them the real value of a Gundam?

Scarecrow 5: Okay. We will now explode the Wing Zero.
Leo pilot: An object is heading this way at high speed!
Scarecrow 5: What?
Leo pilot: Tallgeese! The Lightning Count is here!
Scarecrow 5: Shit!
Scarecrow 5: This is Scarecrow 5! Tallgeese is here!!

Zechs: Why do you run from the fight? Have the Mobile Dolls made soldiers forget how to fight? Or is my thinking out of date?
Howard: Zechs, be careful. Mobile Dolls are rapidly approaching.
Zechs: They foresaw that I would come here?
Zechs: It's only natural to use such tactics in a battle that relies on Mobile Dolls.


Zechs: Mobile Doll reinforcements? They're well prepared.
Zechs: Fresh forces?
Zechs: I see. It seems they have a high opinion of me.
Scarecrow 5: [Something incomprehensible] Lightning Count!
Scarecrow 5: Shit.
Zechs: Tallgeese! It's thanks to you that I have been able to fight this well.
Zechs: I thank you with all my heart.
Zechs: I hate to part from you.
Zechs: But I must keep on fighting.(?)
Zechs: Farewell, Tallgeese.
Zechs: My beloved machine, rest in peace.

Scarecrow 5: It self-destructed? Does he think he can escape? I won't let him get away with that!
Scarecrow 5: Oh, I see. He intends to switch to the Wing Zero. Hn. I believe the Lightning Count is angry.
Scarecrow 5: I'll order the Mobile Dolls to change their target.
Scarecrow 5: No, I'll let him have a more fitting death.
Scarecrow 5: Spend your afterlife cursing the weakness of your rebellion!
Scarecrow 5: This is Scarecrow 5. Mission accomplished. Wing Zero, and Tallgeese as well, have been destroyed, and Zechs Marquise has been ki-
Zechs: It seems that for the Wing Zero, that was too small an amount of explosives.
Scarecrow 5: What?!
Zechs: But... This reaction speed! This fighting ability!

Howard: I wonder if even such a perfect soldier as you can pilot that terrible machine without it making a fool of you. I pray that the road you have chosen is the correct one, Zechs. No, Mirialdo. You are Peacecraft, the guidepost to peace.

Heero: It's a new type?
Treize: I've had it named Epyon. This machine will show its pilot the face of his enemy, and it will show him his own future. There was no future for me that I must choose. If you pilot this machine and experience the same result, then let us die together.
Heero: What did you build this thing for?
Treize: I thought that continuous fighting was humanity's reason for living. But I could not find an answer there. My battles are over, but I must discover a reason for the act of fighting (?). Therefore, I built this Mobile Suit. I thought a Gundam would be most appropriate. Also, I wanted to grant a blessing to the victors and the defeated. This is a machine that makes that possible.
Heero: You wanted to build a god?
Treize: Certainly. For a pilot whose will to fight is pure, this machine is able to erase all uncertainty. A soldier who is absolutely sure is sublimely beautiful. In a sense, you can say that soldier is very near to being a god.
Heero: I don't believe in gods.
Treize: Show me your fighting and your future.

Treize: Heero Yuy. I'll just give you one piece of advice. You must not win, in that machine. Gundam Epyon is not a weapon. I hope you will return here defeated.
Heero: I hope the same thing.
Treize: Heero. Until you kill me, I don't give you permission to die. For that reason, I've disabled the self-destruct system.

Treize Faction Pilot: Shit! The enemy forces never get any less! Dermail, you [something incomprehensible].
Treize Faction Pilot: Don't give up! The only thing that has meaning is to keep on fighting!
Some pilot: Something's approaching rapidly from the direction of the castle.(?)
Treize Faction Pilot: New forces?
Treize Faction Pilot: Is that also... a Gundam?
Some pilot: [Something incomprehensible.]
Treize Faction Pilot: Hey, is that... an ally?
Treize Faction Pilot: It's coming!

Heero: My enemy... No, that's not right... It's making me fight.
Treize Faction Pilot: Now! Go!
Heero: But is it them? No...

Heero: It's the same. This is the same as the Epyon.
Heero: Destroy everything.
Heero: Everyone who fights is my enemy!

Relena: Heero! Promise me!
Suicidal Pilot: Take care of... Treize-sama.
Treize: There was no future for me that I must choose.
Heero: My... my future... my death...

Treize: Did you see it? Your future.
Heero: .......
Treize: I see. Well then, shall we begin?
Heero: Treize... I have... no right...

Translation by Katherine.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 35: Wufei, once again

Narrator: Zero System. An alias for the cockpit system which gathers and instantly calculates the data during battle and directly feeds back to the pilot the many presumed positions of the enemy. But this was a system for attaining complete victory by pushing the pilot to extreme circumstances even sacrificing their lives at times. A.C.195. As the world changed in this time of chaos, there were Mobile Suits which transformed humans into the ultimate weapon. They were Wing Zero and Epyon.

Wufei, once again

Catherine: Trowa... Trowa, is it you? It's me, Catherine. Don't tell me you've forgotten me.
Trowa: Cathe...rine...
Catherine: Tr... Trowa?

[space station]

man: This is Brago. We're going in.
man 2: Roger.

[wufei training]

Lon: Enough!
Lon: Wufei.
Wufei: Master Lon. I am grateful to you for letting me study here again.
Lon: You have done well and made great progress.
Lon: Altron will be pleased to take you on board.
Wufei: The completed Nataku is strong.
Wufei: But I don't think I am worthy for him yet.
Lon: Strength is the soul. The soul is the battle against yourself. If you do not win against yourself, you will never defeat your enemy. We have fought against the evil in Space for over 100 years. But the Colony which protected us all these years does not have the strength to sustain life any longer, and is luring us to the path of ruin. Even so, we will pursue justice to the end. Do you understand, Wufei?
Wufei: Justice...
Lon: To believe in one self, never lie to one self, never betray one self.
man: Master Lon!
Lon: What?!
Lon: What! They have no mercy even for the dying.


