Gundam Wing


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The Characters Of Gundam Wing......

Heero Yuy

This mysterious youth was sent from the L1 space colony cluster to fight against Oz. He goes by the alias Heero Yuy, after the martyred leader of the space colonies; his real name, like almost everything else about him, is unknown.

Heero has been trained since childhood for his role as pilot of the Wing Gundam, an upbringing that has made him cold and ruthless. But thanks to his years of training, Heero has become a perfect soldier equally skilled in personal combat, explosives, and computer hacking

Duo Maxwell

Duo is a member of the scavenger organization known as the Sweeper Group, which sent him to Earth to battle Oz. Despite the hardships he's suffered in his young life, and the seriousness of his mission, Duo is always cheerful and good-natured.

But when he goes into battle as pilot of the Gundam Deathscythe, striking from the shadows with its lethal beam scythe, he truly earns his nickname "God of Death".

Trowa Barton

The most mysterious of the Gundam pilots, the young man who calls himself Trowa was sent to Earth as the pilot of the Gundam Heavyarms.

The cool, quiet Trowa has nerves of steel and superb reflexes, qualities which serve him well in his cover identity as an acrobatic clown in a traveling circus troupe. He also has soldiering experience far beyond his years. When combined with his heavily-armed Gundam, Trowa's tactical skill and combat ability make him a veritable one-man army.

Quatre Reberba Winner

Quatre is a young aristocrat, the thirtieth child - and only son - of a wealthy family of space colony developers. Though he's the most tender-hearted and gentle of the Gundam pilots, Quatre is just as brave and determined, and has defied his family's wishes in order to join the battle against Oz.

Quatre is aided by a troop of forty loyal underlings and can draw on the Winner family's vast resources, assets which more than make up for his relative lack of fighting skill.

Chang Wufei

Relena Darlian

Relena is the pampered daughter of the Earth Alliance's vice minister for foreign affairs. Her father is responsible for the negotiations with the space colonists, an assignment which leaves Mr. Darlian little time for his wife and child. Her family's wealth and status make Relena the star of her private school's social scene, but do little to reduce her boredom and loneliness.

When her quiet existence is disrupted by the Gundam pilots, this poor little rich girl discovers her own, previously untapped, reserves of strength and courage.

Sally Po

Sally Po is a former member of OZ that leaves the organization after witnessing the cruel treatment Heero receives at the hands of its officials.

After leaving OZ, she journeys back to her old homeland in Southeast Asia. There, she discovers that her country is on the brink of a revolution of sorts. Joining the rebel forces, Sally leads numerous missions to help the cause. It is on one of these missions that Sally encounters new friend and ally Chang Wu Fei.

Catherine Bloom

A talented acrobat and knife-thrower, Catherine is the star performer of Trowa's circus troupe. At first, she finds Trowa somewhat creepy, but she eventually warms up to her clown comrade and ultimately comes to think of him as a surrogate little brother.


Howard is one of the original Gundam scientists. It was he that designed and built the first mobile suit (the Tallgeese) that provided the foundation for the creation of all other mobile suits. Howard is a good friend of Duo Maxwell and is a member of "the Sweeper Group".

Doctor J

The creator of Gundam Wing, and the caretaker and trainer of Heero Yuy. He is noted for his goggled eyes and half-cyborg body.

Doctor S

The creator of Gundam Heavyarms, assigned Trowa as the pilot of Heavyarms. He has a weird nose thingy that he wears. Instructor H:
The creator of Gundam Sandrock. He taught Quatre how to pilot his Gundam. He has a neat mustache.

Master O

The creator of Gundam Shenlong, and later the Gundam Altron. He was the trainer of Wufei in both martial arts and as a Gundam pilot. He is tall, strongly built and with a bald head.

Professor G

The creator of Gundam Deathscythe, and later the Gundam Deathscythe HELL. He is responsible for the training of Duo Maxwell, and is distinguished by his large mushroom like hair style and long pointy nose.

Rasid Kurama

Rasid Kurama is a well built Arabian with a strong sense of dedication and justice. Like the other Maganacs, he was born a test tube baby, but does not let that fact interfere with his life. As he told Quatre when the youth was fussing over the same fact, it doesn't matter where you came from, but what you do with your life now. Honor and the fight for peace are two of the highest priorites in Rasid's life, as well as the safety of his men and Quatre.

Hilde Schbeiker

Hilde Schbeiker (obviously German in origin because of her name, hehe) was a top new recruit into the ranks of OZ, but after meeting with Duo, she learned the errors of her way. She learned that though she was fighting for the right cause, she was on the wrong side. And so, Hilde joined Duo and his alliance.

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