Wufei: Master Lon, I must defeat the enemy.
Wufei: The enemy I fight is Evil!
Lon: Then you have nothing to doubt.
Lon: You are not going to defeat the enemy, whatever you defeat IS the enemy, namely, Evil.
Lon: You decide what is just.
Lon: That is our will and therefore is Altron's will.
soldier: C'mon 05!

[looks at screen]

soldier: He's here!
soldier: Gundam!
soldier: This is Brago. I've lured him out.
soldier: Proceeding to the second stage!

[flies toward gundam]

soldier: I'll stop you here 05!
Wufei: Nataku, guide me to the right path!

[space station]

man: Commence attack on 0200.
soldier: He's here, it's 05.

[wufei fighting]

soldier: This is a warning to the Gundam pilot. Stop your attack.
soldier: We are prepared to attack 0200.
soldier: Your resistance means the Colony will be put in jeopardy.
Lon: Farewell Wufei.
Lon: Witness the end of our clan.
Lon: Is it ready?
man: Yes, and so are we.
Lon: Our people must never forget our pride.
Lon: Our will will be carried on by Wufei.
Lon: Do it.
man: Yes.


soldier: What?!
Wufei: Master Lon!
Lon: Do not hesitate Wufei.
Lon: Your doubt will only create more chaos.
Lon: Fight!
Wufei: Master Lon...
Lon: Fight Wufei. Fight for your justice.

[wufei goes mad]

Wufei: Justice is...
Wufei: I will determine justice!!
Howard: Seems like there's been a large battle in the L5 Colony area.
Howard: Perhaps Wufei has started to take action.
Zechs: He's the 05 pilot.
Howard: Yup.
Zechs: Our forces are this ship and Wing Zero.
Zechs: It's too much of a disadvantage against the Longfeller.
Zechs: Can we not ask him to join us?
Howard: That might be difficult.
Howard: The Gundam pilots will insist on fighting on their own.
Howard: I don't know if they'll lend a hand to someone fighting with a moral obligation...
Zechs: We have the same enemy.
Zechs: If only we had the chance to talk.
Howard: Okay. Change course to the L5 area.

[space, panning onto moon]

Delmare: With the success of Operation Nova, most of the world is under the Longfeller Foundations rule.
Delmare: I want you, to continue with your work on a new plan.
Tsubarov: A new plan?
Delmare: We have a duty to maintain peace.
Delmare: To do that we must have overwhelming power.
Tsubarov: Are the Mobile Dolls not effective enough?
Delmare: Mobile Dolls can only maximize their potential in local warfare.
Delmare: We need something that has effect on a larger scale.
Delmare: Chief technician Tsubarov, I command you to build a Space Mothership that will stand against Peacemillion.
Tsubarov: A... A Space Mothership?


[flash back]

Quatre: I'll be going.
Noin: Quatre, Sally Po's information is reliable.
Noin: You can trust her.
Quatre: Yes. I didn't ask for the Maganac units help because I didn't want them to get into trouble, but I'm not in a position to say that any more.
Noin: The Longfeller have destroyed the main forces of the Treize faction.
Noin: The world's power structure is leaning towards the Longfeller because of this.
Noin: I wouldn't be exaggerating to say that Cinq Kingdom was hanging on a thread.
Quatre: Yes. And to save this country from those evil hands I need to go and get Sandrock.
soldier: This is a warning. This is a war zone.
soldier: Return to point URW.
soldier: If you do not comply we will shoot you down.
Quatre: Are you saying you're going to attack without even guiding me out?
soldier: Commence attack.
Quatre: You wait there, my Sandrock.
Quatre: I'll come and get you.

man: It is true that our country is was a member of the Longfeller Foundation.
man: But at present, the Foundation is but a military funds collector.
man: We cannot follow in their path.
man 2: The Longfeller Foundation is only fulfilling it's greed to control by expanding it's rule.
man 2: This is no different to the former Federation.
Relena: I understand what you all are saying.
Relena: I hope you realize that true peace cannot be attained by military force.
man: That is very true.
man 3: Princess Relena, please stand up for us and be our guide.
Relena: I, myself have little power.
Relena: But if everybody wishes for true peace...
Relena: ...I believe it is possible to stop the Longfeller from using military action.

[back home]

Pargan: The representatives have all left.
Pargan: Everyone seemed pleased about the meeting.
Relena: Pargan. Was it right for me to promise peace to other nations when I can't even protect my own country's peace?
Pargan: Miss Relena, the peace that Longfeller have promised is an illusion.
Pargan: The complete peace that Peacecraft uphold is the true peace.
Pargan: The representatives of the nations are relying on you.
Relena: But the Longfeller forces are so strong.
Pargan: After Treize Khushrenada lost his position, there is no individual in the Longfeller Foundation to stand as a leader and pull them forward.
Pargan: Count Delmare who is the representative of the Foundation is not fit to fill that position.
Pargan: In their present state, we have nothing to fear.
Pargan: Please, be confident and make your ideals come true.

[MS hanger]

man: We're happy to see you back safely Commander Noin.
Noin: I am not a Commander any longer. I am a soldier just like you.
man: Erm, but we are just remnants and habits are hard to break.
man: Can we at least call you Captain Noin?
Noin: If that makes you happy.
Noin: But we are not a military unit that is tied down by regulations. Don't forget that!
men: Yes!
Heero: Captain Noin.
Noin: Yes what is it?
Heero: Longfeller won't keep quiet if this country acquires arms.
Heero: Why did you accept them in?
Noin: That matter...
Noin: If you want an answer come this way.
Noin: At present Longfeller is placing its forces around Cinq Kingdom.
Noin: That Treize faction annihilation strategy.
Noin: They have kept those forces on stand-by, probably to attack Cinq Kingdom.
Noin: That means they never had the intention to leave this country alone.
Noin: At this rate, it will be a repeat of what happened to this country before.
Noin: Our forces are small now but to fight against Longfeller's armies we have to take in soldiers from the Treize faction and former Federation remnants.
Noin: Have I convinced you?
Heero: You're taking things easy considering the fact that you may be attacked by such forces at any moment.
Noin: But we have the symbol of hope called Gundam.
Heero: You better not depend on it so much.
Heero: I'm not like Quatre who sees the significance of protecting this country.
Noin: The Gundam you received from Commander Treize has brought us victory.
Noin: It is a symbol to fight against Longfeller.
Heero: Treize. What do you want me to do with this thing?


Wufei: This is the best a doll can do.
Wufei: Is there no one who will fight me like a man?!
soldier: Mobile Doll Taurus unit is completely destroyed.
soldier 2: Can't be helped, retreat.
Wufei: Depending on machines to deal with life will only degrade humans.
Wufei: Now may be the time to defeat OZ.
Zechs: Gundam 05. This is Peacemillion,
Zechs: Zechs Merquise speaking.
Wufei: Wing Zero!
Zechs: I want to talk to you.
Zechs: Wait, I am not your enemy!
Wufei: My enemy is all that brings war and fighting to this Space!
Zechs: That's right. That is why we should fight against OZ together.
Wufei: Are you not OZ too?!
Zechs: I was...
Zechs: ...but not anymore.
Wufei: I don't trust a guy who changes sides.
Zechs: What can I do to make you listen to me?
Wufei: Defeat me.
Zechs: Very well. That stance, you're definitely a Gundam pilot.
Zechs: The enhanced Gundam is magnificent!
Zechs: There will be no victory without it.

[peacemillion explodes?]

Zechs: Peacemillion...
Zechs: Are you all right? What?!
Zechs: What is this image?
Zechs: What the hell is this?
Zechs: My enemy?
Zechs: The man I need to fight is not him.
Wufei: I understand. You are Evil!!
Zechs: NO!
Howard: Zechs!
Howard: Zechs, get a grip!
Howard: You're being toyed with by the Zero system.
Wufei: I'm sure of it. This man will become an enemy.
Howard: A system whose predictions are based on the data collected and erases a soldiers doubts.
Howard: But that only creates tragedy.
Howard: There is nothing more sad than a soldier being disillusioned by a machine.
Howard: It may be cruel to ask Zechs to overcome this at the moment.

[circus show]
ring master: Hurry up! We're leaving tomorrow.
Catherine: Ring Master, the people of this colony love us.
Catherine: Why are you making this the last performance?
Master: A Gundam has appeared at a nearby Colony.
Catherine: A Gundam?
Trowa: Sister.
Catherine: Wh..what is it Trowa?
Trowa: Where do I put this away?
Catherine: Oh that. Don't worry I'll put it away later.
Trowa: But...
Catherine: You should listen to what your sister says, Trowa.
Trowa: Okay.
Master: As long as he's with us, there's a possibility that we'll get involved.
Master: That's why we have to move on.
Catherine: You're right. I'm sorry he's lost his memory but it's better for him this way.
Trowa: Gundam...
Trowa: What is that...
Trowa: It feels familiar but...
Trowa: It's happening again. I.... I'm cold...
Catherine: Trowa don't worry. I won't let you go back to the battlefield.
Catherine: I promise I'll protect you.
To be contined

Translation by Jumaku Animation.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 36: The fall of Cinq Kingdom

Narrator: Zero System. An alias for the cockpit system which gathers and instantly calculates the data during battle and directly feeds back to the pilot the many pressumed positions of the enemy. But this was a system for attaining complete victory by pushing the pilot to extreme circumstances, even sacrificing their lives at times. A.C.195. As the world changed in this time of chaos, there were Mobile Suits which transformed humans into the ultimate weapon. They were Wing Zero and Epyon.

The fall of Cinq Kingdom

man: Our enemy is not OZ. It is the Longfeller Foundation and Earth's governing classes.
man 2: That's why you want us to join hands with the ex-OZ Treize faction?
man: First of all we need to take back Space into our control.
man: To do that we may need to take in ex-Federation soldiers too.
man 3: No way! We can't join forces with them.
man: But if we don't unify against them we won't have a chance to destroy them.
man 2: Yeah, but...
man: What do you think Duo?
Duo: Well, it is true that we, the Treize faction and ex- Federation are all fighting against the same enemy, the Longfeller.
Duo: But what's important is what you do after you defeat the Longfeller.
Duo: Give us a call when you've decided on that.
man: Hey Duo!
Duo: Until then, I'll fight on my own to overthrow Longfeller.

[in a park]

Hirde: How was it?
Duo: It was a load of rubbish.
children: Oh, wait! Wait!
Duo: You know, I wonder what real peace is...
Duo: Never mind!
Duo: Forget what I just said!
Duo: Sorry, that was out of character.
Hirde: Hey Duo, you want to go and see something fun?
Duo: Fun?
Hirde: C'mon.
Hirde: Hurry, hurry!

[cinq kingdom]

Noin: The OZ Mobile Doll units are being assembled at the military bases surrounding Cinq Kingdom and appear to be strengthening their defences.
Noin: I'm certain of it.
Noin: OZ, no, Longfeller is preparing to invade us.
Noin: It's only a matter of time before they attack.
Relena: I understand.
Relena: I will speak with Count Dermail.
Noin: Miss Relena, Longfeller regard Cinq Kingdom as the enemy!
Noin: The only way to protect Cinq Kingdom is to fight.
Relena: Cinq Kingdom upholds the Complete Peace Principal.
Relena: We who aim a peaceful world with no war or conflict must not take up arms.
Noin: But at this rate we will lose Cinq Kingdom itself.
Relena: At any rate, I will use all my power to stop this war.

[MS hanger]

Noin: I understand her point. But the reality is Longfeller are about to attack us.
Heero: Relena is blinded by her ideals.
Noin: What do you mean?
Heero: There's no way she can accomplish Complete Peace with the world in this state.
Noin: Are you denying Miss Relena's ideal?
Heero: No. The Complete Peace Principal is the peoples hope.
Heero: People cannot live without hope.
Noin: Heero. Do you have hope too?
Heero: The only thing I have is the will to fight oppression.
Noin: I wonder how Quatre is...
Noin: I'm hoping he will come back soon.


Quatre: That noise...
Rasid: March ahead! Show them what the Maganac unit is made of!
Auda: Shit, if we continue...
Rasid: Auda, take group 3 and go around from the left.
Auda: Roger!

Auda: [looks in the distance] What's that?
Auda: [sees Quatre] Master Quatre! Master Quatre, is it you?!
Rasid: What, Master Quatre!
Quatre: You guys...
Auda: We've been waiting for you.
Auda: We have something to give to you.
Quatre: Yes. I know, I've come to get it.
captain: Okay, march on ahead and fight them.
soldier: C..Captain.
soldier: The enemy is on the offence now.
soldier: Oh, that white machine!
captain: What is it?
soldier: G..Gundam 04...!
Quatre: Let's go Sandrock!
Rasid: Master Quatre, we're glad you're safe.
Quatre: Rasid, all of you, I'm sorry for everything.
Quatre: And thank you.
Auda: There's no need for that Master Quatre.
Auda: We're just glad you came to help us.
Rasid: Are you in need of the Gundam again?
Quatre: Yes. There's something I need to do now.

[circus tent]
Hirde: That is fantastic! Isn't this fun?
Duo: Yeah it's great.
master: Next is the show of the King of the Beasts and a Pierrot.
Hirde: Oh no!

[trowa jumps]
Hirde: Wow! That boy playing the Pierrot is cute.
Duo: Here we go... huh?
Duo: That's... he's...!
Catherine: Well done.
Trowa: Was that okay?
Catherine: Yes, the audience loved it.
Trowa: Good...
Duo: Trowa, I thought it was you Trowa.
Catherine: You!
Duo: I didn't know you were here.
Duo: What about the others?
Duo: What about Heero?
Duo: Isn't he with you?
Duo: Trowa.
Catherine: Could you leave!
Duo: Huh?
Catherine: You may be his old mate but Trowa has no intention to fight anymore.
Duo: Trowa, what the hell's going on?!
Catherine: Leave, just leave!
Duo: Trowa...

Narrator: Meanwhile, chief technician Tsubarov was working on the construction of a Space Mothership under the orders of the Longfeller Foundation.
Narrator: This project was using a great deal of materials and man power which was a burden on the Colony citizens.
Tsubarov: We are doing our best to speed things up but for a ship of this size we would need more time...
Dermail: I don't want excuses. We need this to be our new symbol.
Tsubarov: A symbol, you say?
Dermail: OZ does not have a leading figure at present.
Dermail: From now on, OZ must bring the soldiers together with a symbol of strength.
Dermail: And we have to eliminate the country that tries to corrupt our unity.
Tsubarov: The country you mention is Cinq Kingdom?
Dermail: Cinq Kingdom was only of use to us as a front to our peace plan.
Dermail: Now they are only a nuisance.
Tsubarov: You mean...
Dermail: There must not be a nation that does not adhere to us.

[some country]
soldier: Captain, Mobile Doll besieging troop have crossed the borderline from the forest area.
Captain: Good. The main forces will head for invasion from the sea.
Captain: The target is Cinq Kingdom's capital, New Port City.
Noin: Miss Relena.
Noin: The sensors on the borderline have detected the entry of OZ Mobile Doll troops.
Relena: I've just had a message from Count Dermail.
Relena: They are going to attack our country because we have taken in OZ deserters and armed guerrillas.
Pargan: To think that Longfeller would be so unlawful.
Noin: Miss Relena, Cinq Kingdom is a ray of hope in this world.
Noin: Please understand the ones that chose to fight to protect it.
Relena: Miss Noin!
Relena: Pargan, please prepare the evacuation of the students.
Pargan: Yes.

[Heero on Epyon]

Heero: No! NO, NO!! Shut up Epyon!

Not for Sale or Rent

Noin: All units, attack!

[start fighting]
Noin: Damn, their forces are too great.
soldier: Carriers, release the Virgo units.
Noin: All units, retreat to the defence line.

[more enemy on the water]
Noin: What, more troops?!
Quatre: Miss Noin. I'm glad I made it.
Noin: Quatre, thank god.
Dorothy: Seems like Cinq Kingdom and its Peace Principal has been dragged into this war now.
Relena: Dorothy, didn't you leave as Pargan instructed?
Relena: You should evacuate now.
Dorothy: Oh no! What would be the point if I left without seeing how this all turns out?
Dorothy: What are you going to do Miss Relena?
Dorothy: Are you going to continue fighting?
Dorothy: Or are you going to ask other nations for military support?
Relena: It is not possible for Cinq Kingdom to make such a choice.
Dorothy: But what other choice do you have?
Dorothy: If Cinq Kingdom is destroyed, the Complete Peace Principal will truly become a dream.
Relena: That isn't true. The people's wish is for true peace.
Dorothy: They are all fighting with their lives to protect that peace.
Dorothy: How wonderful!
Noin: Heero! You're acting too much on your own.
Noin: Don't stray from the unit!
Heero: If I lose it now, no one will be able to stop me.
Relena: I have no time to waste on you or your liking for war.
Dorothy: You're not being fair, Miss Relena.
Relena: Not fair?
Dorothy: You lure everyone with sweet words like peace but when it comes to the crunch, you don't do anything.
Relena: It's not that I don't do anything.
Dorothy: Yes I know, you CAN'T do anything.
Dorothy: There was no way complete peace would become a reality in the first place.
Relena: What are you saying?
Dorothy: My teacher told me that humans are fighting animals and that whoever wins should become the leader.
Dorothy: That is how law and order are enforced.
Relena: The law and order you describe does not bring about peace.
Relena: That is pure domination.
Dorothy: At least with this ideal we can act to bring law and order.
Dorothy: In this world of war, what can the peace principal that can't fight do?
Dorothy: It's all just a fabrication.
Noin: This is our last chance.
Noin: I can't let...
Noin: Are they reinforcements?!
Rasid: Don't let them get the better of you!
Quatre: Miss Noin!
Pargan: H...Have they started to attack the city...?
Noin: Miss Relena!
Dorothy: A Complete Peace Principal that can't do anything is of no use now.
Dorothy: You're only prey to fighting animals.
Dorothy: Now is the time to fight Miss Relena.
Relena: Yes, humans fight. But that doesn't mean it's right.
Relena: I believe people can choose a path to peace without fighting.
Dorothy: You're fabulous when you preach your ideals!
Dorothy: If you say one word, I'm sure soldiers who are discontent with OZ will come running to your rescue.
Relena: If the presence of Cinq Kingdom and myself are the cause of more war, I will start with what I can do.
Relena: A new beginning for Complete Peace.
Dorothy: That's right, you have to take action first, Miss Relena.
Heero: The city was attacked?
Heero: R..Relena...
Dorothy: Here we are Miss Relena.
Dorothy: You're connected to Space, Earth \nand even the private lines of the Foundation's executives as requested.
Dorothy: But I don't know of anybody in the Foundation that would come to your aid...
Relena: I am Relena Peacecraft, the representative of Cinq Kingdom.
Pargan: Miss Relena...
Relena: At present our country is under attack from OZ.
Tubarov: How conceited. Is she trying to get help from other nations.
Relena: Cinq Kingdom does not wish to take up arms and fight.
Relena: But if our country becomes a target and is the cause of war, Cinq Kingdom will yield its sovereignty and dissolve its existence.
Zechs: It couldn't be! May it not be too late!
Relena: Whatever the reason, the Complete Peace Principal must not be the origin of any fighting.
Relena: I too, will surrender to OZ.
Noin: Miss Relena...
Relena: That is my doctrine to peace.
Dermail: How daringly bold.
Dermail: If I could somehow use her power to centralize Longfeller...
Relena: Stop fighting.
Relena: There is no more reason to continue fighting.
Dorothy: It's wonderful! You're so wonderful, Miss Relena!!
Relena: You don't have to use "Miss" any more.
Dorothy: Oh no, I'm a even greater fan of you now!
Dorothy: Miss Relena, I'll escort you to the Longfeller Foundation.
Relena: Forgive me everyone.
Relena: This is the only path I can take.

Auda: Master Quatre, Let me go after them.
Quatre: No. We have to respect her decision.
Noin: Quatre, could you come with me?
Quatre: Where to?
Noin: Space.
Quatre: I'll follow you.
Dorothy: I'll guarantee your physical safety but I don't know what the Foundation is going to do with you.

[music starts]
Relena: I don't know...
Relena: How am I supposed to make my ideal come true...?
soldier: Withdraw the Leos. Start reinforcing the occupation in Cinq Kingdom.

[in the control room]
soldier: Captain, there's a Mobile Suit that's still resisting in the mountain area.
captain: What?
Heero: Where... where is my enemy?!!
To be continued

Translation by Katherine.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 37: Zero vs Epyon

Narrator: Zero system. An alias for the cockpit system which gathers and instantly calculates the data during battle and directly feeds back to the pilot the many presumed positions of the enemy. But this was a system for attaining complete victory by pushing the pilot to extreme circumstances, even sacrificing their lives at times. A.C.195. As the world changed in this time of chaos there were Mobile Suits which transformed humans into the ultimate weapon. They were Wing Zero and Epyon.

Zero vs Epyon

Zechs: I'm heading straight for Cinq Kingdom!
Zechs: I hope it's not too late!!

Heero: The enemy...
Heero: Where is my enemy...?
Heero: Hurry!
Heero: Annihilation strategy, combat level, maximum, confirmed.

[fight then on battle ship]
commander: What's wrong?!
command: Where are the reinforcements?!
soldier: Commander.
soldier: Enemy forces are not declining.
soldier: Seems like he's getting stronger.
soldier: Is it not better to retreat?
commander: You idiot!
commander: If we retreat now we'll be the laughing stock of those nobility.
soldier: But we're up against Gundam.
commander: Even more reason why we must defeat it.
commander: The Foundation will not acknowledge the term Gundam.
commander: Our Mobile Doll 4-2 airborne troop...
commander: ...would have lost against a single Mobile Suit with no name.
soldier: Enemy Mobile Suit, heading this way!
commander: What?!
Heero: Combat level, clear.
Heero: Advance into strategy level.

[in the sky]
Zechs: How far can this Wing Zero go?
Zechs: The point is not the enemy, but myself.
Heero: Wing Zero, huh....
Heero: Combat level, target confirmed.
Heero: Initiate elimination.
Zechs: Gundam!
Zechs: A new type?
Zechs: Is he challenging this Wing Zero to a fight?
Zechs: Heero Yui!
Heero: Zechs!
Zechs: Why are you here?!
Heero: Zechs, it's your mistake to have chosen that machine.
Zechs: Heero, confirm your status.
Zechs: Are you an enemy?
Heero: Ask Zero.
Zechs: What?!
Zechs: The battle... what happened to Cinq Kingdom?
Zechs: Are you saying it has fallen...?
Zechs: Cinq Kingdom...
Zechs: I was too late...
Zechs: Then, what is the reason for this fight...?
Zechs: What reason is there?!!
Zechs: K..kill anyone who comes to kill me...
Zechs: Is that what you're saying Zero...
Zechs: Very well, as a soldier I'll settle this destined battle with you!

[on battle ship]
soldier: Commander, we still cannot contact the Mobile Doll 4-2 airborne troop.
Commander: I see.
Commander: Increase the Mobile Dolls.
Commander: We have identified 2 enemy Mobile Suits.
Commander: We must increase our forces ten fold against them.
soldier: Roger.

[longfeller estate]
butler: Miss Relena, would you like milk and sugar?
butler: Lord Dermail will be here shortly.
Dermail: Your heart must be overwhelmed by the loss of your country Princess Relena.
Dermail: This tea was grown in my garden.
Dermail: It may not satisfy your taste but please do try it.
Relena: Lord Dermail, there is no need for your hospitable treatment towards me.
Relena: I... I have surrendered to you.
Dermail: So you think a prison would be more suitable for you?
Dermail: But that is not so.
Dermail: We have harboured you.
Relena: Harboured me?
Dermail: All you wished for is peace.
Dermail: That is why we have supported you.
Dermail: But former OZ traitors and Colony reactionaries gathered around you...
Dermail: ...and destroyed your ideals.
Relena: What are you saying?
Dermail: The Longfeller Foundation has saved you in order to protect your ideals.
Dermail: That is how the public sees this Cinq Kingdom conflict.
Relena: What?!
Dermail: The speech you presented to the world of your hope for complete peace...
Dermail: ...was noble and beautiful and gained sympathy among many people.
Dermail: And we have fought to protect that hope.
Relena: No one will believe such a thing.
Dermail: Of course they will.
Dermail: To prove that...
Dermail: ...the Longfeller Foundation will...
Dermail: ...appoint Relena Peacecraft as the Foundation's representative.
Relena: The Foundations representative? Me?
Dermail: Yes.
Dermail: And by putting you forward...
Dermail: ...the Longfeller Foundation will gain trust from the world.
Dermail: Our Earth World concept will become a reality.
Dermail: Of course it will be necessary for you and I to agree.
Dermail: You WILL be the Foundation's representative, Princess Relena?
Dermail: Oh no, you will no longer be a Princess.
Dermail: One who stands on top of the world should be called, let's see, Queen Relena.
Relena: I decline.
Relena: I will not betray the people who have fought for me.
Dermail: The highest position on the Earth is right in front of your eyes.
Relena: I do not want it.
Relena: I will not stand over the sadness of oppressed people.
Dermail: It is only our means that are different.
Dermail: The end result is the same.
Dermail: You too, wish for peace, not war.
Relena: That's not true!
Dermail: Think it over, you still have time...
Dermail: But don't forget this.
Dermail: Many people who believe in peace will fight and die while you take your time.

Heero: You're slow, you're too slow Epyon.
Heero: Beat his reaction speed!
Zechs: Wing Zero, show me victory!
Zechs: This is it!
Heero: Zechs!
Heero: Th..this is....
Zechs: What the...?

[some space base]
Sedichi: Our production is up by 20%.
Sedichi: We are very close to completion.
Sedichi: The introduction of Colony citizens was effective.
Tsubarov: This is the greatness of a monarchial system rule.
Tsubarov: Freedom and equality is unnecessary when dealing with such a great cause.
Sedichi: That is absolutely true.
Tsubarov: Sedichi, I will return to the Moon base.
Tsubarov: I will leave the rest to you.
Sedichi: Yes sir, I'll take command.
Tsubarov: Huh, are you still using those manned crafts?
Tsubarov: I've ordered those to be used on the production lines.
soldier: Yes... we apologize.
soldier: But we cannot waste our forces...
soldier: We need to have them for our revolt.

[brings out gun]

soldier: Please sit down Commander.
Tsubarov: Who are you...?
soldier: We used to be called the Treize faction...
soldier: ...but from now we'll call ourselves the Colony revolution fighters.
Tsubarov: Revolution...?
soldier: Don't worry.
soldier: We're not going to take your life.
soldier: The Colony citizens do not want a massacre.
soldier: We just want you to feel shame of the tyranny you have caused.
soldier: This is Hot Dog.
soldier: "The sheep is in the pen."
soldier: Initiate "Artemis Revolution".
soldier: Roger.

[explosion door opens, man comes in]

soldier: What was that explosion?!
soldier 2: What?!
Quinze: We have occupied this base.
Quinze: Do not resist.
soldier: Who are you?!
Quinze: We are the Colony revolution fighters, White Fang.
Quinze: Fellow Colony men, now is the time to stand.
Quinze: At present our comrades have Tsubarov, the tyrant, in confinement.
Quinze: We do not need to obey orders.
Quinze: Earth has deprived us of resources and labour.
Quinze: But originally we were not supposed to be their equals.
Quinze: Let us stand, fellow Colony men.
Quinze: Let us build peace in space!

[duo in front of telly]
Duo: So they've done it.
Duo: Now they've thrown the Colonies right in the middle of this mess-of-a-war...
Duo: They're such idiots...

[moon base]

Tsubarov: Why don't you kill me?
soldier: You are still of use.
soldier: We need you to make a statement of defeat to each Colony.
soldier: We thought we'd wait until the citizens truly wanted your execution.
Tsubarov: Your methods are no different to OZ.
soldier: Precisely.
soldier: This is what we learned from you lot.
Tsubarov: Yes. I suppose that's what Treize's dog would say.
soldier: You!


soldier: Leave him.
soldier: He won't be able to get far.
soldier: This base is ours.
Tsubarov: Those rebels!
Tsubarov: Did they not think that I had a plan.
Tsubarov: My Mobile Dolls will crush your schemes!
soldier outside: Dock 1 to leader.
soldier outside: All calm around the base.
soldier outside: Huh, what's that?!
soldier inside: Leader, the Mobile Dolls are active.
soldier inside: They're in combat at the north gates.
Quinze: It's Tsubarov...


soldier: It's no use with these weapons.
Wufei: Those who wish war in the universe...
Wufei: ...those with evil wills...
Wufei: I'll destroy them all!
Wufei: Ahh!!
soldier: W..wait, we're...!
Wufei: Save your excuses!
soldier 2: Is..isn't Gundam on the side of the Colony!
Tsubarov: My Mobile Dolls will not be defeated.
Tsubarov: They will never lose.
Tsubarov: In the end the victor will be me and my Mobile Dolls.


Tsubarov: See for yourselves.
Tsubarov: My Mobile Dolls are invincible.
Tsubarov: We have no enemies in this universe.
Tsubarov: I am invincible!
Wufei: I will carry out my own justice.
soldier: A report from the advance party at the Moon base.
soldier: There was resistance from the Mobile Dolls but that has been quelled.
soldier: The report also says that a Gundam appeared.
Sedichi: Gundam?
soldier: Yes, it says that it's an improved model of 05.
Sedichi: What happened to Tsubarov?
soldier: Seems like he's been killed in the battle.
Sedichi: I see. It can't be helped.
soldier: But, what will happen to our plans?
Sedichi: Never mind, the "Artemis Revolution" has just begun.
Sedichi: If this is complete, the revolution will be a success.

[by the beach]

Zechs: Seems like we both were made fun of by the machines.
Heero: Epyon said that you would be an obstacle in the path I choose.
Heero: And I don't think it's wrong.
Zechs: I see...
Zechs: They've arrived.
Heero: Yeah...
soldier: Enemy Mobile Suit is at northern point B, along the coast line.
soldier: Will exterminate them with Mobile Dolls.
soldier: Approximate landing time of Mobile Dolls, 0450.
Zechs: What are you doing?
Heero: I'm going on Wing Zero.
Heero: I'll get the enemy over the sea.
Zechs: What are you going to do with that Gundam?
Heero: Do as you please.
Heero: It's what Treize made.
Heero: I don't understand his ideals.
Zechs: No doubt, if it were Treize, he would have entrusted me with Epyon...
Zechs: Treize, I thought I chose a different path from yours...
Zechs: But, I'll borrow Epyon for a while.

[longfeller estate]

butler: Is something the matter?
Relena: No, nothing.
Relena: Please tell Lord Dermail, that I, Relena Peacecraft...
Relena: ...accept the position of the Foundation's representative.
Relena: This is what you wanted, isn't it... Relena Peacecraft.

To be continued

Translation by ADK.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

Gundam Wing, episode 38: Relena becomes Queen

Narrator: The Zero System. It was a cockpit system that gave pilots immediate and direct feedback of all combat data. However, this system also exerted control over the pilot, ensuring perfect victories by taking away the pilot's fear of even his own death. A.C. 195. While society lay in chaos, Mobile Suits were introduced that could turn human beings into exceptional weapons. These were Wing Zero and Epyon.

Title: Relena Becomes Queen

Narrator: The Earth and the space Colonies both were in disorder. The Colonists who resisted the rule of the Romafeller Foundation organized a military force called White Fang to rise up and liberate the Colonies. To oppose this, OZ, even having lost its leader, Tsubarov, fought back with Mobile Dolls. In many different places, the sparks of war were falling, and spreading.

White Fang pilot: Don't attack the Mobile Dolls head on. Bring them into the range of the Colony beam cannon!
Other White Fang pilot: Acknowledged.

Wufei: Why are you involving space in this meaningless fight?
White Fang pilot: Gu-Gundam!

Shuttle pilot: It seems that a Gundam has appeared in the combat zone.
Noin: It's come, has it?
Shuttle pilot: But this shuttle can't put out any more speed.
Noin: Thanks. This is far enough. I'll go by myself from here.
Shuttle pilot: Take care.

Noin: The Gundam 05 pilot, hm? He too is still fighting believing in justice.

White Fang pilot: He destroyed OZ's Mobile Dolls in the blink of an eye... Is this the power of a Gundam?!

Wufei: Throw away your weapons!

Wufei: Throw away all your weapons! When weaklings carry weapons you are defeated by your own hearts and commit mindless violence! Weaklings shouldn't fight!

Noin: You never change, Chang Wufei. Do you remember me? We met at the Lake Victoria Base.
Wufei: So you're that woman.
Noin: Lucrezia Noin is my name. It's amazing, isn't it? I no longer feel any anger(?) towards you. Compared to the vastness of space, my humiliation is a tiny thing.
Wufei: It doesn't seem like you've come to fight.
Noin: I want to borrow your strength. No, the strength of all the Gundam pilots. I love space. And I love the Earth, too. I don't want to hurt either. So I need strength, in order to build peace. As Gundam pilots, you should be able to understand my feelings. Will you help?
Wufei: Is this about the Sank Kingdom? But that country has already been destroyed. Why are you still fighting?
Noin: The country was destroyed, there's no question about it. But the precious spirit of the Sank Kingdom still lives. I want to protect that spirit.
Wufei: That's just the kind of thing a woman would think of. But I'll follow my own path. I don't take orders from anyone!

Hilde: Duo.
Duo: Hm? Ah, sorry! I've finished organizing this.
Hilde: Duo, you're concerned about that person, aren't you?
Duo: Yeah. Seeing him like that, a guy who was a Gundam pilot just like me... And then, what's going to become of the Colonies from now on? I've been thinking of a lot of different stuff...
Hilde: What are you talking like that for?
Duo: Huh?
Hilde: You're going down the road you believe in, right? You were the one who said that.
Duo: Yeah, you're right. Well then, let's get some work done.
Hilde: There's some new work. Mobile Suit engineers wanted at a resource satellite. ...Huh?
Duo: What is it, Hilde?
Hilde: This resource satellite belongs to the Winner family.
Duo: The Winner family?
Hilde: I'd heard that all work had been suspended since the family head was killed, but...
Duo: It looks like Master Quatre is coming back.

Quatre: I see. I'll leave it to y-
Duo: Hey! Quatre. It's been a while, huh?
Quatre: Duo!

Duo: This is the Winner family for you! What a great view. I guess you're running all this?
Quatre: No. My sisters are administering all the property for me right now. We're saying that I've disappeared.
Duo: Because you're a Gundam pilot? Quatre. Where have you been?
Quatre: On the Earth. I went there with Heero, to think about what I should do.
Duo: And? Did you come up with an answer?
Quatre: I'm going to fight. That's why I've been looking for all of you. There were a lot of kind people on the Earth. Really, the Colonies are the same. I want to build a society where everyone can live in peace. That's why I want to defend the pacifist ideals of the Sank Kingdom.
Duo: Pacifism... I wonder if such a society could exist?
Quatre: Duo?
Duo: I've always fought for the Colonies. I was enough, fighting by myself. I didn't want anyone else to suffer that way. And now the Colonies have started to fight a war. From now on, lots more people will die. I might be losing my faith. In the future we dreamed of. I wonder if peace is just a dream that could never come true.
Quatre: Once I made a mistake. I don't think I can be forgiven, but I want to risk everything to atone. That means keeping dreams of peace from being blotted out. If the dream is lost, then everything is finished.
Duo: Maybe so. But I guess a dark future suits Shinigami...
Quatre: Duo...
Duo: Aaaah, this place is too fancy for me, I'd better be going. ...If you're looking for the other Gundam pilots, you'll want to see him too I guess.
Quatre: Duo-- You mean...

Relena: Be strong, Relena. The fate of the world is resting on your shoulders. ...Heero.

Quatre: Here...?

Trowa: I know. Hang on, I'll feed you.

Quatre: Trowa! Trowa! It's Trowa, isn't it?!
Trowa: Who are you?
Quatre: Trowa!
Trowa: Do you know me?
Quatre: Trowa! Don't you recognize me?
Catherine: Trowa! Go over there.
Trowa: But, Neesan...
Quatre: Neesan (sister) ?
Catherine: Just do it! I'll feed the animals, so you go help the ringmaster, okay?
Quatre: Wait!
Catherine: What did you come here for?! You plan to take Trowa away to the battlefield again?!
Quatre: Who are you?
Catherine: That child is my little brother, a child of this circus!
Quatre: But, he-
Catherine: I don't want to let him suffer any more. That child has lost his memory. And his past is so painful, I don't want him to remember!
Quatre: It's, it's my fault. I'm sorry. Trowa sacrificed himself to make right my mistake. It's not something I can be forgiven for just by apologizing, but I am truly sorry.
Catherine: If you feel that way then consider that Trowa is happy here with us now.
Quatre: I'm sorry... Trowa...

Trowa: Who is... that...? I know him... I feel for him...


Duo: Hey, partner! What do you want to do? Keep fighting?
Duo: Aah, yeah, you're right. This isn't like me. ...I wonder if Quatre got to see Trowa...?

Ringmaster: Catherine, Trowa! The house is packed! Good luck today!
Catherine: Leave it to us! We'll show you a performance that the customers will remember all their lives... Right, Trowa? ...Trowa?

Quatre: What is it?
Man in suit: Quatre-sama, there are OZ and White Fang units engaged in combat and heading for this area. If nothing is done, it's possible that we will be caught in the middle.
Quatre: Why?! When the people here only want to live quietly in peace?!

White Fang pilot: Shit, you OZ scum! Bringing the fight to the Colony!

Ringmaster: Everyone, lead the customers out. Whoever's free is to take care of the animals!

Catherine: Trowa!

Catherine: Are you okay? Trowa?
Trowa: I'm cold. I'm scared. Something's coming.
Catherine: It's okay, it's okay. I'm here with you.
Trowa: Neesan...
Catherine: Trowa.
Quatre: Trowa!
Quatre: This place is dangerous! Hurry and get to a place of safety.(?)
Catherine: What's happening?
Quatre: A battle. A Mobile Suit fight is beginning near the Colony.
Catherine: Why? We just want to live quietly in peace! How much must we sacrifice before they are satisfied?! I can't stand it anymore! I can't stand to lose any more loved ones.
Trowa: Don't cry, Neesan. I'll protect you.
Catherine: Trowa...
Quatre: I don't want to lose any one else either. You-- you created my heart for me. So this time I'll protect everyone. That's what Gundams were made for, right?

OZ pilot: Alright! Keep on like this and [something unintelligible].
OZ pilot: What?! Someone's joining the battle? Th-that's a Gundam!
Quatre: I won't let you hurt the Colony any more!

Catherine: Trowa! Trowa. Where are you going?
Trowa: He's calling me.
Catherine: No one's calling you.
Trowa: I know it. He's crying.
Catherine: No! You've suffered so much, and you think you're going back to fight again?
Trowa: I feel like I heard this somewhere a long time ago: Acting according to our feelings is the right way for humans to live.
Catherine: You're really going to go, aren't you. Your stubbornness hasn't changed a bit. Idiot.
Trowa: I promise I'll make it back alive, Neesan.
Catherine: Trowa... You really are... such an idiot, you know?

Quatre: I've got to finish this!
Quatre: Trowa?

Relena: Come in.
Dorothy: Relena-sama, are your preparations complete?
Relena: Yes.
Dorothy: Then, shall we go?
Dorothy: The day has finally come for Relena-sama to stand at the top of the world. Everyone was surprised!
Dorothy: I'm happy, as if it were me. Oh, Relena-sama, that expression won't do! Please, smile. Starting today you are the queen of the world.

Relena: To all people on the Earth and in space. I, Relena Peacecraft, have today become the leader of the Romafeller Foundation. However, this was not for the benefit of the Romafeller Foundation. I feel this is the important first step on a path that we all can walk together to eliminate strife in society, and to bring about an age of peace. Everyone, please throw away your weapons and stop fighting. I'm sure that we are all wishing for the same future. Won't you join me in traveling to that future? Leaving behind this nation that has been the cause of so much strife, and thinking of the whole Earth as one country, I declare the establishment of a new world nation.

Treize: The Foundation is thinking. Certainly, Relena has the ability to sway public opinion. But the Romafellers have not considered the large risk to themselves...

Heero: Relena...

Translation by Katherine and ADK.

Gundam Wing Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency
The GW Archive sea

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